


Emerald,英語單詞,主要用作名詞和形容詞,意為“翡翠、翠綠色的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈemərəld] 美 [ˈemərəld]
n. 翡翠綠寶石;翠綠色;尺娥;蜻蛉豆娘;一種小型蜂鳥(羽亮綠色,翼尾色深,主要產於加勒比地區和中美洲)
adj. 翠綠色的,鮮綠色的
【名】 (Emerald)(美、俄、印、澳、馬)埃默拉爾德(人名)
[ 複數 emeralds ] [1] 


emerald green 鮮綠色 ; 翠綠 ; 鮮綠
emerald black 墨玉綠 ; 本月幸運數字
Emerald Necklace 綠寶石項鍊 ; 翡翠項鍊 ; 翡翠項煉 ; 祖母綠項鍊
Emerald greet 翡翠綠色 ; 翡青翠色 ; 翡翠
Emerald Wedding 週年 ; 翠玉婚 ; 綠寶石婚


One time in Brooklyn, I found an emerald ring in my cab. 一次在布魯克林,我發現車裏有一枚祖母綠鑽戒。
She told the artist, "Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets, and a ruby pendant." 她告訴那位肖像畫家説:“畫戴着鑽石耳環、鑽石項鍊、祖母綠手鐲,還有紅寶石垂飾的我。”
In my mind, it had become like the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gang run through the poppies: a faux backdrop. 在我印象中,它曾經如同一座翡翠城,但後來桃樂西一夥跑過了罌粟花:一個人為的背景。
They named the project Emerald Sea and recreated an 1878 painting by that name in front of the elevators where they worked, according to the book. 書中寫道,他們將該項目命名為“翡翠海”,並將這幅1878年的畫作複製了一張,掛在辦公室電梯的前面。
On Oct. 10, a quake occurred very near the Emerald Crystal and was reported nationally. Unlike "usual" tectonic quakes, it did not scare the animals. 10月10日,翡翠水晶附近發生地震,全國都有報道。與“尋常”的構造地震不同,這次地震沒有嚇到動物。
At the very center was a hill and on top of the hill the majestic and stunning Temple of Poseidon, which was visible from everywhere in the holy emerald city. 其最中心點是座小山丘,在山頂上是雄偉壯觀的波塞冬神廟,在神聖的翡翠城的任何地方都能看到它。
At home, in your emerald bowers. 在家裏,在你翡翠的樹蔭中。
On each side of the emerald there's a diamond. 在綠寶石的兩邊各鑲着磚石。
The second piece is emerald ring, it's very valuable. 第二件是一個綠寶石戒指,價值連城。
It's made of gold and in the middle there's a big green emerald. 它是純金打造的,在中間鑲嵌着一大顆綠寶石。
IT IS 7am at Kabiyet Dairies in the emerald hills of western Kenya. 早上七點在Kabiyet奶場,坐落於肯尼亞西部的翡翠山丘上。
The deep emerald of the iconic Star Ferry echoes the seaweed green waters. 標誌性的天星小輪的深綠色與淺綠色的水面交相輝映。
The Americans’ night-vision goggles cast the scene in pixellated shades of emerald green. 美國士兵的夜視鏡上翡翠綠的pixellatedshades(應該是一種鏡片名稱,未查證)投射出了現場的景象。
Instead of the walls whispering of emerald green, claret and sky blue, they now shout luxury. 這些牆壁並沒有閃耀着翡翠綠,葡萄紅,天空藍,它們現在只是在叫囂着一種奢華。
Heavy rains have washed nutrients into the lake, turning the usually clearer waters emerald green. 暴雨已將養分衝入湖中,把一向清澈的湖水變成了翠綠色。
Jell-O crystals were stuck over all the horses in the Emerald City palace to lend them their colour. 翡翠城中的馬身上被粘上了水晶綠的果凍,所以看起來是綠色的。
The coal will be taken from the Galilee Basinnear Alpha, west of the Queensland town of Emerald. 煤炭將採自昆士蘭州綠寶石鎮以西、阿爾法附近的加利利盆地。
The golden hilt is ornamented with three large emeralds, topped by a golden watch with an emerald lid. 金制的刀柄裝飾有三顆大綠寶石,頂部是金色手錶和翠綠色的蓋子。
The engagement ring is an emerald, and thedim light from the window is refracted green and white in it. 那對訂婚戒指是綠寶石的,在室內微弱的光線下它們泛着幽幽的綠色的光。
She recently toured her investment and wandered among the emerald-green fields of soybeans and oats. 最近她親自視察了投資品,在種植大豆和燕麥的綠色田地中徜徉。
Indeed it was the ionic fog that occurs around and with dimensional 'worm holes'. It was the Emerald Crystal. 事實上,這是發生在次元間“蟲洞”周圍的離子霧,那就是翡翠水晶。
She told the artist, Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant. 她告訴那位肖像畫家説:“畫我戴着鑽石耳環、鑽石項鍊、祖母綠手鐲,還有紅寶石垂飾。”
Now, after 5 years of study, Cane plans to give thousands of the emerald-green bees to growers and beekeepers. 現在,經過5年的研究,凱恩計劃把上千只這種翡翠綠蜜蜂贈給種農和養蜂人。 [1] 