

詞    性


英[ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn]美[ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn] [1] 


Electrician certificate 電工證 ; 電工操作證
head electrician 首席燈光師 ; 電工領隊
electrician knife 電工刀
studio electrician 攝影棚照明師 ; 攝影棚照明組長 ; 工作室電工 ; 照明師
lighting electrician 照明電工
second electrician 二等電機員 ; 電機員
junior electrician 初級電工
Master electrician 高級電工 ; 燈光組長 ; 電工負責人
mine electrician 礦山電工 ; 煤礦電工 [1] 


  • 1He was an electrician by profession.他的職業是電工。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The only electrician we could get hold of was miles away.我們惟一能夠聯絡上的電工在幾英里之外。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The electrician bungled the wiring job.電工笨拙地做接線工作。
  • 4An electrician repaired the cooker.一位電工修理了這炊具。
  • 5The electrician refitted my old radio set.電工將我的舊收音機加以改裝。
  • 6I think you'll have to get an electrician.我想得派一個電工來修一下才行。
  • 7The electrician killed the live circuit.那位電工切斷了通電電路。
  • 8One, an electrician, was arrested in Dublin.其中一名電工在愛爾蘭首都都柏林被捕。
  • 9I'll send for an electrician (doctor...)我給您請電工(大夫……)。
  • 10I've heard an electrician got hurt when he hiked.我聽説有個電工在高空檢修電線時摔傷了。
  • 11I'll send for an electrician (doctor,......)我給您請電工(大夫……)。
  • 12She said she would find an electrician for us.她説她要給我們找一個電工技師。
  • 13We need an electrician to fix our light switch.我們需要一個電工來修理電燈開關。
  • 14A plumber and an electrician donated their services.管工和電工免費提供服務。
  • 15Mr. Marshall was an electrician with elegant manners.馬歇爾先生是個有着優雅風度的電學家。
  • 16I'll send for an electrician from the maintenance department.我去請維修部的電工來。
  • 17An electrician should be called immediately to avoid a fire hazard.這時候你應該立即聯繫電工,以避免火險。
  • 18If you have a short in your electrical system, call an electrician.如果你的線路短路了,那就叫個電工來。
  • 19He was an employee of the Edison Company. He stayed on as an electrician.當時他是愛迪生公司的職員,後來留下當了電工。
  • 20We'll send an electrician to help you with the installation immediately.我們會立刻派一位電工協助你們完成安裝程序。
  • 21An electrician peels the dead rat out of the high voltage box for the electric chair.一個電工將死老鼠從為電椅通電的高壓電箱中取了下來。
  • 22Electrician: If you ever find me face down in the gutter, turn me around to my back.電工:如果你要是看見我倒在排水溝下面了,就把我的背翻過來。
  • 23Before I became a writer, I worked for 10 years as an electrician, until I suffered asbestos poisoning.我成為一位作家之前,曾做過十年的電工,直到遭受石棉中毒。
  • 24"It's very hard to survive here, because we're not allowed to work," says Mr. Udik, an electrician.在這裏想維持生計太難了,因為我們被禁止從事工作。電氣工udik先生説。
  • 25Think about it, in 100 years do you think anybody is going to care if you were an electrician or a plumber?想想看,100年前誰會關心你是個電工還是水管工呢? [1] 