
Electric Chapel

《Electric Chapel》是美國女歌手Lady Gaga的一首歌曲,收錄在Lady Gaga於2011年5月23日發行的第二張錄音室專輯《Born This Way》。
Electric Chapel
Born This Way
Lady Gaga

Electric Chapel創作背景

Electric Chapel Electric Chapel
Electric Chapel 是Lady GaGa2011年新專輯《Born This Way》中的歌曲。同樣是一首復古流行電子樂,行雲流水,沒有一絲胡亂堆砌。其中的電吉他尤為驚豔,配上GaGa的聲音,讓人忍不住説“贊”。

Electric Chapel歌詞

My body is sanctuary
My blood is pure
Do do do, do do do do
You want me bad
I think you're cool
But I'm not sure
Do do do, do do do do
Follow me, don't be such a holy fool
Follow me, I need something more from you
It's not about sex or champagne, you holy fool
Do do do, do do do do [1] 
If you want me, meet me at Electric Chapel
If you want me, meet me at Electric Chapel
If you wanna steal my heart away,
Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place
Come on, meet me in Electric Chapel
Confess to me, where you have been
Next to the bar
Do do do, do do do do
Pray for your sins
Right under the glass disco ball
Do do do, do do do do
Follow me, don't be such a holy fool
Follow me, I need something sacred from you
Together we'll both find a way
To make your love work in a dirty way
If you want me, meet me at Electric Chapel
If you want me, meet me at Electric chapel
If you wanna steal my heart away
Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place
Come on meet me, in Electric Chapel
Oh, oh, uh uh uh, ah ah
Meet me, meet me
If you want me, meet me at Electric Chapel
Meet me, meet me, oh
If you want me, meet me at Electric Chapel
If you wanna steal my heart away,
Meet me, meet me, baby in a safe place
Come on meet me, in Electric Chapel
Meet me

Electric Chapel相關歌手

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga(15張)
Lady Gaga,美國當紅著名流行歌手,國際樂壇最具影響力天后,世界樂壇超級天后。曾受到David Bowie、Michael Jackson、Madonna皇后樂隊在內藝人的影響,以至於在流行音樂中用華麗且特立獨行的形象知名,並貫徹在自己的日常穿着與表演融入到音樂錄像帶中。2008年發佈首張專輯《The Fame》後迅速掀起熱潮,其中囊括了冠軍單曲“Just Dance”與“Poker Face”。其後作品“Bad Romance”MV更引起全球模仿潮。2010年被《時代》週刊評為百大最有影響力文化人物之一。最新專輯《Born This Way》於2011年5月發行,並在全球各大唱片市場銷量排行榜奪得冠軍,同年6月被《福布斯》雜誌評為世界百位名人之首。至今Gaga的專輯銷量在全球已超過2000萬張,單曲銷量達到6400萬張,其中部分單曲更是有史以來銷量最高的,曾多次榮獲各大音樂典禮大獎,全球各大音樂頒獎典禮幾乎榜上有名。