

discoverer,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“發現者”。 [1] 
詞    性


Discoverer Vanguard 指揮型發現者
The discoverer 發現者
Boreas discoverer 北風探險家
Discoverer ATS 縱橫者
Discoverer Spirit 發現者精神
World Discoverer 世界發現者號
discoverer admin 中如何增加用户
Discoverer satellite 發現者 [1] 


  • 1Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of the element radium.居里夫人這位鐳元素的發現者,將永遠為人們所懷念。
  • 2Once a discovery claim becomes public, the discoverer receives intellectual credit.一旦一項發現得到公開,發現者就可獲得知識信用。
  • 3The Athlete, the Lecturer, the Scientific Discoverer was a laughable, lovable, healthy young human thing.這位運動員、演説家、科學發現者是有趣的、討人喜歡的、健康的年輕人。
  • 4Just five years later an element with the proper atomic mass was isolated and named gallium by its discoverer.僅僅5年後,一種具有適當原子質量的元素被分離出來,並被發現者命名為鎵。
  • 5I shall be a Scientific Discoverer.我將成為一個科學探索家。
  • 6Unusual in the Grotte Chauvet, as the cave is now called in honor of its discoverer, are paintings of many flesh-eating animals.如今的 Grotte Chauvet 洞穴是為了紀念其發現者而如此命名的,它的不同尋常之處在於,洞穴中有許多食肉動物的畫像。
  • 7A discoverer manager and associated workflow.發現程序管理器和相關的工作流。
  • 8The strait was named after its discoverer.這個海峽是以它的發現者命名的。
  • 9Columbus was the discoverer of the New Continent.哥倫布是新大陸的發現者。
  • 10The discoverer claimed the island for the nation.那個發現者宣佈該島屬於他的國家。
  • 11The island was named after its discoverer, Tasman.這個島是以它的發現者塔斯曼的名字來命名的。
  • 12Tasmania was named after its discoverer, A. J. Tasman.塔斯曼尼亞島是以其發現者塔斯曼的名字命名的。
  • 13In general, comets are named after their discoverer, either a person.總的來説,彗星是以發現者,或者説是人的名字命名的。
  • 14Madame Curie will long be remembered as the discoverer of radium.人們將永遠記住居里夫人是鐳的發現者。
  • 15The discoverer will also have the privelage of naming the particle!發現者還享有對發現微粒的命名權!
  • 16The attacker is often security vulnerabilities discoverer and users.攻擊者往往是安全漏洞的發現者和使用者。
  • 17If it hadn't been for clouds, Galileo may have been the discoverer of Neptune.如果不是被雲遮擋,伽利略可能已成為海王星的發現者。
  • 18Machiavelli is the founder, the discoverer, the inventor of the modern state.馬奇亞·維利是創始人,發明人,他發明了現代國家。
  • 19The process is referred to as non-enzymatic browning or Maillard reaction, named after the discoverer.這個進程叫非酶褐變或美拉德反應(以它的發現者命名)。
  • 20In truth, Dr Watson, co-discoverer of the double-helical structure of DNA back in the 1950s, had a point.事實上,在1950年當沃森博士合作發現DNA的雙螺旋結構的時候,他的斷言的確有一定的道理。
  • 21Finding it would virtually guarantee the discoverer a Nobel prize-shared jointly, no doubt, with Dr Higgs.發現玻色子的無疑會和Higgs博士同享諾貝爾獎。
  • 22But there were some who were jealous of the discoverer, and as ready to find fault as others were to praise.但是有些人卻嫉妒這位發現者,他們在別人讚揚他時吹毛求疵。
  • 23A discoverer shall have the right to apply for and receive certificates of discovery, bonuses or other awards.發現人有權申請領取發現證書、獎金或者其他獎勵。
  • 24Where would a so-called ‘great’ like Frederick Banting (discoverer of insulin) be, if he could not access information about the pancreas?如果有關胰腺的信息不能為人們所獲取的話,到哪裏去找所謂“偉大的”Frederick Banting (胰島素的發現者)呢? [1] 