


discord,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、不及物動詞,作名詞時譯為“(Discord)人名;(法)迪斯科爾”,作不及物動詞時譯為“不一致;刺耳”。 [1] 
詞    性
類    型


discord /ˈdɪskɔːd/ CET6+ TEM4
1.N-UNCOUNTDiscord is disagreement and argument between people. 不和 [文學性] [1] 


sow discord 搬弄是非 ; 挑拔 ; 挑撥離間 ; 離間
international discord 國際糾紛 ; 翻譯
discord planned 計劃的不和諧 ; 計劃矛盾 ; 不和諧的計劃
Curse Discord 迷魅之咒
family discord 家庭不和
parental discord 父母不和
nsow discord 搬弄是非
Discord Games 深淵礦坑
T Discord 哥特搖滾 [1] 


  • 1Many are being plagued by family discord, a problem that boils down to the lack of a sense of family responsibility.很多人都受到家庭不和的困擾,這一問題可以歸結為家庭責任感的缺失。
  • 2All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritative timekeeper; but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife.所有這些都與舊的設備兼容,只要只有一個權威的計時器;但隨着城市的發展和時間信號的倍增,報時的差異導致了不和與衝突。
  • 3The traffic sounds discord.交通噪音刺耳。
  • 4Harmony has yielded to discord.和諧已經讓位給了不和諧。
  • 5He sowed discord among his friends.他在朋友中間挑撥離間。
  • 6They could've heard words of anger and discord.他們也許曾聽過憤怒與不和諧的言辭。
  • 7This causes a discord in your relationship.這會讓你們的關係變得混亂。
  • 8Where there was harmony she brought discord.哪兒有和諧,她就把紛爭帶到哪裏。
  • 9She repulses Discord, represented by snakes.她厭惡不和,以蛇為代表。
  • 10And this cycle of suspicion and discord must end.我們必須打破這種由懷疑和紛爭所引起的惡性循環。
  • 11First, there's discord over the threat posed by Iran.第一,對於伊朗的威脅論存在分歧。
  • 12People start evading taxes; there's a lot of discord.人們開始逃避税收;產生了很多紛爭。
  • 13Marital discord and dissatisfaction (perpetrators and victims).婚姻不和及不滿(實施者和受害者)。
  • 14We would rather there not be any discord in our society today.我們不願意看到在我們當今的社會中存在任何不和諧。
  • 15At least they won't associate you with discord and difficulty.至少他們不會把你和那些混亂和麻煩聯繫在一起。
  • 16Here's a little advice that might help you avoid matrimonial discord.以下的幾條建議,也許能幫助你避免婚姻危機。
  • 17I feel that if this doesn't happen this situation will lead to discord and grudge.我想如果不對你進行批評,將會導致不和以及怨恨。
  • 18In its discord, the G-20 merely reflects the landscape of this dynamic 21st century.20國集團的分歧只是反映了21世紀的動態格局。
  • 19One of his main themes is the discord between lofty American ideals and mucky American reality.本書的一個重要主題就是一種美國崇高理想和骯髒現實之間的衝突。
  • 20We should try to talk with each other about our feelings, so there will be no discord among us.我們應該談談彼此的感想,這樣才不會意見不合。
  • 21They harmonize best while asleep and the mindset that is in discord ceases to disturb their peace.他們在睡覺的時候處在最和協的狀態,定見中那紛爭的部分停止了,停止去打擾他們的和平了。
  • 22At a wedding party Eris, the goddess of discord, threw a golden apple bearing the words "For the fairest!"在新婚宴會上,不和女神厄里斯拋出一隻寫有“獻給最美麗的人”字樣的金蘋果。
  • 23She explains how he was brought to Wuthering Heights as a child and spread discord among the Earnshaw family.她解釋了他是怎樣來到了呼嘯山莊,並且在恩肖家引起眾多的不和諧。
  • 24At least 2m people, mostly southerners, have died in the course of marital discord spread over 50 years.過去50年的種族衝突,造成至少200萬人死亡;其中大多數是南方人。
  • 25On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.在這一天,我們聚在一起,因為我們選擇希望而非恐懼,有意義的團結而非紛爭和不合。
  • 26Their anxiety is the same as that of the reluctant researchers: they fear that such tests will sow doubt and discord.就像那些不情願的研究者們的焦慮一樣:他們擔心這種測試會帶來各種猜疑和夫妻不和。
  • 27One of the most idyllic times in my life began with strife and discord -- in the professional baseball world, that is.我生活中最美好的時光之一是開始於職業棒球聯盟出現的衝突與不和。 [1] 