


Diameter,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“直徑;放大倍數”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [daɪˈæmɪtə(r)] 美 [daɪˈæmɪtər]
n. 直徑;放大倍數
[ 複數 diameters ] [1] 


diameter /daɪˈæmɪtə/ CET4 TEM4
1.N-COUNT The diameter of a round object is the length of a straight line that can be drawn across it, passing through the middle of it. 直徑 [also 'in' N] [1] 


particle diameter 粒徑;顆粒直徑,粒子直徑
pipe diameter 管直徑
inner diameter 內徑
hole diameter 孔直徑;刃口直徑
pore diameter 孔徑;孔隙直徑
outside diameter 外直徑
outer diameter 外直徑
inside diameter 內徑
diameter ratio 直徑比;內外徑比;直徑螺距比
average diameter n. 平均直徑;算術平均徑
internal diameter 內直徑
pitch diameter 節圓直徑
mean diameter 平均直徑;中徑;二次平均直徑
major diameter 大直徑,外徑;螺紋大徑,大徑
bore diameter 孔徑,內徑
external diameter 外徑
grain diameter 粒徑,顆粒直徑
wire diameter 線徑;焊絲直徑
nominal diameter 公稱直徑;標稱直徑
equivalent diameter 當量直徑 [1] 


  • The dome is 42.3 metres in diameter. 這個穹頂直徑為42.3米。
  • The axis of a circle is its diameter. 圓的對稱中心線就是直徑。
  • It turns out that the diameter is actually 2.5 centimeters. 它的直徑實際上是 2.5釐米。
  • The microscope can magnify the object 100 times in diameter. 這架顯微鏡能把物體的直徑放大100倍。
  • On Mars, there are relatively few craters less than 5 kilometers in diameter. 在火星上,直徑小於5公里的隕石坑相對較少。
  • The crater, now deeply buried in sediment, was originally about 200 kilometers in diameter. 這個隕石坑現在深埋在沉積物中,最初直徑約200公里。
  • The negatively charged region is large: several hundred meters thick and several kilometers in diameter. 帶負電荷的區域非常大:數百米厚,直徑達幾千米。
  • Nanocrystals, also known as quantum dots, are semiconducting particles with a diameter of a few millionths of a millimeter. 納米晶體,也被稱為量子點,是一種直徑只有百萬分之一毫米的半導體粒子。
  • It is mainly composed of a steel rectangular parallelepiped and two steel cylinders of the same diameter fixed at its two ends. 它主要由一鋼製長方體和固定在其兩端的兩個相同直徑的鋼製圓柱體組成。
  • Atlas, the flatter of the two, has a diameter of only 18 kilometers from pole to pole but is almost 40 kilometers across its waist. 阿特拉斯是兩者中較平整的一個,極點間的直徑只有18公里,但它的赤道周長卻有40公里。
  • The crown of thorns starfish is large, twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters in diameter, and has seven to twenty-one arms that are covered in spines. 棘冠海星很大,直徑長達25到35釐米,有7到21條手臂,上面佈滿了刺。
  • Some decisions, such as wall thickness and pin diameter, may depend on scientific calculations, but the nonscientific component of design remains primary. 有些決定,如壁厚和銷軸直徑,可能取決於科學的計算,但非科學的部分的設計仍然是首要的。
  • Emergents, which do not form a continuous layer, are usually the giants of the forest, reaching heights of 35 to 70 m or more, and trunk sizes of over 2 m in diameter. 不形成連續層的新生植物通常是森林中的巨人,高度可達35至70米或更高,樹幹直徑超過2米。
  • The channel is only a few centimeters in diameter, but that is wide enough for electrons to follow the channel to the ground in the visible form of a flash of lightning. 這個通道的直徑只有幾釐米,但它的寬度足以讓電子以閃電這樣看得到的形式隨着通道到達地面。
  • The largest terrestrial planet, Earth has a diameter only one quarter as great as the diameter of the smallest Jovian planet, Neptune, and its mass is only one seventeenth as great. 最大的類地行星地球的直徑僅僅是最小的類木行星海王星的四分之一,而且地球的質量僅僅是其質量的十七分之一。
  • One yard of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in.-diameter hatbox. 一碼的布料足夠罩住18英寸直徑帽盒的外部。
  • Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth. 它的直徑是地球直徑的53%。
  • Its huge leaves grow to 2.5m in diameter, and a fully-grown leaf can support a little kid sitting in the center. 它巨大的葉子可長到直徑2.5米長。一片發育完全的葉子可支撐一個孩子坐在其中央。
  • The falselumen and transaortic diameter were observed at 12 months after it. 術後12個月分別觀察患者的耳廓及經主動脈內直徑。
  • The measuring instrument can measure addendum circle and dedendum circle diameter of odd-tooth gears. 這種測量工具用以測量奇數齒齒輪的齒頂圓和齒根圓直徑。
  • A 4.75 inch diameter heavy wireline connected to a 5 inch studless chain using heavy shackles and link plates. 一根直徑為4.75英寸的重型電纜,使用重型卸扣和鏈節板連接至5英寸無釘鏈。
  • The results show that posterior height of vertebral body and Upper antero-posterior diameter of vertebral body are positive allometry. 結果表明,椎體後高、椎體上矢徑呈正異速生長。
  • The maximum penetration depth of gas flow is increased with the increase of gas momentum while the diameter of oxigen gunjet keeps constant. 氣流的最大穿透深度隨氣體動量的增加而增加,而氧氣噴槍的直徑保持恆定。
  • The objective is to evaluate that the measures of the largest transverse diameter and of average diameter affect the results of Mantoux test. 為了評估最大橫向直徑和平均直徑的測量值會影響曼託試驗的結果。
  • The large-diameter metal pipe connects the bell nipple to the possum belly. 大口徑金屬管道把鐘形導向短節與泥漿儲罐連接起來。
  • Hole diameter: 15mm (0.6inch). 自訂孔直徑:15mm(0.6英寸)。
  • Barringer crater is 1.2km in diameter. 巴林傑隕石坑的直徑有1.2千米。
  • So, a sixty millimetre diameter pebble. 所以,一個60毫米直徑的卵石。
  • Deimos is about 7.5 miles in diameter. 火衞二直徑約7.5英里。 [1] 