


devotion是一個英語單詞,名詞,意思是“獻身,奉獻;忠誠;熱愛 [1]  ”。
詞    性


英 [dɪˈvəʊʃn] 美 [dɪˈvoʊʃn] [1] 


Divine Devotion 宗教熱情 ; 宗教熱情提高神祇技的恢復速度 ; 減少神技能的恢復時間
Warped Devotion 歪曲的奉獻 ; 扭曲奉獻
Unconquerable devotion 千古女兒千古恨 ; 女兒千古恨
Devotion You 奉獻您 ; 奉獻你
Facility Devotion 資源投入
private devotion 私人敬禮以別於公開敬禮
sweet devotion 甜蜜的忠誠 [1] 


  • 1Their devotion was apparent.他們的忠誠顯而易見。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He recalled her devotion to her husband during his hour of need.他回想起她在丈夫需要幫助時所做出的無私奉獻。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3As a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty.作為戰士,他表現出了對其天職的無私奉獻。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4The teacher's selfless devotion to the cause of education is well known, and all her students respect and love her.大家都知道那位老師對教育的無私奉獻,所有學生都尊敬、愛戴她。
  • 5If you ask Japanese students to list the positive attributes they expect in a romantic partner, they rate highly things like loyalty, commitment and devotion.如果你讓日本學生列出他們對另一半所期望的積極品質的,他們會高度評價忠誠、承諾和奉獻等品質。
  • 6He's devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash, one that hangs quietly at their side as they trot along but occasionally yanks them back to safety and solid ground.他的忠誠使我的女兒們像一條仁慈的鏈子,當她們小跑時,這條鏈子靜靜地掛在她們身邊,但偶爾會把她們拉回安全、堅實的地面。
  • 7"If you ask Japanese students to list the positive attributes they expect in a romantic partner, they rate highly things like loyalty, commitment and devotion," says Sullivan.沙利文説:“如果你讓日本學生列出他們對另一半所期望的積極品質的,他們會高度評價忠誠、承諾和奉獻等品質。”
  • 8At first she was flattered by his devotion.最初他的摯愛使她感到受寵若驚。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9His devotion to his wife and family is touching.他對妻子和家人的關愛感人至深。《牛津詞典》
  • 10Her devotion to the job left her with very little free time.她全身心投入工作,幾乎沒有閒暇。《牛津詞典》
  • 11She visited him every day he was in the hospital. There's devotion for you.他住醫院時,她每天都去探望他。這才叫做盡心盡力。《牛津詞典》
  • 12Despite his constant protestations of devotion and love, her doubts persisted.儘管他一直宣稱愛她忠貞不渝,她的疑心尚存。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13Leslie Nielsen's devotion to acting is wonderfully inspiring.萊斯利·尼爾森對演藝事業的熱愛非常鼓舞人心。
  • 14Having no social life or interests but skating, my devotion brought me first-place medals in nearly every competition.除了滑冰,我沒有任何社交活動或興趣,我的專注和投入幾乎為我帶來了每場比賽的第一名獎牌。
  • 15His devotion to his country was expressed in his saying, "My career is in China, my success is in China and my destination is in China!"他對祖國的忠誠都體現在這句話中:“我的事業在中國,我的成就在中國,我的歸宿在中國!”
  • 16Mothers' devotion to children can hardly be calculated.母親對孩子的愛無以為計。
  • 17This guy was well respected for his devotion to charity work.他因投身於慈善事業而受人尊敬。
  • 18Certain phrases one commonly hears among Americans capture their devotion to individualism.在美國人中經常聽到的一些表達方式體現了他們對個人主義的熱愛。
  • 19He added that the King his father would not let her loyal kindness and devotion go unrewarded.他還説,他的父王不會讓她的忠誠和熱忱白費,一定會報答她。
  • 20You may have heard that Coca-Cola once contained an ingredient capable of sparking particular devotion in consumers: cocaine.你可能聽説過可口可樂曾經含有一種能讓消費者格外喜愛的成分:可卡因。
  • 21To worship someone or something is to venerate him, her, or it—not necessarily as you would revere a deity, but at least with extreme devotion or admiration.崇拜某人或某物,就是崇敬他、她或它——不一定要你像敬畏一個神那樣去做,但起碼要發自極度的虔誠或讚美。
  • 22He spent the whole evening assuring his mother of his love and devotion.他用了整整一個晚上向母親表達孝心。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 23Justice is devotion to one's own.正義即一個人的忠誠。
  • 24Devotion is the supreme symbol of love.奉獻是愛的至高象徵。
  • 25His devotion to the literary world.他全心奉獻給了文學世界。
  • 26Sports movies are all about devotion to the team.體育電影則是對團隊的奉獻。
  • 27The real name of devotion is disinterestedness.忠忱的真諦,就是忘我。
  • 28The health of nations requires a spirit of devotion.國家的興旺需要奉獻精神。
  • 29Elsewhere in the world the devotion is more selective.世界其他地方對其作品的喜好更挑剔。