

詞    性


英[dɪˈtekʃn]美[dɪˈtekʃn] [1] 


Change detection 變化檢測 ; 通過相減等操作將兩幅匹準圖像的像素加以比較從而檢測出其中物體差別的技術 ; 變化覺察 ; 變更檢波
corner detection 角檢測 ; 角點檢測 ; 角點提取 ; 角點檢測相關資源
heterodyne detection [電子] 外差檢測 ; 外差式檢波 ; [電子] 外差檢波
homodyne detection [通信] 零差檢測 ; 零差探測 ; 零拍探測 ; 同差檢測
Detection theory 信號檢測理論 ; 檢測論 ; 檢測原理
blob detection 斑點檢測 ; 點檢測
detection zone 探測範圍 ; 探測區域 ; 探測器能探測到異常狀態的最大範圍 ; 區域檢測
Detection System 檢測系統 ; 偵測系統 ; 顯現又可稱為檢測體系
leak detection [真空] 檢漏 ; 泄漏檢測 ; [真空] [製冷] 滲漏檢測 ; 泄漏探測 [1] 


  • 1Many problems, however, escape detection.然而許多問題卻未被察覺。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The plane is used for electronic jamming and radar detection.這架飛機用於進行電子干擾和雷達探測。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The simple detection of a radio signal will be sufficient to answer this most basic of all questions.對無線電信號的簡單探測就足以回答這個最基本的問題。
  • 4One recent project demonstrated the integration of existing sniper detection systems into the Land Warrior system's leader display.一個近期項目展示了現役狙擊手探測系統與“陸地勇士”系統先導顯示器的集成。
  • 5After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines."這項技術被髮明之後,武器設計者將其改造用來探測潛艇只是時間早晚的問題。
  • 6Combine these higher thought processes with our hardwired danger-detection systems, and you get a near-universal human phenomenon: worry.把這些高級思維過程與我們硬連線的風險探測系統結合起來,你就會得到一個幾乎普遍的人類現象:擔憂。
  • 7A company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.一家公司展示了一種新的語音技術,這種技術能夠製造逼真的人聲,能夠在不被察覺的情況下與接待員通話並預訂房間。
  • 8Early detection of cancers is vitally important.癌症的早期查出是極為重要的。《牛津詞典》
  • 9Last year the detection rate for car theft was just 13%.去年汽車盜竊案的偵破率僅為13%。《牛津詞典》
  • 10The new test should aid in the early detection of the disease.新的化驗應該有助於早早檢查出這種疾病。《牛津詞典》
  • 11Facial detection technology is also placed inside some large advertising boards.一些大型廣告牌也採用了面部識別技術。
  • 12One facial detection system can judge a person's "happiness" or "fear" level.一種面部檢測系統可對人的“快樂”或“恐懼”程度作出判斷。
  • 13The actually cool part of Du's ROV is the detection (探測) system.實際上,杜安娜的遙控潛水器最酷的部分是其探測系統。
  • 14Now, a similar technology, known as facial detection, is entering a new field: the business of advertising.如今,一種被稱作面部檢測的類似技術正在進入一個新的領域:廣告業。
  • 15This rat detection method doesn't rely on specialist equipment.這種針對老鼠檢測方法無需專門的設備。
  • 16The platypus genome reveals the animal held onto genes for odor-detection.鴨嘴獸的基因組還顯示其帶有氣味感覺的基因。
  • 17You know that Snort is an intrusion detection system, but how does it detect intrusion?您知道 Snort 是一種入侵檢測系統,但它是如何檢測入侵的呢?
  • 18Schistosomiasis is diagnosed through the detection of parasite eggs in stool or urine specimens.血吸蟲病的診斷方法是,檢測糞便或尿液標本中寄生蟲卵。
  • 19This produces the bleeding that allows detection through a guaiac test.這會引起出血,可以通過愈創木脂檢測法檢查出來。
  • 20First detection of fetal movement should occur at around 17 weeks in a multigravida.第一次感到胎動的時間經產婦應該發生在17周左右。
  • 21The ratio of signal to noise (S/N) is greatly improved through the phase sensitivity detection.通過相位靈敏度檢測,大大提高了信噪比。
  • 22The detection rate of Staphylococcus saprophyticus was the highest in secretion of omphalitis, and the next was Escherichia coli.在細菌性眼炎的分泌物中,腐生葡萄球菌的檢出率最高,其次是大腸桿菌。
  • 23This paper studied sensitivity, specificity and practical value and significance of ELISA in the detection of antibodies against Fasciolopsis buski in human sera.研究了薑片吸蟲成蟲冷浸抗原檢測薑片吸蟲病患者血清抗體的敏感性和特異性及其在流行病和臨牀上的應用價值。
  • 24Early detection saves lives.及早發現能夠挽救生命。
  • 25Detection is also getting harder.偵查過程也變得愈加困難。
  • 26Error detection in user code.用户模式下的錯誤檢測。
  • 27Take early detection seriously.重視早期檢查。
  • 28What is deviation detection?什麼是偏差檢測? [1] 