

詞    性
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Detach Element 分離元素 ; 分散元素
detach components 分離組件
detach resource 分離資源
Detach Request 分離請求
detach terminal 可拆離終端機
detach timer 隱式分離
detach fault 剝離斷層
view detach 視圖分離
detach ed 卸離 [1] 


  • 1The skis should detach from the boot if you fall.要是你跌倒了,滑雪板就該脱離靴子。《牛津詞典》
  • 2I tried to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events.我盡力使自己從這些可怕事件的現實中擺脱出來。《牛津詞典》
  • 3They clambered back under the falls to detach the raft from a jagged rock.他們爬回到瀑布下面以便將卡在鋸齒狀岩石間的小艇拉出來。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.這幫助他們從自己的問題中超脱出來,變得更加客觀。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5He would detach himself from the routines of life.他要使自己脱離日常生活的常規。
  • 6It is a pressure hard to detach from.這是一種難以擺脱的壓力。
  • 7Detach the data payload from the message.從消息中分離數據負載。
  • 8Attach or detach fragments (new in 10.00).附加或分離片段(10.00中新增)。
  • 9Detach and simplify and you minimize worry.超脱與精簡能夠最小化你的擔憂。
  • 10Select the agent and Detach in its pop-up menu.在彈出菜單中選擇agent和Detach。
  • 11However, you can detach and simply let them pass by.然而,你可以從中將自己分離,然後讓它們經過。
  • 12Detach a flow runtime engine from the flow debugger.從流調試器中分離流運行時引擎。
  • 13We "detach" the response entity, as discussed before.如上所述,我們“分離”了響應實體。
  • 14Open the gradblue10.jpg document and detach the image file.打開gradblue10 . jpg文檔並分離圖像文件。
  • 15The Shared memory is not destroyed even after all processes detach from it.即使在所有進程都與之脱離之後,這個共享內存也不會被銷燬。
  • 16When a person receives the email, they must detach the spreadsheet, edit it, and save it.當一個人收到電子郵件時,他們必須分離電子表格,編輯它並將其保存。
  • 17The target table of detach becomes available only after the asynchronous detach completes.只有在異步分離完成後,分離的目標表才可見。
  • 18They can also detach their tails if caught and will grow another without permanent damage.即使被捕獲仍可斷尾求生,並會長出新尾,不會留下永久創傷。
  • 19To detach a view, drag it outside the workbench window or right-click its TAB and select detach.要分離視圖,請將其拖到工作台窗口外部,或者右鍵單擊其選項卡並選擇Detach。
  • 20If you do that, you can detach yourself from the criticism emotionally and see what should be done.如果你這樣做了,你可以使自己不必情緒化地對待批判並去看能做些什麼。
  • 21If you happened to attach the closure to an event, then you would have to detach it from that event.如果碰巧該閉包函數跟某個事件綁定,那麼就必須要解綁定。
  • 22The response from supermarket-critics is to try to detach commercial success from popular legitimacy.對超級市場持批評態度者企圖將商業成功與大眾的合理性分隔開來。
  • 23This article explains the new two-phase detach behavior and lists some frequently asked questions around it.本文解釋了新的兩階段分離行為,並列出了相關的常見問題解答。
  • 24For DETACH operation: table level statistics of the resulting tables are rebuilt from the fragmented statistics.對於DETACH操作:生成的表的表級統計是使用片段統計重新構建的。
  • 25Note that while DETACH is online starting DB2 9.7.1, the syntax remains unchanged as demonstrated in Table 2.注意,要利用detach在線啓動DB 2 9.7.1時,其語法會如表2中一樣保持不變。
  • 26Because the connection is physical, not chemical, the charged particles can attach and detach almost instantly.由於是物理連接而非化學連接,帶電粒子可在瞬間相連或斷開。
  • 27This aircraft is equipped with inflatable slides that detach to form life rafts, not that it makes any difference.本飛機還備有充氣滑梯,用它們可以組成救生筏。不過那也是擺設。
  • 28The server can also efficiently rebuild table column statistics after ALTER FRAGMENT ATTACH or DETACH is executed.服務器還可以在執行alter FRAGMENT ATTACH或DETACH後有效地重新構建表列統計。
  • 29Put away (or "detach") the data that your application does not need by storing the data into some persistent data store.通過將數據存儲到一些永久性數據存儲中而收起(或“分離”)應用程序不需要的數據。
  • 30Replicate DML operations performed on the detached fragment after a detach fragment operation on a replicated table.在對一個複製表執行 detach fragment 操作後,複製在被分離分段上執行的 DML 操作。