


《Destiny》是芬蘭前衞金屬樂隊Stratovarius於2003年3月3日發行的專輯,由環球唱片公司發行。專輯中收錄有同名單曲《Destiny》。 [1] 
The time are changing so fast
I wonder how long it lasts
The clock is ticking time is runing out
The hatred fills this Earth
And for what is worth
We're in the end before we know
Throughout the years
I have struggled tofind the answer that I never knew
It strucked me like a million lightnings
And here I am telling to you
Every second of day it is coming your way
Future wuknow is here to stay
Got to open your mind of you will be led to astray
There is a time to live
There is a time to die
But no one can escape the DESTINY
Look all these thing we've done
Under the buring sun
Is this the way to carry on ?
so take a look at yourself
And tell me what do you see
A wolf in clothes of lamb?
Throughout the years
I have struggled tofind the answer that I never knew
It strucked me like a million lightnings
And here I am telling to you
Every second of day it is coming your way
Future wuknow is here to stay
Got to open your mind of you will be led to astray
There is a time to live
There is a time to die
But no one can escape the DESTINY
Let your spirit free
Through window of your mind
Unchain your soul from hate
All you need is faith
I control my life
I am the one
You control your life
But don't forget your destiny
It's time to say goodbye
I know it will make you cry
You make your destiny
I know you will find the way
And outside sun is bright
The things will be allright
I will be back one day to you
So please wait for me [1] 