


詞    性


v. (動詞)
  1. 使眼花,使眼花繚亂,使目眩
  2. 使迷惑,把…弄糊塗
  3. 使傾倒,使讚歎不已,使驚羨
  4. 耀眼,閃耀,晃眼,刺眼
  5. 使昏昏然,使茫然
  6. 照得眼發花,晃得...睜不開眼睛
  7. 使驚異不已
  8. 炫耀,眩(眼),(受強光而)目眩
n. (名詞)
  1. 令人讚歎的東西
  2. 耀眼,眩目,眩惑,炫耀,閃耀
  3. 令人眼花繚亂的東西
  4. 光亮,光彩,耀眼的光
  5. 燦爛 [2] 


英 [ˈdæzl] 美 [ˈdæzl] [1] 


Razzle Dazzle 超炫花招
dazzle system 迷裝法 ; 偽裝色彩
acoustic dazzle 聲干擾 ; [聲] 聲致眩暈
Miller dazzle 美樂炫
dazzle lamps 強光前燈 ; 汽車頭燈
dazzle suddenly 突然目眩
Blue Dazzle 藍色炫耀


  • 1Strong flashes do more than just dazzle one's friends—they distort the quality of the picture.強閃光不僅僅是閃得被拍的朋友眼花繚亂——強閃光也會使照片失真變形。
  • 2The candidates you meet are all going to try to dazzle you with their remarkable personalities, experience, work ethic, and love of teamwork.你看到的應聘者都會試着用他們非凡的性格、經驗、職業道德和對團隊合作的熱愛而讓你眼花繚亂。
  • 3The dazzle of stardom and status attracts them.明星和身份的耀眼光環吸引着他們。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4It did not dazzle enough.它不夠炫麗。
  • 5You can dazzle members of the opposite with your quick wit and aggressive charm.你可以在異性面前炫耀自己過人的才智和獨特的魅力。
  • 6At the time, it was only an educated guess that this so-called dazzle camouflage would work.那個時候,炫目偽裝能夠起作用只是出於一種經驗上的判斷。
  • 7"People you tell are going to cautiously and not so cautiously try to see the cancer, so dazzle them instead with your miracle," she writes in the book.她在書中這樣寫道:“你告知的人會謹慎又不那麼謹慎地探查你的癌症病情,那麼不如創造一個讓他們為之嘆服的奇蹟吧。”
  • 8The first effect was to dazzle him.最初的效果是眼花繚亂。
  • 9I dazzle people?我迷得別人暈頭轉向?
  • 10You don’t have to be the inventor of Louggle to dazzle women.你用不着發明louggle來征服女人。 但毋庸置疑,女人都是聰明的。
  • 11Ships, therefore, travel too slowly for dazzle camouflage to work.因此噴塗迷彩偽裝的軍艦航行速度過於緩慢是起不到迷惑敵軍作用的。
  • 12When You Don't Have Content, Dazzle Them With Complicated diagrams.當沒有內容,只有複雜的圖示困擾他們時。
  • 13Of course, the luxuries don't make you fall in love, but they do dazzle you.當然,奢侈品並不會讓你墮入情網,但是確能使你眼花繚亂。 當你迷失的時候,就很容易被人乘虛而入了。
  • 14Your ability to do detailed work will dazzle those who are less creative.做事周詳細緻讓你有足夠的能力在那些缺乏創意的人面前炫耀一番。
  • 15She does not dazzle, but she knows her stuff and has made no mistakes so far.她沒有光芒四射,但是她很清楚自己正在做的事情,並且至今為止沒有犯過錯誤。
  • 16But strong flashes do more than just dazzle one's friends-they distort the quality of the picture.不過強閃光不僅僅是閃得被拍的朋友眼花繚亂——強閃光也會使照片失真變形。
  • 17A variety of opera performances, acrobatics shows, paintings, calligraphy and food will dazzle you.各種戲劇表演,雜誌表演,繪畫,書法和食物會讓你眼花繚亂。
  • 18Seated at the table, I would try to blink my eyelids so as to catch the multicolored dazzle of the white-hot sky.我在桌旁坐下,試着眨眼以看見熱得發白的天空中耀眼的五彩。
  • 19Dazzle camouflage might well, however, have a role in protecting faster-moving vehicles, such as military Land Rovers.不過在保護快速奔馳的交通工具例如軍用陸虎時,這種炫目偽裝才起到一定作用。
  • 20Paul, who was hatched in Weymouth, England, may yet continue to dazzle the world with predictions from beyond the grave.保羅生於英格蘭韋茅斯,雖然它已經離世,但他生前的預測仍將影響後世。
  • 21He returned to Broadway almost three decades later, filling in as the razzle-dazzle lawyer Billy Flynn in "Chicago" in 2003.近30年後他重返百老匯,在2003年的《芝加哥》中扮演了絕無人性的律師Billy Flynn。
  • 22Thousands of men and women have been preparing to dazzle the world with their crisp steps and immaculate formations on Oct 1.數千名中華兒女一直在準備着。 10月1日那天,他們將用清脆整齊的步伐和完美無缺的隊形讓整個世界讚歎。
  • 23Spotlit in their own vitrine, they dazzle visitors to “Art in Miniature”, a special exhibition at Burghley House until October 31st.他們籠罩在玻璃櫥窗的聚光燈下,讓參觀者沉迷於“微型藝術”種,伯裏莊園的這個特展持續到10月31日。
  • 24Berlin's streetscapes and restaurants dazzle less than those of Paris or London. Apart from that, it is hard to find fault with the city.柏林的街景畫和餐廳也沒有巴黎、倫敦的那麼炫目多姿,但除此之外,也找不出柏林什麼毛病了。
  • 25American commanders report that China regularly fires powerful lasers into the sky, demonstrating their ability to dazzle or blind satellites.美軍指揮官報告説,中國定期向空中發射強力激光,展示他們有能力迷惑或致盲衞星。 [1] 