

deform是一個英語單詞,為動詞、形容詞,作動詞時意為“使變形;使成畸形;變形;變畸形”。作形容詞時意為“畸形的;醜陋的 [1]  ”。
詞    性


英 [dɪˈfɔːm] 美 [dɪˈfɔrm] [1] 


Spline Deform 樣條線變形
tensile deform 拉伸變形
Elastic deform 彈性變形
deform m 變形 ; 損壞 ; 使變形 ; 損壞…的形狀
deform ation 變形
Deform software Deform軟件
deform軟件 deform software
BLISTER DEFORM 吸塑變形 ; 吸嗦變形 [1] 


  • 1They don't deform easily; they tend to be more brittle.它們不容易變形;它們是更脆的。
  • 2When the glacier comes into contact with bedrock walls or is otherwise under some kind of stress, but can't deform quickly enough.當冰川與基岩壁接觸,或者在其它方面受到某種壓力,但變形速度不夠快時。
  • 3If you leave, for example, a bar of ice supported only at one end, the end, the unsupported end will deform under its own weight, it'll kind of flatten out at one end, get distorted, deformed.舉個例子,如果你把一根只有一端支撐的冰放在一邊,沒有支撐的一端會在自身的重量下變形,它的一端會變平,變形。
  • 4The material begins to deform.材料開始變形。
  • 5You can't deform it forever.不可以永遠變形。
  • 6To deform anything requires a force.使任何東西形變需要力。
  • 7Ice crystals begin to deform measurably.冰晶就產生某種程度的變形了。
  • 8You can deform things and nothing will change.你可以把這個東西變形。
  • 9Do not deform the capacitor during installation.安裝時請不要損傷電容器。
  • 10No material will not deform under the action of force.沒有一種材料在力的作用下不變形的。
  • 11The shale beds in between generally deform plastically.夾在其中的頁岩層通常是塑性變形。
  • 12Sitting badly for long periods of time can deform your spine.長時間的錯誤坐姿會使你的脊柱變形。
  • 13Concrete structures are also usually assumed to deform linearly.混凝土結構通常也假設成線性變形。
  • 14The material will deform at first elastically and then plastically.材料首先發生彈性變形,然後發生塑性變形。
  • 15Plastic deformation is the ability of bend or deform before breaking.塑性變形就是在斷裂前彎曲或變形的能力。
  • 16The inner ear contains tiny hair cells that deform when sound waves hit them.內耳含有聲波撞擊即可變形的纖細的毛細胞。
  • 17There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of force.在力的作用下,沒有一種材料不或多或少地變形。
  • 18This paper describes how to analyse the material deform and how to design the blanks.介紹了材料變形分析和毛坯的設計方法。
  • 19As engineers we usually design materials so that they don't deform under normal conditions.作為工程師,設計時通常要使材料在正常條件下不變形。
  • 20Parents, who don't empathise with their child are quick to deform their child's personality.不同情孩子的父母會很快扭曲孩子的個性。
  • 21Jiggle deformers are unique in that they do not deform surfaces via direct user manipulation.微動變形是,他們不變形,表面獨特的用户通過直接操縱。
  • 22It is malleability that allows metal to deform permanently under compression without rupture.正是展性使金屬在壓力下永久變形而不斷裂。
  • 23Yet another way, if you deform continuously your surface then the conventions will not change.還有一種方法,如果你把這個曲面無限延展,這些定向性質都不會改變。
  • 24The wear mechanism of composites is mainly repeating toughness deform and fatigue flaking off.表面複合材料的磨損機理主要是反覆塑性變形和疲勞剝落。
  • 25Unlike steel or other materials, glass does not deform or otherwise give advance warning of failure.不像鋼鐵或者其它材料一樣,玻璃不會變形或者給出其它什麼形式的失效預兆。
  • 26High voltage and large current will damage batteries and cause overheat, smoke, deform or burn.高壓、大電流將會流過電池而使其損壞,或使電池發熱、冒煙、變形或燃燒。
  • 27Selection and restriction tags are employed to limit and control how the bones deform the mesh.選擇和限制標記採用限制和控制骨骼變形的網格。
  • 28Depending on the lens' focal length, the image will deform and affect how the image looks in photos.根據鏡頭焦距的不同,圖像會隨之變形並且會影響最終的照片效果。
  • 29New trajectories and searching perspectives, movements and gestures able to modify, distort and deform.新的軌跡和可修改的剖視圖、動作和姿式,扭曲着,變形着。 [1] 