


詞    性
複    數


英[ˈkɒzmɒs]美[ˈkɑːzmoʊs,ˈkɑːzməs] [1] 


cosmos matter 宇宙物質
cosmos satellite 宇宙衞星
economic cosmos 經濟秩序
cosmos order 宇宙秩序
cosmos yarn 廢麻紗
cosmos time 宇宙時標
cosmos ecology 宇宙生態觀
cosmos factory 宇宙工廠 [1] 


  • 1A team of astronomers working at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, led by Simon Clark, spotted a flyer in the cosmos.在智利的歐洲南方天文台,由西蒙·克拉克領導的天文學家團隊發現了宇宙中的一個飛行物。
  • 2A few astronomers thought they could see even more of a dinosaur-cosmos link, a pattern of mass extinctions occurring like clockwork in the geologic record.一些天文學家認為他們可以看到更多的恐龍與宇宙之間的聯繫,這種大規模滅絕的模式就像地質記錄上的時鐘一樣。
  • 3But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthroughs in the cosmos—detecting Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars.但是這樣的凌日現象已經為被證明可能是宇宙中最重要的突破之一的説法鋪平了道路,這個説法即找到那些圍繞其他恆星軌道公轉的和地球大小相似的行星。
  • 4Massive objects like the sun can bend light, but colossal clouds of dark matter create "bubbles" in the cosmos.巨大的星體,例如太陽能夠使光彎曲,但是龐大的暗物質雲會在宇宙中產生“氣泡”。
  • 5Our world is but a small part of the cosmos.我們的世界僅僅是宇宙的一小部分而已。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6What is beyond the cosmos?宇宙之外是什麼?
  • 7Precious gems are everywhere in the cosmos.珍貴的寶石在宇宙中無處不在。
  • 8Awesome telescope sheds new light on cosmos.神奇望遠鏡揭示宇宙新瑰奇。
  • 9The Temple of Heaven reflects an ordered cosmos.天壇的建築反映了宇宙的規律。
  • 10Julia: Personally, I like the mystery of the cosmos.朱莉婭:就個人來説,我喜歡宇宙的神秘。
  • 11The power of the Cosmos is filling my life with love.宇宙的力量將我的生活填滿了愛。
  • 12Timothy Ferris has explored the cosmos in a dozen popular books.提莫西·費里斯已經在十幾本書裏探索了宇宙。
  • 13If you thought the cosmos was a lot to take in, think again.倘若過去你認為宇宙是萬物之源,那麼請三思。
  • 14Proof Is in the Cosmos: Einstein's General Relativity confirmed.證明在於宇宙:愛因斯坦廣義相對論被證實。
  • 15He is one of our key thinkers on the future of humanity in the cosmos.他在人類的宇宙前景上這個問題上,是一位重要的思考者。
  • 16The threat can come from the outside world or from our own inner cosmos.這種威脅來自於外部世界或我們的內心和諧。
  • 17The cosmos operates for us very urgently, but geological time is different.宇宙對我們施加的影響非常緊迫,但是地質時間卻與眾不同。
  • 18Is Paul talking here about sort of Satanic angelic powers that ruled the cosmos?保羅這裏説的是,某種統治着宇宙的撒旦或天使的力量嗎?
  • 19He says this story conveys the idea that, not a principal inherent in the cosmos.他説故事中傳達着這樣一個觀點,不是宇宙中所固有的。
  • 20Remember the word for world I said last time was cosmos, the entire universe.還記得我上次講的嗎,用來表示世界的詞是宇宙,整個宇宙。
  • 21We could discuss identification with community, nation, all life, the cosmos, etc.我們可以討論團體、民族、所有生命、秩序等等來討論身份認同。
  • 22That beautiful thin blue line is what makes our home so special in the cosmos.正是那道美麗的藍色線條使得我們的家園在太空如此的與眾不同。
  • 23The powerful and vital energy of the Cosmos is flowing and filling my body and mind.來自宇宙的強大而充滿生命力的能量正充實我的身心。
  • 24It takes our understanding of things that are happening in the cosmos one step further.它讓我們更提前一步明白了宇宙正在發生的事情。
  • 25The habitable zones of the cosmos are vast, it seems, and they may be teeming with life.宇宙中的宜居地帶似乎非常遼闊,宇宙中可能充滿了生命。
  • 26Well, we think about the cosmos as being a bunch of different spheres in an infinite space.我們認為宇宙是,無限空間裏有很多星球。
  • 27In every whirlwind hides a potential for form, just as in chaos there is a potential cosmos.每個渦流中藴藏着一種造化,正如混沌裏潛藏着一個宇宙。