
Con Games

《Con Games》是由Jefferson Edward Donald執導,埃裏克·羅伯茨、Tommy Lee Thomas、Sheila Campbell主演的一部電影。
Con Games
導    演
Jefferson Edward Donald
編    劇
Jefferson Edward Donald
主    演
埃裏克·羅伯茨、Tommy Lee Thomas、Sheila Campbell


Con Games劇情簡介

Senator Whitmeyer, whose grandson was murdered while an inmate at California's infamous Doscher State Prison, arranges for Gulf War vet John Woodrow to investigate the case. Woodrow enters the prison in the guise of a convicted murderer named John Wilson. He quickly learns that the Senator's grandson was killed by a corrupt and sadistic prison guard named Lt. Hopkins. Hopkins discovers Woodrow's true identity and has him tortured with electric shocks but Woodrow manages to escape along with a few fellow inmates. A chase and a shootout ensues in the surrounding desert. e9c

Con Games職員表

導演 Jefferson Edward Donald
編劇 Jefferson Edward Donald
剪輯 克里斯·康利