


詞    性


  1. 笨拙的
  2. 愚笨的
  3. 不圓滑的
  4. 製作粗陋的
  5. 不得體的
  6. 手腳不靈活的
  7. 不便使用的
  8. 臃腫的
  9. 愚蠢的
  10. 拙劣的
  11. 笨頭笨腦的
  12. 笨口拙舌地
  13. 笨手笨腳的
  14. 笨重的 [1] 


英[ˈklʌmzi]美[ˈklʌmzi] [2] 


The Clumsy時光機器
Clumsy Bob笨象鮑勃 ; 笨拙的鮑勃
Clumsy Fish笨拙的魚
Clumsy Golf拙拙高爾夫 ;
Clumsy God笨拙之神
deft clumsy靈巧的 [2] 


  • 1He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward.他試着跳舞,但是太笨拙,太彆扭。《牛津詞典》
  • 2But it is clumsy.但它很笨拙。
  • 3So don't think that your "thank you" was clumsy or awkwardly formal.所以不要認為你的“謝謝”很笨拙或者很不正式。
  • 4Then one of them had the brilliant idea of imitating Philip's clumsy run.接着,他們中的一個想出了一個絕妙的主意,模仿菲利普笨拙的奔跑。
  • 5They sat down and he took a clumsy little brown paper package out of his coat pocket.他們坐下來,他從外套口袋裏掏出一個笨拙的棕色小紙包。
  • 6Martha gave her hand a clumsy little shake, as if she was not accustomed to this sort of thing either.瑪莎笨拙地輕輕搖了一下她的手,似乎她也不習慣這種事。
  • 7He listened, and heard an ant-king complaint: "Why cannot folks, with their clumsy beasts, keep off our bodies?"他聽着,聽到了一個螞蟻王的抱怨:“為什麼人們帶着他們笨拙的牲畜,不能遠離我們的身體呢?”
  • 8Mind that cup, you clumsy oaf!當心那個杯子,你這笨手笨腳的傢伙!《牛津詞典》
  • 9She made a clumsy attempt to apologize.她本想道歉,但詞語生硬。《牛津詞典》
  • 10His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot.他的手很笨拙,無法解開這個結。《牛津詞典》
  • 11I spilt your coffee. Sorry—that was clumsy of me.我弄灑了你的咖啡。對不起,我真是笨手笨腳的。《牛津詞典》
  • 12The complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming.申訴程序複雜耗時。《牛津詞典》
  • 13When my grandma was young, she was considered clumsy in the village.我奶奶年輕的時候,村裏人覺得她笨手笨腳的。
  • 14She calls herself "a clumsy (笨拙的) student, just like Guo Jing from Legends of the Condor Heroes, but one of loyal heart".她稱自己就像“《射鵰英雄傳》中的郭靖一樣,是一個笨拙的學生,但有一顆忠誠的心”。
  • 15If someone behaves "like a bull in a china shop", people say he or she is clumsy when he or she should be more careful.如果一個人表現得“像在瓷器店的公牛”,人們是説他笨手笨腳,或者讓他更小心些。
  • 16It gasped and muttered, "Clumsy."它喘着氣嘟囔着:“笨手笨腳的。”
  • 17How clumsy of me to break the vase!我打碎了這個花瓶,我是有多笨!
  • 18You may be feeling clumsy and off-balance these days.這些日子裏,你可能感覺很笨拙,沒有平衡感。
  • 19The camera now had to be encased in a big, clumsy, unmovable soundproof box.照相機現在必須裝在一個笨重的、不能移動的隔音箱裏。
  • 20The cute but clumsy pink piglet, McDull, just might be the most contagious thing this summer.可愛卻又笨拙的粉紅小豬麥兜大概是今夏最具感染力的角色了。
  • 21Whether from jealousy or fear of someone who looked so different, my older brothers sometimes teased me about my unpleasing skin, or made fun of my clumsy walk.我的哥哥們,不知道對長相與眾不同的人是出於嫉妒,還是出於害怕,時常會取笑我那看上去令人不適的皮膚,或我那笨拙的步伐。
  • 22Jack is clumsy with his hands.傑克的一雙手很粗笨。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 23He is clumsy with his hands.他的一雙手很笨。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 24His clumsy speech annoyed everyone.大家對他的拙劣發言均很反感。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 25It works, but it's very clumsy.它有效,但很笨拙。
  • 26And... a clumsy one at that.而且壞得拙劣。
  • 27But it was a clumsy one.但這是一個笨拙的內閣。
  • 28There are no clumsy string operations.不需要任何笨拙的字符串操作。
  • 29Yes, you are often clumsy, even inept.沒錯,你常常笨手笨腳甚至顯得無能。 [1] 