


classified,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、名詞、動詞,作形容詞時譯為“分類的;類別的;機密的”,作名詞時譯為“分類廣告”,作動詞時譯為“把…分類(classify的過去分詞)”。 [1] 
詞    性
釋    義


classified /ˈklæsɪˌfaɪd/ CET6 TEM4
1.ADJClassified information or documents are officially secret. 機密的 [1] 


classified index[圖情] 分類索引 ; 分類引患上 ; 分類途徑 ; 分類
classified depreciation[工經] 分類折舊 ; 翻譯
Classified information 分類信息 ; 機密資料 ; 機密情報 ; [計] 密級信息
be classified 開列
classified documents 機密文件 ; 關於越南戰爭的文件 ; 秘密文件
Classified elsewhere 其他分類 ; 心理學家其他類別 ; 加拿大電工其他分類 ; 初級生產經理其他類別
classified standard 產品分類標準
classified strength 分類強度
classified method 分類方法 ; 分層法 [1] 


  • 1The books in the library are classified according to subject.圖書館的書按學科分類。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information.他有安全許可,這准許他接觸機密。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3It classified information and places it in different files.它將信息分類,並將其放在不同的文件中。
  • 4Sure, if you give me the classified ads and local-news section.當然可以,只要你把分類廣告和地方新聞交給我負責。
  • 5Craigslist quickly overtook newspaper classified ads and turned newspaper economics upside down.克雷格列表網站(Craigslist)迅速取代了報紙的分類廣告,並顛覆了報紙經濟學。
  • 6What Hall believes is that cultures can be classified by placing them on a continuum ranging from what he called high-context to low-context.霍爾認為,文化可以通過將其放在一個連續統一體上進行分類,從他所説的高語境到低語境。
  • 7Patients are classified into three categories.病人被歸為三種類型。《牛津詞典》
  • 8This information has been classified top secret.這一情報被歸為絕密類別。《牛津詞典》
  • 9Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.這些事故中只有十一例被判定為重大事故。《牛津詞典》
  • 10One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment.一部電影被列為純藝術片,另一部被列為娛樂片。《牛津詞典》
  • 11His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of navy security regulations.他把機密文件放在家裏,這最起碼是違反了海軍安全條例。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12Due to the growing popularity of environmentally-related and adventure travel, various types of trips are now being classified as ecotourism.由於與環境相關的探險旅行越來越受歡迎,各種各樣的旅行現在被歸類為生態旅遊。
  • 13The Allende meteorite is classified as a chondrite.阿連德隕石被歸類為球粒隕石。
  • 14Inchworm actuators are classified by the clamping mechanism.尺蠖驅動器按鎖模機構分類。
  • 15It classified emotions simply as either positive or negative.它將情緒簡單地分為積極情緒和消極情緒。
  • 16Most desert plants are probably best classified as xerophytes.大部分的沙漠植物可能最好都被歸類為旱生植物。
  • 17Sure, if you give me the classified ads and local news section.當然可以,只要你把分類廣告和地方新聞部分交給我。
  • 18If the answer is "yes", they are classified as working part-time.如果答案是“是”,他們就被歸類為兼職工作者。
  • 19They are usually classified into two groups: high-contact and low-contact.它們通常被分為兩類:高接觸和低接觸。
  • 20They are generally classified into three broad categories—stones, stony irons and irons.它們通常被分為三大類——石頭、隕鐵石和鐵。
  • 21These methods can be classified into three types of informational writing: factual, descriptive and process.這些方法可分為三類信息寫作:事實性、描述性和過程性。
  • 22These methods can be classified into three types of informational writing: factual, descriptive, and process.這些方法可分為三類信息寫作:事實類、描述類和過程類。
  • 23They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them.它們被正式地列為有害動物,農民們試圖通過射殺或投毒來減少它們的數量。
  • 24Glaciers are sometimes classified by temperature as faster-flowing temperate glaciers or as slower-flowing polar glaciers.冰川有時按温度分為流動較快的温和冰川或流動較慢的極地冰川。
  • 25They are classified as venomous snakes because they resemble them, their advanced features more than the other non-venomous snakes.它們被歸類為毒蛇,因為它們與毒蛇相似,它們的高級特徵比其他不是毒蛇的蛇更明顯。
  • 26People aren't even required to seek permits to move plants or invertebrate animals around as long as they are not classified as pests.人們甚至可以未經許可就對植物或無脊椎動物進行遷移,只要它們未被歸類為有害動植物。
  • 27Colubrids, and you probably heard this too, although they are often classified as venomous snakes, they are actually generally non-venomous.黃頜蛇,你可能也聽過這種蛇,雖然它們經常被歸類為毒蛇,但實際上它們通常是無毒的。
  • 287 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn't looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.在過去四周內,有700萬想找工作的且能夠工作人沒有找到工作,他們甚至不再被列為失業者。
  • 29Emulating your conversation partner's actions is a common human behavior classified as "mirroring" and has been known and studied by psychologists for years.模仿談話對象的動作是一種常見的人類行為,被歸類為“鏡像”,而心理學家對其的認知和研究已有多年。
  • 30One type of pattern was of a specific density and was to be classified as dense, while the second type of pattern could vary in density, but was always less dense than the first one.一種圖案具有特定的密集度,被歸為“密集”類,另一類圖案的密集程度不同,但都比第一種的密集程度低。 [1] 