

Cinemagraph,靜態照片中神奇的細微運動技術。顧名思義(cinema是電影攝影,graph是圖片)是動態攝影和靜態圖片的結合,這項藝術最早就是從cinemagraphs 這個網站流出,來自NYC的Jamie 和Kevin兩個藝術家 。
簡    介
Jamie 和Kevin


Cinemagraph Cinemagraph
Fernando J Baez 攝影師説,Cinemagraphs的魅力在於:“more than a photo, but not quite a video.”; [1] 


下載一個軟件:Flixel 就行了,不過需要你有蘋果手機或者IPAD才行,具體情況請見參考資料裏面攝影課的相關資料。
首先大家要知道這些圖片都是 animated GIF,動態的圖片全部都是GIF圖片,GIF圖片並不陌生,但是要有上面的效果的重要原因就是,每張圖裏只有一個元素是動的,其他都是靜態。 因為圖片裏需要一個自然流動的點,這樣就容易mask 和loop 在上面做手腳。為以後的animation做準備。素材需要連續拍多個圖片類似stop motion,必要的時候要有HD 視頻。也可以在網上找素材先練練手。
瞭解photoshop 和 after effects 兩個軟件基本用法。(有些教程是用AE和PS做的有些是隻用PS就可以做出來)本人覺得只用ps的那個方法比較好。
先介紹一下只有photoshop的做法,素材是高清視頻,大致從網上翻譯一下,第一次翻譯寫教程這種東西,翻譯的不好有些詞不知道怎麼翻譯大家湊合看 ,有不對不準確的地方大家修正,共勉:
Cinemagraph Cinemagraph
First, take your video video into Photoshop, and make sure the Motion workspace is active (found under Window > Workspace). This will give us a simple timeline. Using the blue guides to the left and right of the timeline, select a 1-2 second segment that will form the basis of your cinemagraph. You don't need to be exact, since we can trim some of those extra frames in the next step.
1,首先,把你的視頻導入photoshop, 然後確認Motion workspace 是否能用(found under Window > Workspace).,這個會顯示出一個時間軸,用藍色的指示圖,選取1-2秒片段作為你 cinemagraph的基本部分,其實不用很精確,因為我們也可以把那些多餘的frames在下面的步驟裏修改掉。
Once you've selected your segment, we're going to export the selection as a new movie. ChooseFIle > Export > Render Video, and accept the default settings. Now, close your document, andchoose File > Import > Video Frames to Layers, selecting the video file you just exported. This will import each frame as a new layer, which is crucial for the masking process.
2,當你已經選取了打算做成cinemagraph的片段,我們就把選中的部分建立一個新的片段,點-文件->導出->建立視頻,接受默認的設置,然後,你關掉你的文件, 點->文件->導出->把視頻的frames變成圖層,選擇剛剛導出的視頻文件。這樣就可以把導入的frame變成新的圖層。為下一步masking process做準備。
In our sample video, there's lots of motion, with people moving up and down the various escalators —except for one. This escalator is empty, and thus, perfect for animating, while freezing the rest of the busy people pictured in this scene. In the Layers palette, the first layer is going to serve as our animation's anchor frame. With the first layer selected, ensure that "Unify Layer Visibility" is activated. This ensures our static anchor frame will repeat itself in each successive frame.
3. 在我們的素材視頻裏,有很多動態的部分,有人在動還有上上下下的扶梯,除了一個,這個扶梯是空的,所以空的扶梯對animating來説是最好的,這樣容易得多,同時使來來往往的人定住不動。在圖層裏,第一個圖層即將作為我們動畫部分的最重要支撐的frame. 選中第一個圖層,確定 unify layer visibility 是可用的,確保我們的主frame會來回的循環 。
Cinemagraph Cinemagraph
Now, the fun part — and also the most time consuming. Select the second layer/frame. Using the marquee tool, or any other selection tool of choice, create a layer mask around the area of motion you'd like to retain. Repeat the process for each frame that follows. You can preview your progress at any time using the motion timeline. If all goes well, you should see a static image, with only the masked areas exhibiting any sign of motion.
4.到了最有意思的部分了,也是最費時間的部分,選擇第二個圖層/frame,用 marquee 工具,或者其他選取工具,建立一個圖層mask包圍在動態部分的周圍。循環這個過程讓每個frame連貫緊接。可以用時間軸預先看到你做的過程。如果這部順利,你就會看到一個靜態的圖片,只有masked部分才會動。
Depending on the framerate of your source material, the animation might not be as smooth as you'd like. This can be fixed by selecting every frame in the timeline, right-clicking, and and choosing a new delay value. Try experimenting with different settings to see what works best. Also, you might find that your chosen subject or animation doesn't loop all that smoothly. In some cases, it's a simple matter of copy/pasting all your frames to the end of the timeline, and choosing Reverse Frames from the timeline bar's options menu.
5. 我們做的動畫部分可能不是預先想的那麼順暢,可以用時間軸來修改,選中所有的frame,右鍵點擊,選中一個時間延遲的部分,儘可能的去試驗不同的選擇, 看哪個最合適。很可能有時候,你會發現自己做的動畫部分不是那麼順暢,也可以複製粘貼所有的frame到時間軸的最後,從時間軸選項菜單裏選擇 reverse frames。
When that's done, click When that's done, click File > Save for Web & Devices. Make sure that GIF is your selected export format. You an even preview the final image if you'd like.
6.最後一步就是存儲了,File > Save for Web & Devices. 存儲成網頁模式,確定GIF導出的格式。大功告成。
Cinemagraph Cinemagraph [2]