
Cheryl Hines

Cheryl Hines,演員、製片人、導演,參演電影《遇見波莉》。 [1] 
Cheryl Hines
身    高
165 cm
職    業

Cheryl Hines人物經歷

Cheryl Ruth Hines was born on September 21, 1965 in Miami Beach, Florida, to Rosemary (Graham) and James Hines, and grew up in Tallahassee, Florida. She went to West Virginia University, Florida State University and graduated from the University of Central Florida. She studied theater and television production, but it was not until she moved to Los Angeles and studied at the Groundlings Theater that she felt she had really learned anything about comedy. Her first teacher there was 麗莎·庫卓. She learned to improvise and write comedy sketches. This experience helped her prepare for the role of 拉里·戴維's wife on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000). The dialogue on the situation comedy is improvised, so she feels right at home. She still performs at the Groundlings Theater when she has a chance.

Cheryl Hines參演電影

上映時間 劇名 扮演角色 導演
1999 老友記 第六季 ---- ----
2006 實習醫生風雲 第五季 ---- ----
2004 遇見波莉 ---- ----