


centipede是英語單詞,釋義為n. 蜈蚣 [1] 
釋    義


英 [ˈsentɪpiːd] 美 [ˈsentɪpiːd] [1] 


  • 1How many legs does a centipede have?蜈蚣有多少條腿?《牛津詞典》
  • 2The creature is a tiny centipede, just 10 millimetres long.那個生物是一隻很小的蜈蚣,只有10毫米長。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3If you lift up a heavy rock, you may find a centipede living under it.如果你舉起一塊大石,可能會發現底下有蜈蚣。
  • 4There was once a one-legged dragon who said to the centipede, "How do you manage all those legs?''從前有一條獨腳龍,它對蜈蚣説:“你如何管理那麼多腿?”
  • 5Thank God I'm not a centipede.感謝上帝我不是一隻蜈蚣。
  • 6Look at the size of your centipede.看看你的大小蜈蚣。
  • 7Instinctively, he pushed off the centipede.本能地,他拂去那一隻蜈蚣。
  • 8And so what does Centipede wish to close with?蜈蚣想要以什麼結束本文呢?
  • 9"Well, that was me as well," said the centipede.“還是我啦。”蜈蚣説。
  • 10A centipede does not topple over even when dead.蜈蚣即使死了也不會倒下。
  • 11He says to the centipede, “Go clean the living room .”他跟蜈蚣説:“去打掃客廳。”
  • 12Centipede bite yesterday was a dream, scared to death!昨天夢見被蜈蚣咬了,嚇死了!
  • 13The centipede wipes its feet. The bee cleans its wings.該洗澡了。蜈蚣在洗它的腳。蜜蜂在洗它的翅膀。
  • 14The creature is a tiny centipede, just 10 millimeters long.那個生物是一隻很小的蜈蚣,只有10毫米長。
  • 15Remember ! Don't play with a centipede even if it looks dead.那時候我看到一隻蜈蚣被人家打扁了,只剩下頭還沒扁,我認為它已經死了。
  • 16So it may have resembled a centipede or millipede, or a worm with legs.因此,它也許類似蜈蚣或多足動物,或者有腳的蠕蟲。
  • 17A huge, hairy, scary centipede was crawling up Master Lianchi's sleeve.一隻很大的、多足的、可怕的蜈蚣正爬在蓮池大師的袖子上。
  • 18The centipede says, "I'm going! I'm going! I'm just putting on my shoes!"蜈蚣説:“去了!要去了!我鞋子快穿要好了!”
  • 19"To tell you the truth", said the centipede, "I do not manage them at all.“説實話,”蜈蚣説,“我根本就不打理它們。”
  • 20His friend ran for a stick to brush it off, but the centipede wouldn't move.他的朋友跑去拿來一隻棍子要把它撥開,但是蜈蚣一動不動。
  • 21Since then, to see the rooster on the recovery of the centipede, and to eat it.從那以後,公雞見到蜈蚣就追,而且要把它吃掉。
  • 22If the shoe store boss vow, he would want people all over the world into a centipede.如果讓鞋店的老闆許願,他會希望全世界的人都變成蜈蚣。
  • 23My left leg is bad one day and my right leg is bad the next. Thank God I'm not a centipede.今天左腿有毛病,明天右腿又出問題,感謝上帝我不是蜈蚣。
  • 24There was once a one-legged dragon who said to the centipede, "How do you manage all those legs?"從前有一條獨腳龍,它對蜈蚣説:“這麼多腿你管得過來嗎?”
  • 25Since then, to see the rooster on the recovery of the centipede, and to eat it. They became the enemy.從那以後,公雞見到蜈蚣就追,而且要把它吃掉。它們成了仇人。
  • 26According to taste, they can have shapes as diverse as that of a dragonfly, swallow, centipede or butterfly.根據口味,他們可以有形狀,一隻蜻蜓,燕子或蝴蝶不同,蜈蚣。
  • 27So they decided to send the centipede; and the grasshopper explained how to get to the nearest liquor store.所以他們決定讓蜈蚣;和草蜢解釋如何去最近的商店。
  • 28The man says, “A centipede? I can't imagine a centipede doing everything, but okay ... I'll try a centipede.”那個人説:“蜈蚣?真難想像蜈蚣會是萬能的,不過也好…我就買條蜈蚣試試看。”
  • 29Objective: To explore the effect of Centipede on vascular endothelial cells function in atherosclerosis rabbit.目的:探討蜈蚣對動脈粥樣硬化家兔血管內皮細胞功能的影響。 [1] 