


性    質
詞    性


英[kəˈθiːdrəl]美[kəˈθiːdrəl] [1] 


Seville Cathedral塞維利亞主教座堂 ; 塞維利亞大教堂 ; 大教堂
Roskilde Cathedral羅斯基勒主教座堂 ; 羅斯基勒大教堂
Westminster Cathedral威斯敏斯特主教座堂 ; 威斯敏斯特大教堂 ; 西敏大教堂 ; 威斯敏斯特教堂
Lucca Cathedral盧卡主教座堂 ; 距離盧卡大教堂
Bordeaux Cathedral波爾多主教座堂 ; 距離波爾多大教堂
Aix Cathedral艾克斯主教座堂
myeongdong cathedral明洞聖堂 ; 明洞天主教堂
Valencia Cathedral巴倫西亞主教座堂 ; 瓦倫西亞大教堂 ; 巴倫西亞大教堂
Toledo Cathedral托萊多主教座堂 ; 托萊多大教堂 [1] 


  • 1The cathedral dominates the city.大教堂俯視全城。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The town is famous for its cathedral.這個城鎮以大教堂著名。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The cathedral is the crowning glory of the city.大教堂是這座城市至高無上的驕傲。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold.大教堂的天花板金光閃閃。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The cathedral is now hedged in by other buildings.大教堂現在被其他建築物包圍着。《牛津詞典》
  • 6We were impressed by the sheer size of the cathedral.大教堂的宏大規模給我們留下了深刻的印象。《牛津詞典》
  • 7She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral.她帶領我們穿過繁忙的街道去大教堂。《牛津詞典》
  • 8After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral.考察老城區之後,有到大教堂的導覽之旅。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder of the power of religion.大教堂的宏大規模使人時刻領略到宗教的威嚴。《牛津詞典》
  • 10The cathedral was eventually completed in 1490, though the Gothic facade remains unfinished.大教堂在1490年終於完工,雖然哥特式的正面仍未建好。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11We're standing right here by St. Paul's Cathedral.我們就站在聖保羅大教堂旁邊。
  • 12It's the cathedral of every French person, even those who have never visited it.它是屬於每個法國人的大教堂,即使是對那些從未去過的人來説也一樣。
  • 13In Belfast, there are the notable Ulster Museum and the Protestant Cathedral of Saint Anne.貝爾法斯特有著名的阿爾斯特博物館和聖安妮新教大教堂。
  • 14In the beautiful cathedral the greater number of the kings and queens of Denmark are interred.在這座美麗的大教堂裏埋葬着許多丹麥國王和王后。
  • 15He praised the actions of the firefighters but admitted the fate of the cathedral had been uncertain.他讚揚了消防員的行動,但承認大教堂的命運尚不確定。
  • 16The morning after the fire, many Parisians who went to the cathedral to mourn its destruction found comfort instead.火災之後的那個早晨,許多去大教堂默哀它的毀壞的巴黎人反而找到了慰藉。
  • 17Someone says that old Trafford is like a cathedral, populated by what Roy Keane called the "prawn sandwich" brigade.有人説,老特拉福德就像一座大教堂,住着羅伊·基恩所説的“對蝦三明治”一幫。
  • 18In a surprise televised address on Tuesday evening, Macron said he wanted to see the cathedral rebuilt within five years.在週二晚上的電視講話中,馬克龍出人意料地表示,他希望大教堂能在五年內重建。
  • 19The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, visited the cathedral on Tuesday afternoon to see the extent of the devastation.週二下午,內政部長克里斯托弗·卡斯塔納參觀了大教堂,以瞭解受災程度。
  • 20As a result, residents of five buildings around the northern side of the cathedral were being temporarily evacuated, he added.他補充説,因此,我們暫時疏散了大教堂北側五棟建築裏的居民。
  • 21However, fire officers have said a complete inventory of the damage will not be possible until the cathedral structure has been deemed safe.然而,消防官員表示,在大教堂結構被認定為安全之前,不可能對其損壞情況進行全面清點。
  • 22An official says that the church calls itself the Washington National Cathedral because many services of national interest have been held there.一名官員表示,該教堂自稱華盛頓國家大教堂,因為許多與國家利益相關的服務都在那裏舉行。
  • 23While these buildings could be renovated at a fraction of the cost of rebuilding the Cathedral, planners are more likely to knock them down and rebuild.雖然這些建築的翻新成本僅為大教堂重建成本的一小部分,但規劃者更有可能將其拆除並進行重建。
  • 24These beams, known as la foret (the forest) because of their density, formed the cross-shaped roof that ran the length of the central part of the cathedral.這些因其密度而被著稱為 la foret(森林)的梁,組成了橫跨大教堂中心部分的十字形屋頂。
  • 25While the world looked on, the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers, where the cathedral bells hang.在全世界的注視下,現場的500名消防員奮力阻止大火蔓延到兩座懸掛着大教堂鐘的主塔。
  • 26Recently, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris caught fire and very quickly millions of dollars were raised by public donation for its preservation and the rebuilding of the damaged areas.最近,巴黎聖母院大教堂失火,很快就有公眾捐款籌集到數百萬美元,用於保護和重建受損地區。
  • 27As hundreds of tourists and Parisians stood and watched the flames leaping from the roof, there was shock and tears as the cathedral spire caught fire, burned, and then collapsed into itself.數百名遊客和巴黎人站在那裏看着火焰從屋頂上躍起,當大教堂的塔尖着火,燃燒,然後倒塌時,人們震驚並流淚。
  • 28Although she has denied any symbolic or religious intent in her works, their three-dimensional grandeur and even their titles, such as Sky Cathedral and Night Cathedral, suggest such connotations.儘管她否認自己的作品中有任何象徵意義或宗教意圖,但這些作品的立體宏偉,甚至它們的名稱,如天空大教堂和夜色大教堂,都暗示了這種內涵。
  • 29As emergency services picked through the burnt debris, a row was resurfacing over accusations that the beloved cathedral, immortalised in Victor Hugo's novel, was already, crumbling before the fire.當緊急救援人員在燃燒的廢墟中仔細搜尋時,一場爭論又再次甚囂塵上,人們指責這座在維克多·雨果的小説中受人愛戴的不朽大教堂,在火災發生前就已經搖搖欲墜。
  • 30We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits.如果時間允許,我們希望能參觀一下主教座堂。《牛津詞典》 [1] 