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George Washington Carver 喬治·華盛頓·卡弗 [1] 



  • 1She read a poem by Carver which describes their life together.她讀了一首卡弗描寫他們在一起生活的詩。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He's a wood carver.他是個木雕工。
  • 3She is a famous wood carver.她是個有名的木雕師。
  • 4Each map carver must do his or her part.每一地圖繪製者必須做他或她自己的那一部分。
  • 5Does a good carver temporize to carve his seal?一個好的雕刻者不應敷衍他的印章。
  • 6No one could match the skill of the unknown carver.沒有哪個人的技藝能比得上那位不出名的雕刻家。
  • 7Elliot Carver:... And my wife, in your hotel room!卡弗:……還有我的妻子,在你賓館房間裏!
  • 8Carver thinks all three of these examples are bunk.卡夫認為所有的三個事例都不屬實。
  • 9Also, by the late '70s, Carver and his wife had sobered up.到七十年代末期,卡佛夫婦也已經戒酒。
  • 10My family actually has a dog, Carver, that we named after him.我家裏就有一隻愛犬,就是以卡弗命名的。
  • 11At his wedding to Lorna, a vindictive Carver shoots the bride.在他與羅娜的婚禮上,心懷怨恨的卡弗射殺了新娘。
  • 12But all were made by the same carver and all lived in the village.但是他們全都是同一個人刻出來的,也都住在同一個村子裏。
  • 13"Coach Carver is basketball," Patty said. "Coach Nagel is softball."“卡佛教練是籃球教練,”帕蒂説:“內格爾教練是壘球教練。”
  • 14One of the most famous artists was the English carver Grinling Gibbons.最著名的藝術家之一是英國的雕刻師格林林·吉本斯。
  • 15We're Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers and George Washington Carver.我們是托馬斯•愛迪生、懷特兄弟、喬治•華盛頓•卡弗。
  • 16We're Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers and George Washington Carver.我們就是愛迪生、萊特兄弟和喬治·華盛頓·卡弗。
  • 17When he arrived, Carver found the Institute poor and lacking in equipment.剛到學院, 卡弗就發現那兒貧窮不堪且缺乏設備。
  • 18Fallen leaves during an autumn hike in Myles Standish State Forest, Carver, Massachusetts.徒步旅行在馬薩諸塞州卡弗的邁爾斯·斯坦迪什國家森林裏所看到的秋葉。
  • 19Elliot Carver:Good Morning, Mr. Bond. Elliot Carver. I believe you have two things that belong to me!卡弗:早上好,邦德先生。我是艾里奧特卡弗。我認為你有兩件屬於我的東西。
  • 20One of the first to notice this and consider its implications was a Caltech professor named Carver Mead.最早注意到這一問題並開始思考其影響的人之一是加州理工學院的教授卡沃·米德(Carver Mead)。
  • 21It so happens that for most of his life, what Carver knew best was hardship, both physical and psychological.只不過對於卡佛來説,他一生中最熟悉的,卻恰好是物質與精神上的雙重艱辛。
  • 22The stories were by such authors as John Updike, Roald Dahl, Anton Chekhov, Agatha Christie, and Raymond Carver.作者有約翰.厄普代克,羅爾德·達爾,契科夫,阿加莎和雷蒙德·卡佛。
  • 23For those that feel that one is a map carver of ascension, we invite you to consider any one of our study programs.對那些感到自己是提升地圖繪製者的夥伴,我們邀請你考慮一下加入任何一個我們的學習項目。
  • 24According to Carver, 200 million women wish to delay or prevent their next pregnancy but lack access to contraception.卡弗還説,有200萬婦女希望推遲或避免再次懷孕,但她們缺乏節育的方法。
  • 25Forty years ago, Caltech professor Carver Mead identified the corollary to Moore's law of ever-increasing computing power.四十年前,加州工學院教授Carver Mead就認為,摩爾定律的必然結果是計算能力永無止息的漸增。
  • 26Carver was barely 18 when he married 16-year-old Maryann Burk, but he had already dedicated himself to life as a writer.卡佛剛滿18歲便與16歲的瑪麗安·伯克結婚。而那時他已決意把一生獻給寫作。
  • 27Love penetrates the mysteries of life, "Anything, " said George Washington Carver, "Will give up its secrets if you love it enough."愛看穿了人生的奧秘。 CARVER説:“任何一種東西,只要你愛它到足夠的程度,它便會放棄它的秘密。” [2] 