


詞    性
類    別


Clone Chamber中性系人
clone sheep克隆羊
clone trooper克隆兵 ; 克隆人士兵
Quick Clone快速克隆 ; 快速複製 ; 果
Clone Factory克隆工廠 ; 克隆工廠無限金幣版
clone culture克隆培養 ; 克隆化培養
Clone assembly克隆裝配
Clone selection克隆選擇 ; 複製選擇 ; 無性系選擇 ; 細胞系選擇 [1] 


  • 1A team from the UK were the first to successfully clone an animal.英國的一個小組率先克隆動物成功。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He knows her clone may not have her temperament.他知道她的克隆品可能沒有她的氣質。
  • 3Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone.每個男人都希望自己的兒子在某種程度上是自己的克隆體。
  • 4"A lot of people want to clone pets, especially if the price is right," says Westhusin.“很多人都想克隆寵物,尤其是在價格合適的情況下。”Westhusin 説道。
  • 5You have a fragment of some kind of DNA that you would like to clone or make many copies of.你有了某種想要克隆或複製的DNA片段。
  • 6Some people believed that clone technology is an efficient way of protecting endangered species.有些人認為克隆技術是保護瀕危物種的有效方法。
  • 7So far, he and his team have not succeeded, though they have cloned two cows and expect to clone a cat soon.到目前為止,他和他的團隊還沒有成功,儘管他們已經克隆了兩頭牛,而且預計很快就會克隆一隻貓。
  • 8"Why would you ever want to clone humans," Westhusin asks, "when we're not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?"“為什麼你想要克隆人類,”威斯蘇森問道,“而我們甚至還沒有成功克隆動物呢?”
  • 9That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.這是一個有趣的形容詞選擇,出自一個花了數百萬美元試圖克隆一隻13歲名叫米茜的狗的人之口。
  • 10A group of thousands of aspens can actually constitute a single organism, called a clone, that shares an interconnected root system and a unique set of genes.一羣成千上萬的白楊實際上可以組成一個單獨的有機體,被稱為克隆,它們共享一個相互連接的根系和一套獨特的基因。
  • 11However, since methanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be much more efficient than "gasoline clone" vehicles fueled with methanol, they would need comparatively less fuel.然而,由於以甲醇為燃料的車輛在設計上可以比以甲醇為燃料的“汽油克隆”車輛效率高得多,因此它們所需的燃料相對較少。
  • 12Yet much of the criticism is based on the use of "gasoline clone" vehicles that do not incorporate even the simplest design improvements that are made possible with the use of methanol.然而,大部分批評都是針對“克隆汽油車”的,這些車並沒有為使用甲醇而做出哪怕最簡單的設計上的改進。
  • 13Tom was in some ways a younger clone of his handsome father.湯姆在某些方面是他英俊父親年輕時的翻版。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14It was adopted and successfully applied to clone PCR-fragments into the polylinker.它被採用併成功地用於將 PCR 片段克隆到多接頭中。
  • 15Clone and express bradyzoite antigen 1(BAG1) gene of T. gondii, and analyze the immunoreactivity of the recombinant product.克隆與表達弓形蟲緩殖子期特異性抗原1(BAG1)的基因,並分析重組抗原的免疫反應性。
  • 16Atlantis has a spaceship clone.亞特蘭蒂斯號有一艘克隆飛船。
  • 17Your daughter is not your clone.你的女兒並非你的複製品。
  • 18To create a clone from the portal.要從門户創建一個克隆。
  • 19On the clone node, copy these files.在克隆節點上覆制這些文件。
  • 20Let's now go through a typical clone.現在,我們先看看典型的克隆。
  • 21How easy is it to clone an e-passport?複製電子護照有多容易?
  • 22Ability to clone DB2 database objects.克隆db 2數據庫對象的能力。
  • 23Figure 1 shows the clone icon, circled.圖1展示了克隆圖標,用紅線圈起的部分。
  • 24Use split mirror as a clone database.將分割鏡像用作克隆數據庫。
  • 25Repeat for other clone nodes as necessary.按需為其它克隆節點重複此過程。
  • 26Is it because of the evil clone thing?是因為所謂的克隆魔鬼嗎?
  • 27Some just clone trees.有些人則在克隆樹木。
  • 28Her task was to clone a rat gene called neu.她的任務是克隆出一個老鼠的神經鞘基因。
  • 29What is a clone?克隆是?
  • 30Anyone can clone a repository and commit to the clone.任何人都可以克隆存儲庫並提交給clone。 [1] 
  • 1.    clone  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-17]