


詞    性


[ˈkæml] [1] 


camel active駱駝動感 ; 德國駱駝 ; 德國駱駝動感 ; 動感駱駝
Camel Toe駱駝蹄 ; 玲瓏外顯 ; 危險的西瓜及褲縫
Camel Racing賽駱駝
American Camel美國駱駝 ; 都彭 ; 駱駝 ; 美利堅合眾國橐駝
Eastern Camel東方駱駝 ; 西方駱駝
camel leather駱駝皮革 ; 駱駝皮
CAMEL JOE卡摩喬 ; 駱駝喬
small camel小駱駝
Camel Captain駱駝隊長 [1] 


  • 1The llama is related to the camel.美洲駝和駱駝是近親物種。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He rode a camel.他騎了一頭駱駝。
  • 3Snow and camel are far less important in English-speaking cultures, and the single words "snow" and "camel" can usually satisfy their needs.雪和駱駝在英語文化中遠沒有那麼重要,單是“雪”(snow)和“駱駝”(camel)這兩個詞通常就能滿足所需。
  • 4Which of the following is mentioned about Camel Wrestling?下面哪一項提到了駱駝摔跤?
  • 5The largest camel wrestling competition takes place every year and thousands of people come.成千上萬的人來參加一年一度最大的駱駝摔跤比賽。
  • 6In the Arabic language, according to camels' appearance, characters, drinking behaviours, and the roles they play, there are hundreds of different words for the camel and all of its parts.在阿拉伯語中,根據駱駝的外表、特性、飲水行為和它們所發揮的作用,有數百個不同的詞來形容駱駝及其各個部分。
  • 7Was the camel carrying corn?那頭駱駝馱的是穀物嗎?
  • 8The camel that I rode had a bad temper.我騎的駱駝脾氣很壞。
  • 9The camel is a mammal, but the kiwi is a bird.駱駝是一種哺乳動物,但是幾維鳥是一種鳥。
  • 10This camel carries eight musicians and dancers.這駱駝馱着八個樂師和舞者。
  • 11The camel was going to seek horns, but lost his ears.駱駝去找角,反而丟了耳朵。
  • 12Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him.科林正要從駱駝上下來時,一個小孩朝他跑過來。
  • 13Of course, you do not have to go for the traditional camel overcoat, because the camel is everywhere this season.當然,你也不必非得買一件傳統的駝色大衣,這一季的駝色單品到處都有。
  • 14Others are herders, such as the Rabari, famous throughout western India for their large scarfs and familiarity with all things concerning camel.還有一些是牧人,比如拉巴里人,他們以大圍巾和熟悉所有與駱駝有關的事物而聞名於整個西印度。
  • 15Others are herders, such as the Rabari, famous throughout western India for their large scarfs and familiarity with all things concerning camel.還有一些是牧人,比如拉巴里人,他們以大圍巾和熟悉所有與駱駝有關的事物而聞名於整個西印度。
  • 16Beige, which is similar to camel, can be paired with cool fall or winter colors like black, gray, blue and even dark brown to achieve the same magical effect.和駝色相近的米色搭配起秋冬的冷色服飾,如黑色、灰色、藍色甚至深棕色,都可以達到一樣神奇的效果。
  • 17He is just the chap to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.他就是那種小事精明,大事糊塗的傢伙。
  • 18Ride a camel across a sandy desert.騎駱駝穿越沙漠。
  • 19The shelter is also home to a camel.這個避難所也是這隻駱駝的家園。
  • 20A furious camel has bitten his forearm.一個憤怒的駱駝咬了他的前肩。
  • 21The camel hair carpet is a vintage find.駱駝毛地毯也是舊物件。
  • 22As for thee thy father was a camel driver!倒是你,你的父親是一個趕駱駝的!
  • 23He killed the camel and also broke the jar.既復殺駝,而復破甕。
  • 24So what items are we seeing in camel this year?那麼我們今年要留意哪些駝色單品呢?
  • 25But the camel never gets to use it for nourishment.但是駱駝不會把它們當做營養物質來消耗。
  • 26He was a big man with a cigar and a camel 's-hair coat.那是一個抽着雪茄,穿着駝毛大衣,體形碩大的男人。
  • 27If you want to barter with us, get down off that camel!如果你想和我們做交易,就別擺架子!
  • 28Even his camel wears an unconvincing politician's smile.甚至他騎的駱駝也帶着令人不可信的政客式的微笑。
  • 29Tourist taking a camel ride on the beach in Dubai Marina.在迪拜碼頭的沙灘上騎駱駝的遊客。 [1] 
  • 1.    CAMEL  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-23]