

(2013年Celine Dion發行單曲)

《Breakaway》是Celine Dion(席琳·迪翁)演唱的歌曲,收錄在 2013年11月1日專輯《Loved Me Back To Life》中。 [1-2] 
Loved Me Back To Life
Celine Dion(席琳·迪翁)


From the fire in your words
To the dagger in your eye
I just have to lay my body down
Go and lay my body down
I pretend to be asleep
But I know you hear me cry
I just have to lay my body down
Go and lay my body down
But if I
Really want a change
Then I must admit
That I'm the one to blame
If I could break away
Cut the cord
For worse or better
If I could turn the page
At last and say
Goodbye forever
But on the other side
Of yesterday
Beyond the heartache
What if all I am
Without the pain
Is empty hearted
I could break away
Is it true what people say
That it's darkest before dawn?
I just have to lay my body down
Go and lay my body down
Any hope we might have saved
Is too weak to let live on
I just have to lay my body down
Go and lay my body down
And if I
Really want a change
Then tonight I'm gonna need
All of my strength
If I could break away
Cut the cord
For worse or better
If I could turn the page
At last and say
Goodbye forever
But on the other side
Of yesterday
Beyond the heartache
What if all I am
Without the pain
Is empty hearted
I could break away
Oh, anything is better than this
I know
Anything is better
If I could break away
Cut the cord
For worse or better
If I could turn the page
At last and say
Goodbye forever
But on the other side
Of yesterday
Beyond the heartache
What if all I am
Without the pain
Is empty hearted
If I could break away
If I could turn the page
But on the other side
Of yesterday
Beyond the heartache
What if all I am
Without the pain
Is empty hearted
I could break away


Breakaway Breakaway
席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)生於加拿大,是歐美樂壇著名流行女歌手,國際樂壇天后,也被眾多媒體譽為20世紀90年代的跨世紀天后級歌手之一。12歲時步入歌壇,15歲時推出首支法文單曲,其後以英語專輯《UNISON》進軍全球市場。1996年為美國亞特蘭大奧運會演唱了主題曲《The Power of The Dream》。1997年為電影《泰坦尼克號》獻唱片尾曲《My Heart Will Go On》被全球觀眾熟知,並獲得第70屆奧斯卡最佳電影歌曲獎。2008年5月22日,Celine在巴黎接受法國總統薩科齊親自頒發的Legion d'Honneur騎士勳章。作為全球最暢銷的女歌手,Celine專輯銷量在全球已超過了2億張。2013年,Celine受央視春晚邀請擔任表演嘉賓,與宋祖英合唱中國民曲《茉莉花》;同年發行新專輯《Loved Me Back To Life》。