

battlefront,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“前線”。 [1] 
詞    性


柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 [1] 


Battlefront Heroes 前線英雄 ; 前線戰爭英雄 ; 戰線英雄 ; 前線的英雄
Battlefront Shift 督軍
united battlefront 統戰
invisible battlefront 無形的戰線
Starwar Battlefront 星球大戰
Battlefront Games 叢林野戰
battlefront line 戰線
Battlefront II 星球大戰前線
Battlefront II 戰地前線II [1] 


  • 1The battlefront has again moved forward.他們把陣地又向前推進了一公里。
  • 2He's talking about the US bundles with Daxter and Star Wars Battlefront.他在談到美國與捆綁遊戲和星球大戰前線。
  • 3What has really happened in the negotiations in Paris and the battlefront in Vietnam?在巴黎和越南前線的談判中真正發生了什麼事情?
  • 4But the supplies that made it to port in Murmansk still needed to be hauled to the battlefront.但是海運到摩爾曼斯克的補給品仍然需要繼續被拖運到前線。
  • 5And "home" is here made to rhyme with "Bapaume," bringing battlefront and home front together as a rhyme.家鄉“在這裏是為了與“巴波姆“押韻“,將前線和後方放到一起成為一個押韻。
  • 6It means that the clarion for roundly advancing quality education has blew at educational battlefront.這意味着,克拉裏恩為全面推進素質教育已在教育戰線引爆。
  • 7The service collected blood from donors and delivered it to hospitals and to soldiers at the battlefront.這項服務從獻血者那裏獲得血源,然後將其運到前線的醫院和士兵那裏。
  • 8He collected blood, which was then transported to where it was needed for the wounded along the 600-mile battlefront.他收集血液,然後沿600英里的前線送到傷員需要的地方。
  • 9The studio designed numerous popular action games, including Full Spectrum Warrior, Mercenaries and Star Wars: Battlefront.Pandemic開發出了許多膾炙人口的動作遊戲,如《全能戰士:十錘》,《僱傭兵》,《星球大戰:前線》,《指環王:征服》等。
  • 10Bethune organized a service to collect blood from donors and deliver it to the battlefront, thereby saving countless lives.白求恩建立了採集獻血者血液的服務,並將血液運送到前線,從而拯救了無數的生命。
  • 11In 1861 he was sent to the Civil War battlefront as correspondent for Harper's Weekly, his work winning international acclaim.1861年,他被遣往內站前線,擔任《哈勃週刊》的通訊記者,他的作品得到國際讚譽。
  • 12"The question iswhether it happens now or whether we have to wait a little longer for it, "DICE Studios Senior Producer SigurlinaIngvarsdottir (Star Wars Battlefront)said.“問題在於它是現在發生還是需要我們等的時間要久一些。” DICE工作室高級製作人西格里娜•因格瓦斯多提(主要作品:星球大戰:前線)如此説道。
  • 13EA is timing aStar Wars: Battlefront game to coincide with the film's release, and the Playdom gaming studio Disney bought in 2010 is working on Star Wars- and Marvel-themed games as well.藝電正打算在《星戰7》上映時,同步推出遊戲《星球大戰:戰爭前線》。 迪士尼2010年收購的遊戲工作室Playdom也正在開發星戰和漫威主題遊戲。
  • 14Because Mongke Khan died in Sichuan, and Kublai retreated north to contest great Khan throne from battlefront, Mongke Khan's planning to conquer South Song Dynasty ended in failure in 1259.因蒙哥汗駕崩四川、忽必烈自前線臨陣退兵北歸爭奪汗位,蒙哥汗滅宋戰略計劃1259年以徹底失敗告終。
  • 15East Asia, the other big potential battlefront in the cold war, used to look very different from Europe, which has long had more than its share of shock-absorbing regional clubs and institutions.東亞是冷戰時另一個大的潛在前線,在過去與歐洲相比十分不同;長久以來,歐洲地域性俱樂部和機構的數量多於它這個規模應該有的。 [1] 