

Baron,英語單詞,名詞,意為“男爵;大亨;巨頭; (Baron)人名;(英、湯)巴倫;(匈)鮑龍;(法、俄、德、意、捷、荷、羅、以、瑞典、印尼)巴龍”。
詞    性


英[ˈbærən]美[ˈbærən] [1] 


Bike Baron摩托男爵 ; 摩托車伯爵 ; 自行車男爵 ; 摩托車男爵
Night Baron暗之男爵
Baron Schwartz施瓦茨 [1] 


  • 1I once carried a letter to a baron of that sort.有一次,我送一封信給一個那樣的男爵。
  • 2You've also done security for Sacha Baron Cohen. Is he in character or out?你還負責了薩夏男爵科恩的安全。他是否與他身份相符呢?
  • 3It was often intended to buy a media baron undue influence over the public.這經常讓媒體巨頭向公眾施加了過度的影響。
  • 4Rupert Murdoch, whom you may have heard of, is a huge newspaper baron who buys up newspapers all over the world.你可能聽説過魯珀特·默多克,他是個大型的媒體大亨,在全世界到處收購報業。
  • 5If a user racks up enough of these titles in a specific neighborhood, he'll become the baron of that area, or the king at the city level.如果一個用户在一個特定的地區得到了足夠的這些頭銜,他就將成為這個區域的男爵,或者是城市級別的國王。
  • 6A simple experiment developed by Simon Baron-Cohen goes like this.由西蒙·伯龍·科恩所發展的一個簡單實驗是這樣的。
  • 7The way Baron puts it, provocatively, to be a man is to suffer from a very mild form of autism.按照伯龍挑釁的説法,成為男人就要遭受非常輕微的孤獨症。
  • 8The man chiefly responsible for the German forward units was General Hasso Baron von Manteuffel, who commanded the Third Panzer Army.德國前線部隊的主要負責人是哈索·馮·曼陀菲爾將軍,他指揮着第三裝甲部隊。
  • 9He called Marius, "M. le Baron."他稱馬呂斯為男爵先生。
  • 10well! so you are a baron now.你現在居然是爵爺了。
  • 11"Use your imaginations," urges Baron Eric.“運用你的想象力,”Eric男爵強調説。
  • 12You've also done security for Sacha Baron Cohen.你還負責了薩夏男爵科恩的安全工作。
  • 13He is the Baron of Botox, the King of Collagen.他號稱肉毒桿菌巨頭,膠原蛋白大王。
  • 14OK, if Baron Davis has to go, then we'll trade him.好吧,如果大鬍子戴維斯要走,我們就把他交易了。
  • 15See here, you are no more a baron than my slipper is!你明白了嗎,你是爵爺,就和我的拖鞋一樣!
  • 16Baron DE Coubertin drafted the athlete's vows himself.德•顧拜旦爵士親自起草了運動員宣誓詞。
  • 17Marty Baron is one of the great journalists of this era.馬蒂·巴戎是這個時代最偉大的記者之一。
  • 18Even setting aside its alleged robber baron, this will be tough.甚至不理會所謂的強盜式資本家,這項任務將是艱鉅的。
  • 19And this, Baron-Cohen explains, is difficult for children with autism.而這,拜倫·科恩解釋説,對自閉症兒童來説很困難。
  • 20The allegations earned Guttenberg the nickname of "Baron Cut-and-Paste."這些指控使古騰貝格獲得了“剪切與粘貼大王”的外號。
  • 21That is a far more interesting question than Mr Baron-Cohen acknowledges.這是一個遠比伯龍-科恩所承認的更為有趣的問題。
  • 22The motorcycle rider, Baron von Nopsca, comes into the real life story circa 1900.摩托騎士nopsca男爵的真實故事要追溯到大約1900年。
  • 23The book is much more far-reaching in its implications than Baron-Cohen recognises.這本書在暗示方面比西蒙(Simon)認識到的要遠得多。
  • 24The famous German traveller, Baron Munchausen, told some amazing stories about his adventures.著名的德國旅行家拜仁。曼超森(Baron Munchausen)講述了一些關於他歷險過程中的一些有趣的故事。
  • 25So, the way Baron puts it, provocatively, is to be a man is to suffer from a very mild form of autism.所以,按照伯龍挑釁的説法,男人天生就患有輕微的孤獨症。
  • 26Those whose minds never consider their fellow traveller are not bad but disabled, Mr Baron-Cohen argues.伯龍-科恩提出,那些頭腦中從不為同行者着想的人士並非壞人,而是患有殘障。 [1] 
  • 1.    Baron  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-23]