
Bagpipes From Baghdad

《Bagpipes From Baghdad》是一首英文歌曲,演唱者是Eminem
Bagpipes From Baghdad


Bagpipes From Baghdad歌手簡介

Eminem Eminem
阿姆(Eminem,又名艾米納姆)於1972年10月17日岀生在美國密蘇里州的聖約瑟夫,本名為馬歇爾·布魯斯·馬澤斯三世,是美國最受歡迎和最具爭議的説唱樂手之一。阿姆是嘻哈界極少數成功的白人歌手之一,音樂也受到樂評人廣泛好評。他自己作的歌詞韻律感很強,也能夠在保持音樂節拍不變的情況下在一首歌中改變好幾次自己的説唱節奏和風格。同時他也因為歌詞的內容備受爭議,滲透著反同性戀、厭惡女性的情緒,也過分描繪暴力。不過他最近的一些舉動也在這些方面有所改觀,如參加海嘯捐款,和同志歌星艾爾頓·約翰共同演出、握手、擁抱等。阿姆的歌詞涉及範圍很廣,例如艾滋病在朋友之間的傳播等。他同樣也在歌中流露出反戰、反對小布什的看法。曾被雷爾教派的領袖雷爾封為榮譽神父,但他卻是皈依的基督教徒。他反對説唱樂手之間的互相仇殺、反對虐待兒童。儘管認為自己並不是個在政治方面激進好鬥的藝人,他也確實在一些方面嘲諷過美國的政治現象。 [1] 

Bagpipes From Baghdad歌詞

Eminem - Bagpipes From Baghdad
oh, its music to my ears
oh man, how can i describe, the way i feel
fuckin’ great man
ok, let me see
how could i begin
locked in mariahs wine cellar all i had for lunch,
was red, more red wine and captain crunch,
red wine for breakfast and for brunch,
and to soak it up and in between snack, crack ers to munch
mariah what ever happened to us
why did we have to break up
all i asked for was a glass of punch
ya see i never really asked for much
i cant imagine whats
going through your mind after such
a nasty break up with that latin hunk
luis migul
nick cannon better back the fuck up
i’m not playin i want her back ya punk
this is hello kitty bed spread satin funk
mixed with egyptian with a little rap and punk
zapp and eric clapton
shaft, prince, abba, crunk
ya baby
i want another crack at ya
you can beat me with any spatula that you want
i man i really want you bad you cunt
nick you had your fun
i’ve come to kick you in your sack of junk
man i could use a fresh batch of blood
so prepare your vernacular for dracula acupuncture
bagpipes from baghdad
when will it ever cease
for pete sakes he crazy to say the least
bagpipes from baghdad
whats going through my mind
half time when i rhyme
while blowing on my
bagpipes from baghdad
somebody turn the vacancy sign on
cause im gone
blowing on my
bagpipes from baghdad
i run the streets and act like a mad man holding a glad...
you could be a permanent fixture
in my lyrical mixture
i’m the miracle whip trickster
my signature sound
when a tube of lipsticks around
i’m bound to put it on in an instant
wow man what an ensemble
what an assortmen of pharma-
ceuticals this beautiful pill does to my palm and
cuticles get residue just from touching the bottle
never new i could remind me so much of my momma
i’ll cut you like dahmer
pull a butcher knife on ya
the size of a sword boy
i’m like the fucking red sonya
get it stuck in ya cornea
nice knowing ya norman
your so fucking annoying
drop the shovel boy
you dont know what the fuck your doing
i aint playing no fucking more
nick cannon you prick i wish you luck with the fuckin whore
every minute theres a sucker born
snuck up on malachai
made the motherfucker suck on shruck of corn
chaka chaka khan chaka khan
hit jason in the face with a hockey puck and
tell him its fuckin on
now what the fuck are you doing
your running over the snow blower with the lawn mower
blowing your bagpipes from baghdad
bagpipes from baghdad
when will it ever cease
for pete sakes he crazy to say the least
bagpipes from baghdad
whats going through my mind
half time when i rhyme
while blowing on my
bagpipes from baghdad
somebody turn the vacancy sign on
cause im gone
blowing on my
bagpipes from baghdad
i run the streets and act like a mad man holding a glad bag..
In a bed with two brain dead lesbian vegetables
I bet you they’ll become heterosexual
Nothing will stop me from molesting you
Titty-fucking you ’till your breast nipples flesh tickle my testicles
It’s what they said to the two conjoined twins
How’s it going, girlfriends, you need a boyfriend?
You need some ointment? just set up an appointment
Who’s gonna see the doctor first? We’ll do a coin flip
I’ve just got my one year sobriety ??? check
When the bad get going how bad is it gonna get
Baby you shouldn’t have any trouble rubbing groins with each other
Especially when they’re joined at the hip
I’m going to get a needle ??? kit
In attempt to separate the ??? back at the loin, shit (?)
Lure the little boy with the chocolate chips Ahoy!
Cookie, lookie, even took me a polaroid
bagpipes from baghdad
when will it ever cease
for pete sakes he crazy to say the least
bagpipes from baghdad
whats going through my mind
half time when i rhyme
while blowing on my
bagpipes from baghdad
somebody turn the vacancy sign on
cause im gone
blowing on my
bagpipes from baghdad