

詞    性
屬    性


英[bʌldʒ]美[bʌldʒ] [1] 


bulge loop凸環 ; 脹環 ; 凸喚爆脹環 ; 膨脹圈
Bulge Height凸凹程度設置 ; 正值為凸
stabilizing bulge舷側防搖水艙
slack bulge圓舭
inward bulge向內鼓凸
downward bulge山根帶 ; 向下凸出
Nose bulge鼻子發脹
bulge freighter散貨船
bulge frame船腹肋骨 [1] 


  • 1They grow, they bulge, they stretch and sometimes they even painfully pull.它們成長、膨脹、伸展,有時候它們甚至費力地拉伸。
  • 2Only galaxies with a spherical bulge—like component appear to accommodate supermassive black holes.只有擁有球形膨脹物質的星系才可能容納超大質量的黑洞。
  • 3After the war there was a bulge in the birth rate.戰後出生率一度激增。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Three very large volcanoes are found on the Tharsis bulge, an enormous geologic area near Mars's equator.在塔爾西斯高原上發現了三座非常大的火山。塔爾西斯高原是火星赤道附近一片廣闊的地質區域。
  • 5Most of the largest volcanoes are associated with the Tharsis bulge, but many smaller ones are found in the northern plains.大多數最大的火山都與塔爾西斯凸起有關,但在北部平原上發現了許多較小的火山。
  • 6Earth's midsection bulges and the catastrophic land displacement caused a small reduction in the bulge, making the planet more round.地球中部是稍稍膨脹的,歷經災難的陸地位移導致了隆起的輕微減少,讓地球變得更圓。
  • 7There was more ginseng than his father could have dreamed of, a hillside spangled with bright yellow leaves, enough roots to bulge Jesse's knapsack.那裏有比他父親所能想象的更多的人蔘,滿山坡的明亮的黃葉子閃閃發光,足夠塞滿傑希的揹包。
  • 8When a reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere of this hot rock forces its way up through the upper mantle to Earth's surface, creating a broad bulge in the topography.當儲層足夠大時,這種熾熱岩石的一個球體強行通過上地幔上升到地球表面,在地形上形成一個寬闊的隆起。
  • 9Stare. Your eyes can bulge somewhat.瞪眼,你的眼睛可以鼓出來。
  • 10The baby boomers were one such bulge.嬰兒潮就是這類暴增的一例。
  • 11This “youth bulge” will last until 2050.這項年輕人興起的現象,將持續到2050年。
  • 12My files now bulge with more than 800 rejections.如今,我的文件夾被八百餘封拒信塞得鼓鼓囊囊。
  • 13A hernia is usually recognized as a bulge under your skin.疝發生後,一般來説,你會在腹壁皮膚上看到一個隆起。
  • 14The 'picket fence' therefore had a decided upward bulge in the middle.因此,“柵欄”的中部就出現了一個明顯往上的凸出部分。
  • 15Glass cannot bulge at the seams, so the surface becomes compressed.玻璃不能在接口處膨脹,因此表面存在了壓應力。
  • 16Tom took Brendan's hand and pressed it against the bulge in his track pants.湯姆拿着布倫丹的手,把它壓在他脹起的短褲上。
  • 17Often, showing the "bulge" is enough to gain the respect of rival gangs.很多時候,亮起“鼓囊的傢伙”就足以能夠贏得敵對幫派的尊重。
  • 18But at least one method, hormone implants, visibly bulge from a man's bicep.至少有一種方法如激素植入能明顯地鼓起男人的二頭肌。
  • 19A fall in fertility sends a sort of generational bulge surging through a society.生育率下降在社會中產生了數量特別多的一代人。
  • 20This narrowest place is between the bulge of south America and the bulge of Africa.這洋麪最窄的地方就是介於南美洲的突出點和非洲的突出點之間。
  • 21Later, he accompanied the Allied breakthrough at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge.此後,他在“凸出部戰役”(the Battle of the Bulge)期間在巴斯托涅陪同盟軍突圍。
  • 22"Apparently you don't have to have a bulge to form a massive black hole," said Reines.“顯然你不一定非得有核球才能產生巨型黑洞,”Reines説。
  • 23At the heart of its analysis is the ongoing effect of a "youth bulge" which peaked in 2000.報告分析的核心內容是在2000年達到頂峯的“青年潮”所產生的持續效果。
  • 24In sub-Saharan Africa the better the governance, the bigger a country’s middle-income bulge.在撒哈拉以南的非洲,社會越穩定有序,其中產階級規模越大。
  • 25She was handmade, with a painted face, and she wore a gingham dress to conceal her baby bulge.她完全是手工製作的,她有着一張色彩鮮麗的臉孔,穿着條花格棉布裙子,用以遮蓋她因“懷胎”而隆起的腹部。
  • 26An infected eardrum won't move as it should because the pus presses against it and may make it bulge.受感染的骨膜會因為鼓室內膿液使其膨脹而不能正常的移動。
  • 27On June 6, 1944, he landed at Utah Beach, and he later saw action during the Battle of the Bulge.它可能算是《九故事》中感情最真摯的一篇。 在1944年6月6日,他在諾曼底的猶他海灘登陸,他後來參加了阿登戰役行動。
  • 28Only galaxies with a spherical bulge-like component appear to accommodate supermassive black holes.只有擁有球形膨脹組件的星系才可能容納質量超大的黑洞。
  • 29A halo of mysterious dark matter is thought to infuse the space surrounding each of the bulge-packing galaxies.一個圍繞着暗物質的神秘光環是,它被認為是充滿着每一個星系周圍的空間。
  • 30At its center, nearly every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole surrounded by a big bulge of stars.在每個星系的中心幾乎都存在一個超大質量的黑洞,而這個黑洞的周圍又包圍着一個大核球。 [1] 
  • 1.    bulge  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-17]