


auctioneer,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時譯為“拍賣商”,作動詞時譯為“拍賣”。 [1] 
詞    性
[ˌɔːkʃəˈnɪə(r); ˌɒkʃəˈnɪə(r)]


N-COUNT An auctioneer is a person in charge of an auction. 拍賣師 [1] 


Registered Auctioneer 註冊拍賣師
Auctioneer Olmsted 標籤
The Auctioneer 拍賣者 ; 拍賣家
Walras auctioneer 瓦爾拉斯拍賣人
auctioneer circuit 拍賣電路
auctioneer master 拍賣行老闆 ; 翻譯
Auctioneer Stampi 拍賣師斯塔比
circuit auctioneer 拍賣迴路
auctioneer r 拍賣人 [1] 


  • 1After more silence, the auctioneer then announced that the whole auction was over.又沉默了一會兒,拍賣師便宣佈整個拍賣會結束。
  • 2As the auctioneer called out bids, in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy, triggering the most severe financial crisis since the 1920s.隨着拍賣商叫價,紐約華爾街歷史最悠久的銀行之一雷曼兄弟申請破產,引發了自20世紀20年代以來最嚴重的金融危機。
  • 3As the auctioneer called out bids, in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy.隨着拍賣商的叫價聲,紐約華爾街最古老的銀行之一雷曼兄弟宣告破產。
  • 4Even eBay, the online auctioneer, keeps quiet.甚至,eBay這樣的網絡拍賣商也保持沉默。
  • 5Christie's, the region's leading auctioneer, has been braver.該地區的主要拍賣商——佳士得,則更加勇敢些。
  • 6Article 15 An auctioneer shall meet the following requirements.第十五條拍賣師應當具備下列條件。
  • 7The auctioneer shall state the drawbacks of auction targets to the bidders.拍賣人應當向競買人説明拍賣標的的瑕疵。
  • 8Benson signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand dollars.本森悄悄地向拍賣人做了個手勢,然後把出價又抬高了1000美元。
  • 9At a big community party your auctioneer sells every treasure to the highest bidder.在一個大型社區晚會上,你的拍賣者把他每項寶貝賣給出價最高的人。
  • 10Article 45 an auctioneer shall release an auction notice seven days before the auction day.第四十五條拍賣人應當於拍賣日七日前發佈拍賣公告。
  • 11Article 42 an auctioneer shall verify the relevant documents and data provided by his trustee.第四十二條拍賣人應當對委託人提供的有關文件、資料進行核實。
  • 12Article 53 While proceeding with an auction, an auctioneer shall make a written auction record.第五十三條拍賣人進行拍賣時,應當製作拍賣筆錄。
  • 13Article 56 a trustee and a buyer may jointly set the commission ratio together with an auctioneer.第五十六條委託人、買受人可以與拍賣人約定佣金的比例。
  • 14From the moment she saw the business plan for eBay she knew the online auctioneer could be big.從看到易趣商業計劃的那一刻,她就意識到網絡交易商將前途無量。
  • 15German auctioneer Herbert Weidler said the three paintings were sold to three different phone bidders.德國拍賣師赫伯特•魏德勒説,這三幅畫分別賣給了三個不同的電話出價人。
  • 16It would mark the latest in a string of acquisitions in Asia by the world's biggest online auctioneer.這家全球最大的在線拍賣商在亞洲進行了一系列收購,此次收購韓國子公司將是它的最新一次行動。
  • 17Article 28 an trustee has the right to set the retentive price of an auction target to the auctioneer.第二十八條委託人有權確定拍賣標的的保留價並要求拍賣人保密。
  • 18Article 49 an auctioneer shall announce auction rules and matters needing attention before an auction.第四十九條拍賣師應當於拍賣前宣佈拍賣規則和注意事項。
  • 19Article 52 After an auction is completed, the buyer and auctioneer shall sign a deal conclusion letter.第五十二條拍賣成交後,買受人和拍賣人應當簽署成交確認書。
  • 20In the absence of an agreement, he or she shall pay the auctioneer reasonable costs paid for an auction.未作約定的,應當向拍賣人支付為拍賣支出的合理費用。
  • 21Sometimes the auctioneer sets a minimum amount by which the next bid must exceed the current highest bid.有時候拍賣師會限定最低報價增幅,從而使下一次競價必須高於當前的最高價格。
  • 22Article 27 an trustee shall state the source and drawbacks of his or her auction targets to the auctioneer.第二十七條委託人應當向拍賣人説明拍賣標的的來源和瑕疵。
  • 23Article 19 An auctioneer has the obligation of taking care of articles submitted by the trustee for auction.第十九條拍賣人對委託人交付拍賣的物品負有保管義務。
  • 24Sotheby's was the first auctioneer to become interested in Russia and remains bigger there than its rival.So theby是首家拍賣行開始關注於俄羅斯並且相比它的對手保持更大的該市場的份額。
  • 25Should the auctioneer accept a trust, he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee.拍賣人接受委託的,應當與委託人簽訂書面委託拍賣合同。
  • 26Las Vegas-based memorabilia auctioneer Darren Julien says the future of his nostalgia-themed industry lies in Asia.拉斯維加斯紀念品拍賣商朱利安説,亞洲是這個以懷舊為主題的行業未來所繫。
  • 27The will was only recently discovered, and is believed to have never been published, an auctioneer told reporters.一位拍賣商對記者説,這份遺囑是最近才發現的,肯定從未公開發表過。
  • 28The price control department may impose on the auctioneer a fine that is 100 percent to 500 percent of the commissions.物價管理部門可以對拍賣人處拍賣佣金一倍以上五倍以下的罰款。 [1] 