


Archer,英語單詞,主要用作名詞。作名詞的意思是“弓箭手”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈɑːtʃə(r)] 美 [ˈɑːrtʃər]
n. 弓箭手
[ 複數 archers ] [1] 


archer /ˈɑːtʃə/ TEM8
1.N-COUNT An archer is someone who shoots arrows using a bow. 弓箭手; 射箭運動員 [1] 


Jeffrey Archer 傑弗裏·阿徹 ; 阿切爾 ; 阿徹爾 ; 傑弗裏·阿切爾
Anne Archer 安妮·阿徹 ; 安妮·阿切
Archer City 阿徹城 ; 城市
Robin The Archer 知更鳥射手 ; 羅賓大冒險
pipiru the archer 射蘋果
Howard Archer 阿契爾 ; 阿徹爾 ; 阿切爾 ; 亞瑟
Skeleton Archer 骷髏弓箭手 ; 骷髏射手 ; 骷髏弓手
archer-angler 弓箭射魚者
Master Archer 弩大師級 ; 名射手 ; 弩術大師級 [1] 


  • 1Hi, Professor Archer, you know how in class last week you said that you were looking for students who are interested in volunteering for your archeology project?您好,阿徹教授,上週您在課堂裏説過,您在找有興趣為您的考古項目做志願工作的學生,是嗎??
  • 2Hou Yi was the best archer at that time.后羿是當時最好的弓箭手。
  • 3Hundreds of occupational surnames are at once familiar to us, or at least recognizable after a little thought: Archer, Carter, Fisher, Mason, Thatcher, Taylor, to name but a few.數以百計的職業姓氏對我們來説曾經是熟悉的,或者至少稍加思考就能辨認出來:阿切爾、卡特、費雪、梅森、撒切爾、泰勒等等。
  • 4Michelle Archer: Good morning.米歇爾·阿徹:早上好。
  • 5Thank you — thank you, Mr. Archer.謝謝你——謝謝你,阿切爾先生。
  • 6Mr. Archer, I don't understand you.阿切爾先生,我不理解你。
  • 7He's an archer, I think.我覺得他是一個弓箭手。
  • 8Archer felt the blood in his temples.阿切爾覺得熱血湧上了太陽穴。
  • 9Archer paused a moment.阿切爾躊躇了一會兒。
  • 10Mrs. Archer shook her head with a sigh.阿切爾太太嘆口氣搖了搖頭。
  • 11But the archer was an important person.但是這位弓箭手無疑是一位非常重要的人。
  • 12Mrs. Archer produced an indulgent smile.阿切爾太太臉上露出寬容的微笑。
  • 13Mrs. Archer paled.阿切爾太太臉色煞白。
  • 14Mrs. Struthers extended a hail- fellow hand to Archer.斯特拉瑟斯太太向阿切爾友好地伸出手。
  • 15In every tower stands an archer with a bow in his hand.每座塔上均杵着一名手握弓箭的射手。
  • 16Newland Archer walked straight home again that afternoon.紐蘭·阿切爾這天下午又是直接走回家的。
  • 17BLOCK: An archer, yeah, he's a big one, a big, bright one.布洛克:一個弓箭手,是的,他是個巨大的,明亮的弓箭手。
  • 18When she had gone Archer stood up and began to wander about.她離開之後,阿切爾站了起來,開始來回踱步。
  • 19"Most of Hollywood went through that class," Anne Archer told me.“好萊塢大部分人都上過他的課,”安妮·阿徹告訴我。
  • 20“Most of Hollywood went through that class, ” Anne Archer told me.“好萊塢大部分人都上過他的課,”安妮·阿徹告訴我。
  • 21The archer notices the dead man's boots and appropriates them.射手注意到了死者的靴子,並佔有了它們。
  • 22Newland Archer prided himself on his knowledge of Italian art.紐蘭·阿切爾以懂得意大利藝術而自豪。
  • 23Archer was an important person. Along with the arrows, he has.但是這位弓箭手無疑是一位非常重要的人。
  • 24Archer instantly felt himself on the other side of the argument.阿切爾即刻覺得自己站在了爭論的另一方。
  • 25Suddenly Newland Archer felt himself impelled to decisive action.紐蘭·阿切爾突然感到必須採取果斷行動。
  • 26Archer-the archer, it seems, came to England and raised a family.這位弓箭手好像是來自英格蘭的,並且是他養家餬口的。
  • 27He was portrayed by Martin Archer Shee in red coat at a bloody battle.他在一場浴血戰鬥中身披紅衣,由馬丁·阿徹·希繪製肖像。
  • 28Mrs. Archer dropped her needle and pushed her chair back with an agitated hand.阿切爾太太扔下手中的針,用顫抖的手把椅子向後推了推。
  • 29Newland Archer, as became a young man of his position, strolled in somewhat late.紐蘭·阿切爾到達稍微晚了一點,這符合他這樣的年輕人的身份。 [1] 