


Arbitrary是一個英語單詞,形容詞,作形容詞時意為“ [數] 任意的;武斷的;專制的”。
詞    性


英[ˈɑːbɪtrəri; ˈɑːbɪtri]美[ˈɑːrbətreri] [1] 


arbitrary parameter[數]任意參數 ; 任意參數英語
arbitrary average[數]任意平均數 ; 假定平均數
arbitrary unit[經]任意單位 ; 翻譯 ; 單位為任意單位 ; 熒光強度
Arbitrary Cycles任意循環 ; 強制循環 ; 循環
arbitrary arrangement隨機排列
arbitrary a任意的 ; 專橫的 ; 專斷的
arbitrary sign任意符號 ; 任意記號 ; 翻譯 ; 任意符號英語
arbitrary adjective任意的 ; 武斷的
arbitrary datum任意起算值 ; 假定基面 [1] 


  • 1He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions.他做的決定難以預料,主觀武斷。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Arbitrary arrests and detention without trial were common.不經審訊隨意扣押是常有的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary.看來這個隊的隊員完全是隨意選定的。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Finally, the security was fired for his arbitrary judgment.最後,保安因為他的武斷判斷被解僱了。
  • 5Knowing as much relevant information as possible can help us avoid making arbitrary decisions.儘可能多地瞭解相關的信息可以幫助我們避免作出武斷的決定。
  • 6People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often arbitrary rather than based on fixed criteria.人們抱怨批准或拒絕許可的決定往往是隨意的,而不是基於固定的標準。
  • 7The premise was that the common law of contract lacked sufficient safeguards for workers against arbitrary conduct by management.其前提是,普通合同法缺乏使勞動者不受管理層隨意行為影響的充分保障。
  • 8For these tools, the question might be in two parts: Given an arbitrary receipt, can you scan it sufficiently well to extract data?對於這些工具,問題有兩個部分:給定任意的一個收據,你能否對它進行充分好的掃描以提取數據?
  • 9This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills.這種直覺不是武斷的或非理性的,而是建立在多年艱苦的實踐和建立技能的實際經驗的基礎上的。
  • 10These scientists, for reasons that are mostly arbitrary, either just missed getting a research grant or just barely made it.由於一些原因,這些科學家要麼是錯失了研究經費,要麼只是勉強成功了,而這其中的原因大多是隨機的。
  • 11So far, machines have a pretty hard time emulating creativity, arbitrary enough not to be predicted by a computer, and yet more than simple randomness.到目前為止,機器在模仿創造力方面有相當困難的時間,它們的隨機性足以讓計算機無法預測,但也不僅僅是簡單的隨機性。
  • 12The generalization of the quadrant and octant to arbitrary number of dimensions is the orthant.將四象限和八象限推廣到任意維數是正交的。
  • 13This is an arbitrary decision.這是個武斷的決定。
  • 14Arbitrary commands can be run.可以運行任意命令。
  • 15My choice was quite arbitrary.我的選擇相當隨意。
  • 16The zero of it wasn't arbitrary.熵的零點不是任意的。
  • 17It's not an arbitrary data cache.它不是任意的數據緩存。
  • 18This is unfair, and its arbitrary.這是不公平的,也是武斷的。
  • 19The lists just can't be arbitrary.這個清單時不能武斷炮製的。
  • 20Luck, after all, is arbitrary.畢竟,運氣是變幻莫測的。
  • 21Well, that is arbitrary.那挺武斷的。
  • 22But why the arbitrary three-click limit?但是為何要武斷的設定“三次點擊”的限制?
  • 23Messages can also have arbitrary arguments.消息也可以有任意的參數。
  • 24Data instances are arbitrary blocks of XML.數據實例是任意的xml塊。
  • 25The signs are both arbitrary and differential.符號具有任意性和差異性。
  • 26Otherwise, enforcing the ban will be arbitrary.否則,這項禁令的執行將是隨意性的。
  • 27The order of those parameters is arbitrary.而參數的順序卻是任意的。
  • 28In other words, this was an arbitrary choice.換句話説,這是一個主觀的選擇。
  • 29An arbitrary name is needed for the bridge object.需要為網橋對象指定一個任意的名稱。
  • 30You cannot submit forms to an arbitrary server.不能把表單提交到其他服務器。 [1] 