


Apparition,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“幽靈;幻影”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˌæpəˈrɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˌæpəˈrɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 幽靈;幻影;鬼怪;離奇出現的東西
[ 複數 apparitions ] [1] 


a full body apparition 魂現象 ; 滿身鬼魂徵象 ; 全身幽靈現象 ; 身幽靈現象
Chilling Apparition 寒冰幻影
circle of perpetual apparition [天] 恆顯圈 [1] 


  • Before this awful apparition, I retreat in terror that is upon me as I write. 在這個可怕的幽靈出現之前,我在恐懼中退卻,這種恐懼在我寫作時伴隨着我。
  • I am not precisely sure how long I stayed frozen in that position, but the next thing I recall is the apparition vanishing before my eyes. 我不能精準地確定我在那個位置上呆了多久,但我記得的下一件事就是那個幽靈在我眼前消失了。
  • This apparition grew to an old age, until he reached a maturity he could not improve on, and now he haunts the church in which his parents had married. 這個幽靈已到老年,直到他成熟到無法再前進的地步,現在他常出沒在他父母結婚的教堂裏。
  • She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room with an ashen face, as if he'd seen a fulminating witch, some kind of horror flick apparition. 她邊笑邊咳嗽,丈夫臉色蒼白從房間裏跑出來,好像他見到了一個暴怒的巫婆,像是某種恐怖片裏的幽靈似的。
  • At the unexpected apparition, no one dared even to breathe. 這個意外的出現,使大家都不敢喘氣。
  • A Laura-like apparition visited Clemens' dreams at intervals throughout the rest of his life. 在克萊門斯的餘生中,一個像勞拉一樣的幽靈不時造訪他的夢境。
  • Just like a fleeting apparition. 有如曇花一現的幻影。
  • He saw the apparition of his dead wife. 他看見了他亡妻的幽靈。
  • One evening he had a singular apparition. 一天傍晚,他遇到一件怪事。
  • Apparition of a body floating face-down at the pond's edge. 一具臉朝下的屍體,漂在那池塘邊緣。
  • Still, the apparition in the dream was distinctly her mother. 夢裏的母親變了。
  • I'm still trying to figure out what the apparition is behind him. 我仍然試圖找出什麼幻影是在他身後。
  • He was visited by an apparition, a girl mysteriously resembling his daughter. 他被一個幽靈來找他,不可思議地是一個像他女兒的女孩。
  • Before this awful apparition I retreat in terror — a terror that is upon me as I write. 在此幻影前,我在恐懼中退卻——這種恐懼即便現在我寫作時依然伴隨着我。
  • For days this apparition was a drag on her soul before it began to wear partially away. 這個幽靈般的影子在她的心頭縈繞了好多天,才開始逐漸消逝了一些。
  • Your eyes searched that vagueness, and sought to make out the surroundings of the apparition. 你的眼睛在迷霧裏搜索,想分辨出那人形四周的東西。
  • At the unexpected apparition, no one dared even to breathe. One could almost hear a fly go by. 沒料到班主突然出現,他們誰也不敢喘氣,幾乎連一隻蒼蠅飛過都能聽見。
  • Now I stared at this sudden apparition with my eyes fairly starting out of my head in astonishment. 我驚奇地睜大着眼睛看着這突然出現的小傢伙。
  • Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition. 幻影;幽靈可以明顯地看到、聽到或感覺到的,但沒有物質實體;鬼怪或幽靈。
  • Art is the greatest adventure we are allowed to experience in our brief apparition on the stage of life. 藝術,是我們在短暫縹緲的人生舞台上所能經歷的最偉大的冒險。
  • After crashing his ship, and being tossed overboard, Columbus sees a beautiful apparition reaching out to him. 他的船崩潰之後,他被扔進海里,這時他看到一個美麗的幻影,哥倫布向他伸出橄欖枝。
  • From the deck of a ship, the island makes a startling apparition, like the Himalaya just emerged from the Flood. 在甲板上遙望這個海島,觀感震撼,猶如洪水退去,喜馬拉雅羣峯漸次浮起。
  • Three lessons on, Apparition was proving as difficult as ever, though a few more people had managed to Splinch themselves. 三節課下來,幻影顯形還是那麼困難,只是又有幾個人做得分了身。
  • At that exact moment the lights in the room switched off, taking the apparition with it, and shrouding the room in darkness. 此時房裏的燈已經滅了,房子一片漆黑,籠罩着一種詭異的氣氛。
  • I am not precisely sure how long I stayed frozen in that position but the next thing I recall is the apparition vanishing before my eyes. 也不知道我這樣不動又過了多久,可接下來那個幻影在我面前卻消失了。 [1] 