
alan wilder

Alan Charles Wilder,1959年6月1日出生於英國倫敦西部的哈默史密斯,英國另類搖滾樂隊Depeche Mode前任成員,在隊裏主要承擔樂手和製作人。
Alan自主創建的音樂團隊名叫Recoil,是在DM時期創建的子團隊。當他在1995年6月1日離開DM之後,Recoil正式成為Alan的主要事業。此後也為樂隊Nitzer EbbCurve製作混音及部分創作。Alan小時候受古典音樂的薰陶並且因當代音樂製作人的身份而著名。 [4] 
艾倫 懷爾德
Alan Charles Wilder
別    名
Alan Wilder
國    籍
Hammersmith, West London, England
星    座
職    業
Mute RecordsReprise/Warner Bros. Records
Strange Hours

alan wilder早年經歷

Alan出生在倫敦西部阿克頓的一箇中產家庭裏。受他父母的鼓勵,他八歲開始學習鋼琴。此後,他在St Clement Danes Grammar學校學習長笛並在學校裏的樂隊成為帶頭音樂家。他在學校期間音樂上受打擊樂手Ted Ing的影響,之後Alan便和Ted一起創建了樂隊Cloaca。畢業後,Alan在DJM Studios做助理工作。

alan wilder演藝經歷

Alan在1982年到1995年間一直在樂隊Depeche Mode擔任鍵盤手並全權參與樂隊歌曲的各種複雜編曲工作。此期間,Alan也在紀錄片101中展示了不同的合成器部分歌曲的分離和安排抽樣在他們巡演期間如何進行的。有趣的是,在DM創建初期由於成員Vince Clarke的離開,樂隊不得不廣告招募新成員作為鍵盤手,Alan在面試時謊報了自己的年齡(樂隊要求成員低於21歲,而那時Alan已經22歲了),可之後因為無可否認的才華,Alan成功逃脱了這一問題。之後1995年因為與樂隊成員觀念衝突,Alan在他36歲生日的時候宣佈離開樂隊Depeche Mode。有消息稱Alan離開的原因是因為樂隊成員在此期間Dave吸毒成癮,Andrew一度因精神問題離隊修養(Andrew在巡演的最後39場演出均未出現),這讓Alan在面對全世界成千上萬的歌迷面前不得不承受巨大的壓力。更有消息稱,在巡演的某一場開場前兩天,巡演的編曲準備工作還離Alan的構想相差甚遠,Alan不得不自己再重新編排所有歌曲的創作。相傳Alan在後台與Dave大吵一架後宣佈離開樂隊。

alan wilder個人生活

Alan的第一任妻子名叫Hep並育有一女。Hep在theFaith and Devotion巡演中懷孕。

alan wilder主要作品

alan wilder音樂專輯

參考資料 [5-14] 

alan wilder早期作品

  • The Dragons – "Misbehavin'" (1977)
  • Dafne & The Tenderspots – "Disco Hell" (1979)
  • The Korgis– "If I Had You" (1979) UK No.13 (The track also appears onThe Korgis, as well as all of the band'scompilation albums.)
  • Real to Real – "White Man Reggae" (March 1980)
  • Real to Real – "The Blue" (1980)
  • Real to Real –Tightrope Walkers(November 1980)
  • Real to Real – "Mr. and Mrs." (March 1981)
  • The Flatbackers – "Serenade of Love" (1981)
  • The Hitmen – "Ouija" (1981)

alan wilder在隊期間

Main article:Depeche Mode discography
Wilder appeared on all of Depeche Mode's releases from "Get the Balance Right" (31 January 1983) up to "In Your Room" (10 January 1994), later taking part in reissues and compilations containing material from his time in the band.

alan wilder個人發展期間

Main article:Recoil (band) § Discography

alan wilderCollected

Alan organised with Omega an auction selling a lot of DM collectable items on 3 September 2011 in Manchester. A DVD called "Collected +" was released as promotion for these events.
Covers & collaborations
  • 1991– Mixed theNitzer Ebbsong "Come Alive" from theirAs IsEP.
  • 1991– Along withFlood, produced theNitzer Ebbfull albumEbbhead.
  • 2001– Provided strings and ambient sounds for the song "Polaroid" from theCurvealbum "Gift".
  • 2003– Provided strings and sounds for "The Digital Intervention" track called "Coma Idyllique" from their album "Capture".PK, a longtimeRecoilcollaborator is one of its members along with Olivia Louvel.
  • 2012– Covered 2 tracks: "Inheritance" - Recoil (ft. Linton Kwesi Johnson & Paul Marshall) and "Dum Dum Girl" - Recoil (ft. Shara Worden) for aTalk Talktribute album (double) cd/book set called "Spirit of Talk Talk". He also became executive music producer for the album.

alan wilderRemixes

  • 1989Toni Halliday– "Time Turns Around" (Euro-Tech Version)
  • 1991Nitzer Ebb– "I Give to You" (Wilder Mix Full Version)
  • 2010Nitzer Ebb– "I Am Undone" (Alan Wilder Remix)
  • 2011Depeche Mode– "In Chains" (Alan Wilder Remix)
  • 2011Sonoio– "Minutes" (Expansion Mix)

alan wilder人物評價

Alan被廣大歌迷認為是Depeche Mode不可缺少的重要血液,自從離開Depeche Mode之後,他創建的Recoil樂隊也同樣受很多人的青睞。 [1-3] 
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