
After Twilight

《After Twilight》是由Gary Watson執導的短片類電影,由Richard Alvarez、Gary Watson擔任編劇,由克莉絲汀·M·澳汀、Marty Fleck主演。 [1] 
After Twilight
類    型
導    演
Gary Watson
編    劇
Richard Alvarez、Gary Watson
主    演
克莉絲汀·M·澳汀、Marty Fleck

After Twilight劇情簡介

Bookish Jen Frazier seems an unlikely choice to be a freedom fighter, but when a theocratic new order occupies the state of Texas, Jen is pushed into action carrying contraband for the underground. In the backroom of a closed antique shop Goldman, the proprietor, charges Jen with the task of delivering a mysterious package to an unnamed underground. But the religious police led by Sgt. Streetman raid the shop. Jen escapes capture, but the police seize Goldman, and beat him to death for resisting arrest. In spite of the danger Jen decides to deliver the package. At the appointed hour, Jen arrives to deliver the package to her contact. When the contact appears, the secret agents of the church subdue him. Jen avoids capture only because the occupants of a mysterious white van snatch her off the street. Against her will, Jen is drawn into the underground network of interfaith freedom fighters led by Jessie, the Liberator. Deep under the city streets, Jen meets the core of "witnesses" led by Jessie, and begins to grasp the full extent of the resistance forming against the theocratic order represented by Sgt. Streetman. Jen strikes a bargain with Jessie to insure the package is delivered into the hands of its intended recipients. In so doing, Jen makes the ultimate sacrifice and the contents of the mysterious package are revealed to the audience.Written by Nu-Classic Films Bookish Jen Frazier seems an unlikely choice to be a freedom fighter, but when a theocratic new order takes over the state of Texas, Jen is pushed into action carrying contraband for the underground. A surprise raid by the religious police shows Jen just how dangerous it can be to fight a state with God on its side.Written by Gary Watson and Richard Alvarez [2] 
Bookish Jen Frazier seems an unlikely choice to be a freedom fighter, but when a theocratic new order occupies the state of Texas, Jen is pushed into action carrying contraband for the underground. In the backroom of a closed antique shop Goldman, the proprietor, charges Jen with the task of delivering a mysterious package to an unnamed underground. But the religious police led by Sgt. Streetman raid the shop. Jen escapes capture, but the police seize Goldman, and beat him to death for resisting arrest. In spite of the danger Jen decides to deliver the package. At the appointed hour, Jen arrives to deliver the package to her contact. When the contact appears, the secret agents of the church subdue him. Jen avoids capture only because the occupants of a mysterious white van snatch her off the street. Against her will, Jen is drawn into the underground network of interfaith freedom fighters led by Jessie, the Liberator. Deep under the city streets, Jen meets the core of "witnesses" led by Jessie, and begins to grasp the full extent of the resistance forming against the theocratic order represented by Sgt. Streetman. Jen strikes a bargain with Jessie to insure the package is delivered into the hands of its intended recipients. In so doing, Jen makes the ultimate sacrifice and the contents of the mysterious package are revealed to the audience.Written by Nu-Classic Films Bookish Jen Frazier seems an unlikely choice to be a freedom fighter, but when a theocratic new order takes over the state of Texas, Jen is pushed into action carrying contraband for the underground. A surprise raid by the religious police shows Jen just how dangerous it can be to fight a state with God on its side.Written by Gary Watson and Richard Alvarez [2] 

After Twilight演職員表

After Twilight演員表

角色 演員
Jen Frazier 克莉絲汀·M·澳汀
Goldman Marty Fleck
Sgt. Streetman Don Hampton
Jessie Laurie Scott
Apparitor #1 McCuller Stephens

After Twilight職員表

導演 Gary Watson
副導演(助理) Richard Alvarez
編劇 Richard Alvarez、Gary Watson
剪輯 Gary Watson