


詞    性
釋    義


chartered accountant 特許會計師 ; 會計師 ; [會計] 註冊會計師 ; 英國皇家特許會計師
Assistant Accountant [會計] 助理會計師 ; 助理會計 ; 會計助理 ; 財務助理
Junior Accountant 初級會計 ; [會計] 初級會計員
General Accountant 總會計師 ; 會計主管人簽字 ; 普通會計人員 ; 總賬會計
AP Accountant 應付會計 ; 應付賬款會計 ; 應付帳款會計 ; 應付款會計
certified accountant 註冊會計師 ; 審定會計師 ; 會計師 ; [會計] 執業會計師
Treasury Accountant 庫務會計師 ; 資金會計 ; 庫務管帳師 ; 資金會計師
reporting accountant 申報會計師 ; 報表會計 ; 報告會計師 ; 報告會計人員
accountant room 會計室 ; 管帳室 [1] 


  • 1She has an appointment with her accountant.她和她的會計師有個約會。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2It would probably pay you to hire an accountant.聘一名會計師或許對你有好處。《牛津詞典》
  • 3She has been an accountant all her working life.她在整個職業生涯中一直是會計師。《牛津詞典》
  • 4His accountant had been cooking the books for years.多年來他的會計師一直在做假賬。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The accountant described his work to the sales staff.會計師向銷售部的職員介紹了自己的職責。《牛津詞典》
  • 6He was going to college at night, in order to become an accountant.他為了當會計,每晚要去學院聽課。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7I won't know how successful it is until an accountant has gone over the books.我要等到會計仔細查看了賬目後才會知道盈利狀況如何。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8She was not an accountant and didn't have the expertise to verify all of the financial details.她不是會計,不具有核查所有這些財政細目的專業知識。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9He did drink with his accountant.他和他的會計在一起喝咖啡。
  • 10You probably have a lawyer and an accountant.你多半還有一個律師和一個會計。
  • 11I will become an accountant after graduating.我可能畢業後會成為一名會計。
  • 12She is an accountant for a recycling company.她是一家回收公司的會計師。
  • 13Your accountant should help you set up these systems.你的會計應該幫你制定這些制度。
  • 14I was making as much money as I was as an accountant.我的收入和我做會計的工資一樣多。
  • 15Before I was a literature professor, I was an accountant.在我成為文學教授之前,我是一名會計。
  • 16I'm an accountant. I just graduated from college about a year ago.我是一名會計。一年前剛從學校畢業。
  • 17I'm licensed in the state of Washington to be an accountant, I guess.我想,我在華盛頓州已經登記註冊為一名會計師了。
  • 18Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant.史蒂夫·喬布斯在大學輟學。他被一個機械師和他的會計師妻子收養。
  • 19She had no stable income, $12,000 in credit-card debt and no plan, but to her astonishment, her father, an accountant, told her that her financial plight wasn't as bad as she thought.她沒有穩定的收入,身負1.2萬美元的信用卡債務,也毫無計劃,但令她驚訝的是,她的會計師父親告訴她,她的財務困境並沒有她想的那麼糟糕。
  • 20He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.他嘗試過各種各樣的工作,最後當上了會計。《牛津詞典》
  • 21Mr. Lin, an accountant at New Link, told a local newspaper: "If I use a calculator when I'm sleepy, I have to double-check my work for fear of making mistakes, so it takes longer."林先生是 New Link 的一名會計,他對當地一家報紙説:“如果睏倦的時候使用計算器,我必須得複核一遍工作,以免出錯。所以耗費的時間也就更久。”
  • 22Do you want me to invite your accountant to this meeting?你想讓我邀請你的會計參加這個會議嗎?
  • 23Thus, God functions as the sanctioner or as the divine accountant.因此,上帝成為了制裁者或神聖的會計師。
  • 24John Langhorn is a chartered accountant, and joined Justitia CAS in 1985.John Langhorn是一名註冊會計師,1985年加入了嘉信證券有限公司。
  • 25The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time.會計及時卡住了這筆不必要的開支。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 26My brother is our accountant.我的哥哥是我們的會計。
  • 27C: My mother is a accountant.C:我媽媽是會計。
  • 28He did drinks with his accountant.他和他的會計在一起喝咖啡。
  • 29I'm an accountant company.我是一個公司的會計員。
  • 30Can you minister as an accountant?你可以是一個會計人員同時是牧師嗎? [1] 