


來    自
樂    隊
專    輯
《Moon Safari》


空氣樂隊 空氣樂隊
來自法國的浪漫電子樂團Air樂隊,當年以《Moon Safari》紅透了半邊天,它把法國人浪漫的氣質通過電子樂淋漓盡致的表現了出來,特有的半説半唱的演唱方法結合流行音樂、加之當今的電子元素,使作品中瀰漫着新浪潮感覺和懷舊氣息!專輯中運用了大量電子特效,同時也又加入傳統樂器音色,大顯浪漫和瀟灑之氣質,音樂飄渺、清新,令人賞心悦目!專輯開頭的 “La Femme D'Argent”在一片潮水聲和模仿非洲手鼓的節奏中登場,模擬80年代早期合成器的鍵盤很快讓慵懶的爵士情懷佔據了耳膜,生動含蓄的音符跳躍在空氣裏,緩緩的震動下彷彿置身於飄渺的太空。稍顯凝重的節奏在接下來的 “Sexy Boy”中展開,Air騷癢式的音效一下一下規整地撞擊耳鼓,背景是晶瑩剔透的電子合成器音色,女聲被處理成疏離的電子感受,一遍遍地重複着簡約的一句 Sexy Boy的唱詞。懷舊感強烈的“All I Need”請來了美國女歌手Beth Hirsch客串,電子蛙音和原音吉它的開場簡直叫人慾仙欲死,飄逸的女聲也有一種美妙的催眠效果,鍵盤的適時加入妙到顛毫。復古的電聲在“Kelly Watch The Sky”中延續着,和 “Sexy Boy”有着異曲同工之妙,音樂上的幽默感和偶爾的惡作劇表現在曲子的後半段表露無疑。氛圍化的感覺在純音樂的“Talisman”中再次迎面而來,像是對第一首曲子的呼應,絃樂在中段的加入足以讓你的雙腳離開地面,空曠的、虛幻的空氣啊!掛了效果的人聲在“Remember”一曲中顯得冷感、凋落,不斷重複着的“Remember together remember forever”這一句歌詞,和着鼓聲的反覆,隱隱地灼傷了皮膚和心靈。一陣風聲掠過,穿過太空的電子聲波,“You Make ItEasy”來了,旋律上口,傷感無奈又點到為止,搖擺的月影,婆娑的舞蹈, Beth Hirsch繼續甜膩膩地吟唱,絃樂段落和電子聲效也跑出來作怪。歌名古怪的“Ce Matin La”中Air請來著名樂手 P.Woodcock演奏長號,帶出了濃得化不開的老爵士風情,空心吉它點綴其間,突然Panl Anka“Time Of Your Life”熟悉的旋律在耳邊響起,不由得人對逝去的時光油然而生恍若隔世的感受。“New Star In The Sky”再次使人跌落在縹緲的太空之中,後半段孩子們打鬧的聲效和長笛的嗚咽叫人陷入無法自拔的緬懷。專輯最後一首“Le Voyage De Penelope”由遼遠、空靈的鋼琴開場,引出蛙音的鍵盤和旋律主題,一步三回頭,一步三回頭,和着號的哀鳴,Air向我們作了惜別。
由Nicolas Godin和Jean Benoit Dunckel組成的Air出道於1995年,直到1998他們才正式出版專輯,就是這張Moon Safari。這張唱片很巧妙地把電子潮流與當年的新浪潮音樂以及法國流行音樂結合在一起,所以,那種懷舊的氣息一直縈繞在他們的音樂中。
“La Femme D''Argent”好像就是用合成器彈奏出的一段旋律,但很迷人,更迷人的是Trance效果的運用,它彷彿真的讓音樂離開地面,飄向空中。即便是到後半段加入大量的moog solo,其旋律仍能抓住人。“All I Need”虛實結合,木吉他的點綴與合成器的效果相映成輝,歌曲的旋律更像是出自60年代的唱片。美國女歌手Beth Hirsch的演唱又多了一份懷舊色彩。同樣,她在另一首 “You Make It Easy”中的演唱也為歌曲增色不少。“Ce Matin La”中,Air請來了P. Woodcock演奏長號,帶出一股老爵士風情,並且巧妙地把Paul Anka的“Times of Your Life”旋律融入其中。不過,專輯裏的亮點是“Sexy Boy”,這也是他們先前推出的EP唱片中的歌曲,這是一首聽上去很像Portishead風格的Trip-Hop歌曲,旋律優美且飄逸。他們就是憑藉這首歌,贏得了美國人的認可,使他們能在美國有一 之地。可這樣説,Moon Safari是一張典型的電子樂唱片,它用了幾十種電子效果;但它也是典型的流行音樂唱片,因為音樂中沒有半點晦澀的東西,每一首作品都以動人的旋律為主。Air的高明之處在於,能借電子樂還懷舊音樂之魂,踏輕易地就能觸到內心深處的懷舊情結。它浪漫、縹緲,甚至旋律聽起來有些媚俗,但這一切都被他們效果修飾的和諧、豔麗,甚至超凡脱俗。而這些似乎只有法國人的浪漫才能做到。
對於欣賞電子樂有心理障礙的人來説,Moon Safari絕對是一本通俗教材,它生動地告訴你如何在旋律與電子效果(Trance、Ambient甚至音色)之間找到最佳結合點


le voyage dans la lune [1] 
歌手: Air
專輯標籤:歐美流行流行電子Pop Electronic
le voyage dans la lune簡介:Le Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip To The Moon) is an upcoming album by the French band Air. Announced by EMI Music on December 7, 2011, the album is scheduled to be released in 2012.
According to a press release, the album takes its inspiration from the classic 1902 silent film Le Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip To The Moon) by Georges Méliès. A fully restored version of the film is currently playing at film festivals world-wide. Air composed an original score for this new film version of the film. A free 3-minute film excerpt featuring the song "Sonic Armada" was made available for one week in early December 2011 in conjunction with a pre-order offer. The digital version of the album along with the newly restored and colorized 16-minute film will be released as a strictly limited edition.
love 2
歌手: Air
love 2簡介:據國外音樂媒體報道,法國著名電音組合Air將於今年10月6日發行他們的第五張錄音室專輯《Love 2》。
據瞭解,這張《Love 2》是Air樂隊在他們位於巴黎的新錄音室Atlas Studio錄製的第一張唱片。在此之前,Air曾與電台司令(Radiohead)和保羅-麥卡特尼(Paul McCartney)的製作人尼傑爾-哥德里希(Nigel Godrich)以及Beck、Supergrass的製作人託尼-霍夫爾(Tony Hoffer)合作過,然而,這張《Love 2》卻是他們第一次從創作、錄音到製作過程一肩挑。
在《Love 2》正式發行之前,兩支單曲將率先上市。7月7日,專輯的開場曲目《Do The Joy》將以數字形式開始銷售,而在8月25日,專輯中另一首《Sing Sang Sung》也將與廣大樂迷見面。
據Nielson SoundScan統計,Air 1998年發行的處子專輯《Moon Safari》迄今為止在全美共售出了36萬4千張,Air前四張正式專輯的總銷量共計達到了73萬3千張。而在2000年,他們還為電影《The Virgin Suicides》(《處女自殺》)創作了原聲音樂,那張原聲大碟如今的銷量也有近16萬張。這些年來,Air從早期的《Moon Safari》之後一直在吸收和融入一些新鮮的元素。
在這張《Love 2》中,樂迷們可以期待聽到一些風格更為廣泛的聲音和不同的編配。其中的《Love》和《Tropical Disease》更具jazzy groove曲風,而純演奏曲目《Be A Bee》和《Eat My Beat》則更具一種温暖的質感。對於Air來説,每張專輯中也都會有個別法國式的流行曲目,這張專輯中的《Heaven's Light》、《Sing Sang Sung》和《You Can Tell It To Everybody》就繼承了這一“傳統”。
pocket symphony
歌手: Air
pocket symphony簡介:by Heather Phares
Ever since Moon Safari was hailed as an instant classic, Air have swung back and forth between the experimental and accessible sides that Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît Dunckel united so perfectly on their debut. 10,000 Hz Legend might have been too grandiose and aggressively experimental for some Air fans, but Talkie Walkie sometimes felt as if the duo was presenting the most widely palatable version of their music possible. On Pocket Symphony, Dunckel and Godin find a balance between pretty and inventive that they haven't struck since, well, Moon Safari, even though it isn't nearly as immediate -- even by Air's standards, this is an extremely introspective and atmospheric album. It's beyond clichéd to call the duo's music filmic; nevertheless, "Space Maker" and "Night Sight" play like the album's opening titles and ending credits, bracketing a set of songs that are sadder and wiser than anything Air has done since The Virgin Suicides (particularly "Lost Message," which could have easily appeared on that soundtrack). Made around the same time Dunckel and Godin were working with Jarvis Cocker and Neil Hannon (who also appear here) on Charlotte Gainsbourg's 5:55 and Dunckel was recording his solo project Darkel, Pocket Symphony could be seen as part of a loose trilogy; if so, it's more in line with 5:55's moody romanticism than Darkel's hyper-pop (where, apparently, any lighter-hearted tracks along the lines of Talkie Walkie's "Alpha Beta Gaga" or "Surfing on a Rocket" ended up).
surfing on a rocket(ep)
歌手: Air
surfing on a rocket(ep)簡介:Exclusive U.S. only release featuring a previously unreleased studio track! Two of the most dancefloor friendly tracks on Air's massively acclaimed album "Talkie Walkie" get several amazing new interpretations on this 7-track E.P. release. For "Surfing On A Rocket", the Israeli team NoMo Heroes have produced a sublime downtempo version with an intoxicating Middle Eastern refrain, while DFA Records artist The Juan MacLean transforms the track into a deep cosmic funk jam. For "Alpha Beta Gaga", Air recruited celebrated DJ Mark Ronson to craft tough hip-hop beats around the tune's catchy whistled melody, one an instrumental mix and the other a vocal mix featuring MC Rhymefest. As an additional treat for Air fans and completists, this E.P. also features a previously unreleased Air original, the super-chill "Easy Going Woman" featuring vocals by Thomas Mars of Phoenix.
talkie walkie
歌手: Air
talkie walkie簡介:by John Bush
Artistic development doesn't always improve an artist's work, as the members of Air discovered when their second album, 2001's 10,000 Hz Legend, disappointed fans and critics expecting another pop masterpiece to rank with their debut, Moon Safari. 10,000 Hz Legend buried the duo's clear melodic sense underneath an avalanche of rigid performances, claustrophobic productions, and a restless experimentalism that rarely allowed listeners to enjoy what they were hearing. Gone was the freshness evident on Moon Safari: the alien made familiar, the concept that electronic dance could be turned into a user-friendly medium, the illustration of simplicity and space as assets, not liabilities. Fortunately, Air learned from their mistakes -- or, at least, their limitations -- leading up to the recording of third album Talkie Walkie, and the happy result is a solid middle ground between both of their previous records. The features are kept to a minimum and the tracks are constructed to sound no more complex than they need to be, even though Air risk the assumption that Talkie Walkie is a simple album. While there's nothing present to compete with the plodding glory of "Sexy Boy," Talkie Walkie ultimately succeeds because of Dunckel and Godin's renewed contentment to produce the tracks they do better than any other -- ones with a surface prettiness but no great depth. (It's no mystery why they've been tapped for several scores.) Ironically, the one track here that shrugs off the simplicity of electronic pop is a track first heard in a film, "Alone in Kyoto," an impressionistic string piece originally composed for the Sofia Coppola film Lost in Translation.
everybody hertz
歌手: Air
everybody hertz簡介:After dazzling all and sundry with their lusciously sublime 1997 debut Moon Safari, Air promptly confused a good portion of those listeners with the dark and dense follow-up, 10,000 Hz. Legend. But it was inevitable; either they returned with Moon Safari Pt. II, which probably would've far outsold 10,000 Hz. Legend but also burdened them with the tag of redundant. Instead, they took the Radiohead route and pleased the critics, a move that'll more than likely benefit their career in the long run.
Now to further cloud the waters, Air are releasing this remixed take on 10,000 Hz. Legend, which sees a laundry list of the underground's most lauded sonic re-interpreters to create hi-tech takes on three of that album's songs: "Don't Be Light," "How Does it Make You Feel?" and "People in the City."
Daft Punkster Thomas Banglater turns "Don't Be Light" into quite the grandiose '70s prog-rock mini-epic, complete with a fuzzed-out guitar solo worthy of Hawkwind. Mr. Oizo goes the minimal electro route on the same tune while The Neptunes find a catchy hook in their inimitable, funky pop style and run with it. The Hacker just turns on the classic New Order preset and churns out something that could be called "Blue Wednesday Afternoon.""People in the City" is transformed into an earnest lounge ballad courtesy of Modjo, "How Does it Make You Feel?" takes a trip into deep dub environs via Adrian Sherwood and it all ends on a mellow new track, "The Way You Look Tonight." For the completists. --From URB Magazine
10000 hz. legend
歌手: Air
10000 hz. legend簡介:Previously Air´s Jean-Benoit Dunckel and Nicolas Godin made softcore collages of Pink Floyd-ish synth tones and droning French lounge pop. 10,000 Hz Legend goes further out, attaining new heights of cheesy, Space Odyssey-like computer music. Like Kraftwerk skinny-dipping with French nymphet Jane Birkin and Star Wars´s R2D2, Legend swells with mad robo-love, following a computer romance amid droll tributes to vacant pop culture. Beck´s appearance on "The Vagabond" proves the Loser only works well solo, making Air disappear on their own album. The absurd "Radio #1" and the sappy chorus in "How Does It Make You Feel?" could snuggle beside Celine Dion´s latest yawner. But there is magic: "Radian" is a Cluster-like orb of cooing flutes, gentle rhythms, and a ghostly vocal. "Electric Performers" offers clunky electronic beats and the lines "We are the synchronizers / Machines give me some freedom." The catchy "People in the City" sounds like Mirwais producing Serge Gainsbourg, while "Don´t Be Light" recalls electro Krautrockers Neu! Feeding us Moog merengue and Reese´s Pieces rhythms, Air remain sweet computer boys to the core.
the virgin suicides(處女之死)
歌手: Air
the virgin suicides(處女之死)簡介:《迷失東京》是索菲亞·科波拉執導的第二部劇情長片,1999年她執導了自己的導演處女作《處女之死》(The Virgin Suicides),這部頗受專業人士好評的電影講述了70年代密切根州,一對天主教夫婦因小女兒茜茜莉亞自殺而改變。左鄰右里都對她自殺原因諸多揣測,住在他們附近的4名男孩,開始注意她的4位姐姐的一舉一動……影片以青春期少女的深邃憂傷震驚了世界,之前她只拍攝過一部14分鐘的短片“Lick the Star”。索菲亞,身為科波拉的女兒,從嬰兒時代起就接觸了電影的薰陶,從《處女之死》到《迷失東京》的飛躍,更使我們不得不驚歎她的敏鋭洞察力和過人才華,期待她更多更好的影片…… 電影原聲大碟《The Virgin Suicides》同樣為人們所稱讚,音樂有些憂鬱、壓抑 ,專輯內共有13首純樂器演奏作品 ,除了第一首歌(Playground Love)由Air新成員(Gordon Traxx)演唱之外,其餘全部為《處女之死》(The Virgin Suicides)的電影配樂及由此啓發而寫的歌曲。如果説Air“空氣”樂隊的上一張專輯充滿了70年代搖滾感受,這張唱片的定位則轉到玩花樣,玩幽暗,玩氣氛,真可謂別有新風味!鑑於劇情比較沉重壓抑,Air“空氣”小組基本上還是偏離他們擅長的輕鬆跳躍的譜曲手法,更多是營造那種低迷又有些憂鬱的氛圍以求和故事所要體現的人物和事件更為吻合,因此本張專輯還是呈現了較多迷幻電子樂色彩,對於很多“空氣”小組的追隨者而驗,確實是個發現。雖然受電影的侷限,許多音樂沒有帶上樂隊的明顯標籤,但是從(Highschool Lover)、(BathroomGirl)中還是能夠體會到“空氣”的特徵。
premiers symptomes
歌手: Air
專輯標籤:馳放Chillout流行電子Pop Electronic氛圍Ambient
premiers symptomes簡介:Air's European-label five-song EP, Premiers Symptomes, may have been a collection of early singles, but when it first came out in 1997 it felt all of a piece. Deploying an array of vintage mid-century instruments (Fender Rhodes, Minimoog, Clavinet), as well as a tuba, Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoit Dunckel created a cloistered, lulling sound world that was entirely their own (although, think The Percy Faith Orchestra Covers Brian Eno's Music for Airports and you get the basic idea). By contrast, the recent rerelease of Premiers, with two bonus tracks, sounds like exactly what it is: a collection of early singles. It's not that newcomers "Californie" and "Brakes On" are unworthy, just that their overt funk shatters the tranquil atmosphere this French duo so painstakingly establish elsewhere. Most electronica fans are usually more than happy to bump 'n' grind, but when they're in the mood to play Premiers Symptomes, all they want--all they need--is the Air that they breathe. --Jeff Salamon
kelly watch the stars(cd-single)
歌手: Air
kelly watch the stars(cd-single)簡介:來自法國的電子夢幻流行樂的雙人樂隊Air的專輯《Moon Safari》的第二張單曲。The second single from the French duo's smash album 'Moon Safari'. Includes Beck's Sexy Kino Mix of the hit 'SexyBoy', plus 'Remember' (D. Whitaker Version) and two versionsof 'Kelly Watch The Stars' (Edit & Album Version). Slimlinejewel case. 專輯曲目:1. Kelly Watch the Stars [Edit] 2. Sexy Boy [Sex Kino Mix] 3. Kelly Watch the Stars [Album Version] 4. Remember [D. Whitaker Version]
moon safari
歌手: Air
moon safari簡介:他們是一支流行電子樂隊,樂風抒情悦耳。2001年的專輯《10千赫傳奇》(10000HzLegend)將Air愈發成熟、具有驚人的深度和美感的音樂才華展現無遺。其中既有輕快的曲調,又有陰暗沉鬱的聲響
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
A cavalcade of analog synthesizers, organs, electric pianos, and processed voices populate Moon Safari, a thoroughly appealing, otherworldly debut album from Air. Where most of their dance contemporaries push the boundaries of trip-hop or jungle, Air blends Euro-dance with new wave. Any futuristic element on their album feels strangely outdated, since they're borrowed from the early '80s, which gives their music an odd, out-of-time feeling. The waves of gurgling synths beneath the spacious, colorful chords and melodies give the impression that the music is floating in space. For all the atmospherics and layers of synths, there's a distinct pop sense to Moon Safari that makes it accessible and damn near irresistible.
the virgin suicides ost
歌手: Air
專輯標籤:舞曲流行Dance Pop
the virgin suicides ost簡介:Air´s debut, Moon Safari, solidified the French duo´s position among fickle electronica music fans and earned them critical accolades throughout the press. Yet one of their most important fans turned out to be Sofia Coppola (daughter of Francis Ford), who, inspired by their moody ambiance, asked them to write the soundtrack for her directorial debut. The Virgin Suicides--adapted from the novel by Jeffrey Eugenides about the Lisbon sisters and their quest for answers in a turbulent American adolescence--includes stars such as Kirsten Dunst and Kathleen Turner, and Air make a deeply impressionistic subliminal appearance as well. Gordon Tracks sings the lush and romantic "Playground Love"; the rest is a throbbing score of somber synths and thick washes of modest psychedelic touches that recall the tranquil buzz that comes from too much staring at the lava lamp. The only complaint is that this 13-track album is only 40 minutes long; some of the cuts should have been longer. The meditative quality practically demands it.
  • 1.    air  .酷我歌手[引用日期2013-05-10]