


黃建勳,男,博士,博士後。畢業於台灣大學,現為復旦大學生命科學學院副研究員。 [1] 
國    籍


2000-2004年就讀台灣大學生命科學系,主修植物學,2004年起在台灣大學植物科學研究所為碩博士研究生,2012年獲博士學位(中間服兵役),同年在台灣大學任博士後,從事分子遺傳學研究植物抗逆基因及相關機制。2013-2016年在復旦大學研究室任博士後,從事系統與進化植物學、生物信息學和基因組學研究;2016聘為復旦大學生物多樣性研究所青年副研究員,2018年12月晉升副研究員,從事系統與進化植物學、生物信息學和基因組學等研究工作。2020年以訪問學者身分至美國賓州大學進行合作交流。 [1] 


系統發育學是生物學研究的基石,唯有依賴可靠的系統發育關係才能開展、連結諸多學科之間的發現與結果,並賦與其進化上的意義。植物身為地球上重大的生命體之一,大約有45萬種,然則人類對其的關注與瞭解十分有限,植物系統發育學工作的開展正是為人類開拓認識植物類羣進化歷史的過程,具有提升人類正視植物多樣性的重要意義與深遠影響。本課題組基於系統與進化生物學,生物多樣性科學,生物信息學,基因組學和分子遺傳學等手段,志在揭示重大植物類羣的演化歷史,連結了生物多樣性與形態進化、基因組重複、古地質氣候與地理的變化等相關方面的證據,輔以相關基因家族進化的研究,提高科學界對植物擴展的認識與理解。本進化課題組,自2016年以來發表10篇SCI文章,共影響因子94.41。 [1] 


主持或參與國家自然科學基金重點、面上等科研項目5項,發表SCI收錄論文十多篇,其餘論文或著作4篇。 [1] 


2019年全國高校生命科學類微課教學比賽二等獎 [1] 


國家自然科學基金委員會,面上項目,31770242,建構高涵蓋度的十字花科系統進化關係並分析花果發育及抗逆基因在不同支系中的進化路線,2018- 2019,主持
中國博士後基金,面上二等資助,2014M551316,利用低拷貝核基因研究十字花科族水平上的系統進化關係,2014-2016,主持 [1] 


Zhao Y#, Zhang R, Jiang K, Qi J, Hu Y, Guo J, Zhu R, Zhang T, Egan AN, Yi T-S, Huang CH*, Ma H*. 2021. Nuclear phylotranscriptomics/phylogenomics support numerous polyploidization events and hypotheses for the evolution of rhizobial nitrogen-fixing symbiosis in Fabaceae. Mol Plant https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2021.02.006 [SCI; impact factor 12.084](一區,共同通訊)
Zhang C#, Huang CH#, Liu M, Hu Y, Panero JL, Luebert F, Gao T, Ma H*. 2021. Phylotranscriptomic insight into Asteraceae diversity, polyploidy, and morphological innovation. J Integra Plant Biol https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13078 [SCI; 5-year impact factor 4.061](一區,共同一作)
Guo J, Xu W, Hu Y, Huang J, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Huang CH*, Ma H*. 2020. Phylotranscriptomics in Cucurbitaceae reveal multiple whole-genome duplications and key morphological and molecular innovations. Molecular Plant 13: 1117-1133. [SCI; impact factor 12.084] (一區,共同通訊,封面文章)
Huang CH*, Qi X, Chen D, Qi J, Ma H*. 2020. Recurrent genome duplication events likely contributed to both the ancient and recent rise of ferns. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62: 433-455. [SCI; 5-year impact factor 4.061] (一區,一作兼共同通訊)
Yang L, Su D, Chang X, Foster CSP, Sun L, Huang CH, Zhou X, Zeng L, Ma H, Zhong B*. 2020. Phylogenomic insights into deep phylogeny of angiosperms based on broad nuclear gene sampling. Plant Communications 1: 100027. (新期刊)
Zhang C, Zhang T, Luebert F, Xiang Y, Huang CH, Hu Y, Rees M, Frohlich MW, Qi J*, Weigend M*, Ma H*. 2020. Asterid phylogenomics/phylotranscriptomics uncover morphological evolutionary histories and support phylogenetic placement for numerous whole-genome duplications. Molecular Biology and Evolutionhttps://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msaa160(一區,中作)
Li H, Huang CH, Ma H. 2019. Whole-genome duplications in pear and apple. In: Korban S. (eds). The Pear Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham. (書籍著作章節)
Qi X, Kuo L-Y, Guo C, Li H, Li Z, Qi J, Wang L, Hu Y, Xiang J, Zhang C, Guo J, Huang CH* and Ma H*. 2018. A well-resolved fern nuclear phylogeny reveals the evolution history of numerous transcription factor families. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 961-977. [SCI; 5-year impact factor 4.294] (二區, 共同通訊)
Xiang YZ#, Huang CH#, Yi H, Wen J, Li S, Yi T, Chen H, Xiang J*, and Hong M*. 2017. Evolution of Rosaceae fruit types based on nuclear phylogeny in the context of geological times and genome duplication. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 262-281. [SCI; 5-year impact factor 14.479] (一區,共同一作,封面文章)
Huang CH, Zhang C, Liu M, Hu Y, Gao T, Qi J*, and Ma H*. 2016. Multiple polyploidization events across Asteraceae with two nested events in the early history revealed by nuclear phylogenomics. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33: 2820-2835. [SCI; 5-year impact factor 14.479] (一區,一作)
Huang CH, Sun R, Hu Y, Zeng L, Zhang N, Cai L, Zhang Q, Koch MA, Al-Shehbaz I, Edger PP, Pires JC, Tan DY, Zhong Y, and Ma H*. 2016. Resolution of Brassicaceae phylogeny using nuclear genes uncovers nested radiations and supports convergent morphological evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33: 394-412. [SCI; 5-year impact factor 14.479] (一區,一作)
Zhang Z, Huang CH, Qi J*. 2016. Revealing deep phylogeny of Brassicaceae using composition analysis of low-copy nuclear genes. Biotechnology Bulletin 32: 86-95.
Liu M, Zhang C, Huang CH, Ma H*. 2015. Phylogenetic reconstruction of tribal relationships in Asteroideae (Asteraceae) with low-copy nuclear genes. Chinese Bulletin of Botany 50: 549-564.
Kuo WY, Huang CH, Shih C, Jinn TL*. 2013. Cellular extract preparation for superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity assay. Bio-protocol 3: e811.
Kuo WY, Huang CH, Jinn TL*. 2013. Chaperonin 20 might be an iron chaperone for superoxide dismutase in activating iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD). Plant Signaling & Behavior 8: e23074.(四區,中作)
Kuo WY#, Huang CH#, Liu AC, Cheng CP, Li SH, Chang WC, Weiss C, Azem A, and Jinn TL*. 2013. CHAPERONIN 20 mediates iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) activity independent of its co-chaperonin role in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. New Phytologist 197: 99-110. [SCI; 5-year impact factor 7.833] (一區,共一)
Huang CH, Kuo WY, Jinn TL*. 2012. Models for the mechanism for activating copper-zinc superoxide dismutase in the absence of the CCS Cu chaperone in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7: 428-430. (四區,一作)
Huang CH#, Kuo WY#, Weiss C, and Jinn TL*. 2012. Copper chaperone-dependent and -independent activation of three copper-zinc superoxide dismutase homologs localized in different cellular compartments in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 158: 737-746. [SCI; 5-year impact factor 6.620] (二區,共同一作)
Wu TH#, Liao MH#, Kuo WY#, Huang CH#, Hsieh HL#, and Jinn TL*. 2011. Characterization of copper/zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase in green bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii): cloning, expression and regulation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49: 195-200. [SCI; 5-year impact factor 3.217] (三區,共同一作)
  • 1.    黃建勳  .復旦大學生命科學學院[引用日期2021-10-07]