


黃寧,男,教授,醫學博士,畢業於華西醫科大學臨牀醫學系,四川大學華西基礎醫學與法醫學院醫學博士生導師。 [1] 
性    別


1985年畢業於華西醫科大學臨牀醫學系,留校任教至今。先後獲得醫學碩士學位和醫學博士學位,並先後晉升為講師、副教授和教授。 [1] 


天然免疫與炎症基因調控和分子信號;藥物靶點及信號通路;天然免疫的表觀遺傳學調控機制;天然免疫與人類重大疾病。 [1] 


  • 1.Liu K, Wang X, Sha K, et al. Nuclear protein HMGN2 attenuates pyocyanin-inducedoxidative stress via Nrf2 signaling and inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa internalization in A549 cells. Free Radic Bio Med. 2017; 108:404-417.2.Xu Q, Liu X, Wang X, et al. Growth arrest-specific protein 7 regulates the murineM1 alveolar macrophage polarization. Immunol Res. 2017; 65(5):1065-1073.3.Li H, Shen X, Zhou X, et al. Antibacterial mechanism of high-mobility groupnucleosomal-binding domain 2 on the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli.J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2017; 18(5):410-420.4.Teng Y, Miao J, Shen X,et al. The modulation of MiR-155 and MiR-23a manipulates Klebsiella pneumoniae Adhesion on Human pulmonary Epithelial cells via Integrin α5β1 Signaling. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:31918.5.Shen X, Teng Y, Sha K, et al. Dietary flavonoid luteolin attenuates uropathogenic Escherichia. Coli invasion of the urinary bladder. Biofactors. 2016; 42(6):674-685.6.Yang X, Sha K, Xu G, et al. Subinhibitory Concentrations of Allicin DecreaseUropathogenicEscherichia coli(UPEC) Biofilm Formation, Adhesion Ability, andSwimming Motility. Int J Mol Sci. 2016; 17(7):979.7.Wang X, Li J, Chen S, et al. Knockdown of HMGN2 increases the internalization of Klebsiella pneumoniaeby respiratory epithelial cells through the regulation of α5β1integrin expression:[J]. Int J Mol Med. 2016; 38(3):737-746.8.Xiong F, Liu K, Zhang F, et al. MiR-204 inhibits the proliferation and invasion ofrenal cell carcinoma by inhibiting RAB22A expression. Oncol Rep. 2016; 35(5):3000-3008.9.Xu G, Shi H, Ren L, et al. Enhancing the anti-colon cancer activity of quercetin byself-assembled micelles. Int J Nanomedicine. 2015; 10:2051-2063.10.Zheng S, Ren L, Li H, et al. High-mobility group nucleosome-binding domain 2protein inhibits the invasion of Klebsiella pneumoniae into mouse lungs in vivo.Mol Med Rep. 2015; 12(1):1279-85.11.Shen X, Ren L, Teng Y, et al. Luteolin decreases the attachment, invasion andcytotoxicity of UPEC in bladder epithelial cells and inhibits UPEC biofilm formation. Food Chem Toxicol. 2014; 72:204-11.12.Xiang G, Deng X, Wei X, et al. Novel thermosensitive hydrogel for preventing formation of abdominal adhesions. Int J Nanomedicine. 2013; 8:2453-63.13.Yang X, Huang N. Berberine induces selective apoptosis through the AMPK mediated mitochondrial/caspase pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma.Mol Med Rep. 2013; 8(2):505-10.14.Zheng F J, Shi L, Yang J, et al. Effect of tea polyphenols on the adhesion of highly metastatic human lung carcinoma cell lines to endothelial cells in vitro.[J].Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012; 13(8):3751-5.15.Deng LX, Wu GX, Cao Y, et al. The chromosomal protein HMGN2 mediateslipopolysaccharide-induced expression of β-defensins in A549 cells. FEBS J. 2011; 278(12):2152-66.16.Cao Y, Wu G, Fan B, et al. High mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2protein protects bladder epithelial cells from Klebsiella pneumoniae invasion.Biol Pharm Bull. 2011; 34(7):1065-71.17.Deng L, Pan X Y, Wang L, et al. Hemoglobin and its derived peptides mayplay a role in the antibacterial mechanism of the vagina. Hum Reprod. 2009; 24(1):211-8.18.Li M, Pan X, Li Y, et al. Purification of antimicrobial factors fromhuman cervical mucus. Hum Reprod. 2007; 22(7):1810-5. [1] 
  • 發表《人LAK細胞免疫效應分子HMGN2的鑑定》 [2] 


負責和主研過國家自然科學基金及CMB國際合作科研10餘項,主編和參編專著教材7部,國內外發表科研論文100餘篇。 [1] 


獲四川省科技進步二等獎、國家發明專利各1項。 [1] 


中國病理生理學會理事,中國病理生理學會炎症發熱感染低温專業委員會副主任委員。四川省生理科學會理事長。四川省學術與技術帶頭人,四川省有突出貢獻專家,四川省衞生廳學術與技術帶頭人,四川省病理生理學精品課程的負責人。四川大學國家“理科基礎科學研究和教學人才培養基地”(基礎醫學)及211重點學科建設學術帶頭人之一。病理生理教研室主任。曾任四川大學華西基礎醫學與法醫學院副院長,CMB細胞分子病理生理學重點學科負責人,四川大學“985”工程創新藥物平台骨幹。四川大學學報(醫學版)、中國病理生理學雜誌、中國抗生素雜誌現編委。 [1] 