


馬弘,清華大學經管學院經濟系副教授,2002年畢業於復旦大學世界經濟系(經濟學學士)並獲2002年上海市優秀畢業生,2009年獲美國加州大學戴維斯分校經濟學博士學位,並獲優秀助教獎。主要講授課程包括:博弈論(本科),經濟全球化專題(本科),和國際經濟學II(博士),2009年獲得清華大學經管學院優秀教學獎二等獎。 [1] 
國    籍
職    業
性    別
60篇(截至2019年7月) [2] 


主要講授《國際經濟學》、《微觀經濟學》、《博弈論》、《全球化與中國》以及《中國經濟專題》等課程。 [1] 


國際貿易、經濟測量等。 [1] 


部分研究成果已發表在Economic Journal, Macroeconomic Dynamics, the World Economy, Review of International Economics, 經濟研究、金融研究、經濟學〈季刊〉 等中英文期刊上。
此外,擔任Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics, China Economic Review 等學術期刊的匿名審稿人。 [1] 



[1] Rob Feenstra, Hong Ma, and Yuan Xu, “US Exports and Employment”,Journal of International Economics,2019,v120: 46-58.
[2]Hong Ma and Yue Teng “How Political Incentives Affect Chinese OFDI: A U.N. Security Council Membership Perspective”.World Economy2018,41(12): 3416-3441
[3] Xue Bai, and Kala Krishna, and Hong Ma, “How You Export Matters: Choice of Export Modes and the Evolution of Productivity”,Journal of International Economics, 2017, v104(1): 122-137,
[4] Daniel Berkowitz, Hong Ma, and Shuichiro Nishioka "Recasting the Iron Rice Bowl: The Evolution of China's State Owned Enterprises"Review of Economics and Statistics, 2017, 99(4): 735-747.
[5]Bo Chen, David Jacks, and Hong Ma, “Revisiting the Effective Rate of Protection in the Late Stages of Chinese Industrialization” World Economy, 201740(2):424-438.
[6] Hongbin Li, Hong Ma, and Yuan Xu “How do Exchange Rate Movements Affect Chinese Exports: A Firm-Level Investigation”Journal of International Economics, 2015. V.97(1):148-161.
[7] Hong Ma, Xue Qiao and Yuan Xu “Job Creation and Job Destruction in China during 1998-2007”Journal of Comparative Economics43 (2015): 1085-1100
[8] Hong Ma, Zhi Wang, and Kunfu Zhu “Domestic Content in China’s Exports and Its Distribution by Firm Ownership”,Journal of Comparative Economics,43(2015): 3-18.
[9] Bo Chen, Hong Ma, and Yuan Xu “Measuring China’s Trade Liberalization: A Generalized Measure of Trade Restrictiveness Index”,Journal of Comparative Economics,42(2014): 994-1006.
[10] Rob Feenstra and Hong Ma “Trade Facilitation and the Extensive Margin of Exports”,Japanese Economic Review. Vol.65(2), June 2014.
[11] Rob Feenstra, Hong Ma, Peter Neary, and Prasada Rao “Who Shrunk China? Puzzles in the Measurement of Real GDP”,Economic Journal, 2013, 123 (December): 1100-1129.
[12] Rob Feenstra, Chang Hong, Hong Ma, and Barbara Spencer “Contractual Versus Non-Contractual Trade: the Role of Institutions in China”,Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.V94: 281-294, October 2013. (peer-reviewed special issue on international trade)
[13] Bo Chen and Hong Ma “Import Variety and Welfare Gain in China”,Review of International Economics, 2012, Vol.20(4)
[14] Chong-En Bai, Hong Ma, and Wenqing Pan “Spatial Spillover Effects and Regional Economic Growth in China” , 2012,China Economic Review, Vol.23(4):982-990
[15] Bo Chen and Hong Ma “Trade Restrictiveness and Deadweight Loss in China’s Imports”,Frontier of Economics in China, 2012 Vol.7(3)
[16]Hiau-Looi Kee, Hong Ma, and Muthukumara Mani, “The Effects of Domestic Climate Change Measures on International Competitiveness”,World Economy, 2010 vol. 33(6): 820-829, (peer-reviewed special issue)
[17] Rob Feenstra, Hong Ma, and Prasada Rao “Consistent Comparisons of Real Incomes across Time and Space”,Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009 vol. 13s:169-193
[18] Rob Feenstra, Hong Ma “Optimal Choice of Product Scope for Multiproduct Firms under Monopolistic Competition”, in E. Helpman, D. Marin and T. Verdier, eds.,The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy, Harvard University Press. 2008.
[19] Shunli Yao, Hong Ma, and Jiaosuo Pei “Import Uses and Domestic Value Added in Chinese Exports: What can we learn from Chinese micro data?” in “Measuring Globalization: Vol. 2, Factoryless Manufacturing, Global Supply Chains, and Trade in Intangibles and Data”, Susan N. Houseman and Michael Mandel, eds. 2015. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
[20] Hong Ma “Exporting Like China: China's Foreign Trade over 1978-2018”,(in Chinese)張軍、王永欽主編《改革開放四十年》第9章,格致出版社


[3]李宏彬,馬弘,熊豔豔,徐嫄“人民幣匯率對企業進出口貿易的影響---來自中國企業的實證研究”《金融研究》2011, vol368:1-16
[4]鞠建東,馬弘,魏自儒,錢穎一,劉慶“中美貿易的反比較優勢之謎”,《經濟學》季刊,2012. Vol.11(3)
[7]王廣龍,何平,馬弘,李求實“中國各行業進出口匯率彈性及資本密集度的影響”,《清華大學學報》(自然科學版);2012, Vol.52(6)
[9]華民,馬濤,馬弘“人民幣應該升值麼?”,《四川大學學報》(社科版), 2004. Vol. 2: 5-
[10]馬弘“從比較優勢到競爭優勢”,《上海經濟研究》, 2003. Vol. 6: 41-51.
[18]馬弘、李小帆:《服務業FDI管制是否抑制了出口的國內增加值:來自跨國面板的證據》,《世界經濟》 [1] 