

現任東華大學黨委副書記。 [3] 
國    籍
民    族


2005年至今任職於華東理工大學,教授,博士生導師; [2] 
2022年1月起任華東理工大學黨委副書記。 [3] 


2023年2月,教育部黨組、教育部決定:項延訓同志任中共東華大學委員會委員、常委、副書記。 [4] 


(6)檢測數據挖掘與機器學習 [2] 


發表SCI論文70餘篇,授權/申請專利20餘項。 [2] 


獲2014年上海市科技啓明星計劃; [2] 
2020年8月,入選2020年度國家傑出青年科學基金建議資助項目申請人名單。 [1] 


[1] 國家自然科學基金傑青項目:“非線性超聲理論及應用”,項目負責人,批准號:12025403, 2021-2025年;
[2] 國家自然科學基金NSAF國家安全聯合基金重點項目:“多層複雜結構狀態的電磁超聲相控陣檢測方法研究”,項目負責人,批准號:U1930202,2020-2023年;
[3] 國家重點研發計劃課題:“嚴苛環境下安全性能衰退在線感知和失效預警”,項目負責人,批准號:2018YFC0808806,2018-2021;
[4] 國家自然科學基金優青項目:“非線性超聲導波”,項目負責人,批准號:11622430, 2017-2019年;
[5] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:“基於非線性超聲導波混頻的結構塑性損傷定位及表徵方法”,項目負責人,批准號:11774090, 2018-2021年;
[6] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:“微細觀尺度下材料蠕變行為的非線性蘭姆波評價理論與表徵方法”,項目負責人,批准號:11474093,2015-2018年;
[7] 裝備預研教育部聯合基金項目:“極端條件服役結構健康監測方法及系統”,項目負責人,2018-2019年。 [2] 


[1]. Lishuai Liu, Chenjun Guo, Yanxun Xiang, Yanxin Tu, Liming Wang, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. A Semisupervised Learning Framework for Recognition and Classification of Defects in Transient Thermography Detection. 2021, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10.1109/TII.2021.3101309.
[2]. Taotao Ding, Wujun Zhu, Congyun Ma, Yanxun Xiang, Mingxi Deng, Fu‑zhen Xuan. Influence of cyclic‑loading induced fatigue micro‑crack growth on generation of nonlinear ultrasonic Lamb waves. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021, 40: 62, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-021-00792-8.
[3]. 宋愛玲, 孫超彧, 陳天寧, 項延訓, 軒福貞. 聲學超表面的非對稱聲分束特性研究. 人工晶體學報. 2021, 50(7): 1363-1371.
[4]. 銀信, 朱武軍, 孫茂循, 項延訓, 鄧明晰, 軒福貞. 裂紋尖端塑性區非線性超聲混頻定位表徵. 聲學學報, 2021, 46(3): 463-470.
[5]. Han Chen, Mingxi Deng, Guangjian Gao, Ning Hu, Yanxun Xiang. Modeling and simulation of static component generation of Lamb wave propagation in a layered plate. Ultrasonics, 2021.
[6]. Guang-Jian Gao, Chang Liu, Ning Hu, Ming-Xi Deng, Han Chen, Yan-Xun Xiang. Response of second-harmonic generation of Lamb wave propagation to microdamage thickness in a solid plate. Wave Motion, 2020, 96: 102557.
[7].Han Chen, Guang-Jian Gao, Ning Hu, Ming-Xi Deng, Yan-Xun Xiang. Modeling and simulation of frequency mixing response of two counter-propagating Lamb waves in a two-layered plate. Ultrasonics, 2020, 104, 106109.
[8].Guang-Jian Gao, Ming-Xi Deng, Ning Hu, Yan-Xun Xiang. Enhancement effect of cumulative second-harmonic generation by closed propagation feature of circumferential guided waves. Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(2): 024301.
[9].Xiao Wang, Yanxun Xiang, Wu-Jun Zhu, Tao-Tao Ding, Hua-Ying Li. Damage assessment in Q690 high strength structural steel using nonlinear Lamb waves. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 234: 117384.
[10].Jianying Tang, Likun Tong, Yanxun Xiang, Xunlin Qiu, Mingxi Deng, Fuzhen Xuan. Design, Fabrication and Characterization of EMFi-based Ferroelectret Air-coupled Ultrasonic Transducer. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2019, 296: 52-60.
[11]. Maoxun Sun, Yanxun Xiang, Mingxi Deng, Bo Tang, Wujun Zhu and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Experimental and numerical investigations of nonlinear interaction of counter-propagating Lamb waves. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114: 011902.
[12]. Ben Li, Rong Liu, Wujun Zhu, Qiaoxin Zhang, Jingui Yu, Yanxun Xiang, Hongyan Zhou. Research on the interaction between surface laser-pit of Ni-based single crystal alloy and lamb wave under micro-conditions. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 483: 840-848.
[13]. Ming-Liang Li, Liang-Bing Liu, Guang-Jian Gao, Ming-Xi Deng, Ning Hu, Yan-Xun Xiang, and Wu-Jun Zhu. Response features of nonlinear circumferential guided wave on early damage in inner layer of a composite circular tube. Chinese Physics B, 2019, 28(4): 044301.
[14]. Yanxun Xiang, Da Teng, Mingxi Deng, Yunze Li , Changjun Liu and Fuzhen Xuan. Characterization of Local Residual Stress at Blade Surfaces by the V(z) Curve Technique. Metals, 2018, 8: 651-662.
[15]. Wujun Zhu, Yanxun Xiang, Chang-jun Liu, Mingxi Deng, Congyun Ma and Fu-zhen Xuan. Fatigue Damage Evaluation Using Nonlinear Lamb Waves with Quasi Phase-Velocity Matching at Low Frequency. Materials, 2018, 11, 1920; doi:10.3390/ma11101920.
[16]. Han Chen, Ming-Xi Deng, Ning Hu, Ming-Liang Li, Guang-Jian Gao, Yan-Xun Xiang. Analysis of Second-Harmonic Generation of Low-Frequency Dilatational Lamb Waves in a Two-Layered Composite Plate. Chinese Physics Letters, 2018, 35(11): 114302.
[17]. Wujun Zhu, Yanxun Xiang, Chang-Jun Liu, Mingxi Deng, Fu-Zhen Xuan. A feasibility study on fatigue damage evaluation using nonlinear Lamb waves with group-velocity mismatching. Ultrasonics, 2018, 90: 18-22.
[18]. Weibin Li, Mingxi Deng, Ning Hu, Yanxun Xiang. Theoretical analysis and experimental observation of frequency mixing response of ultrasonic Lamb waves. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018. 124: 044901.
[19]. Wujun Zhu, Yanxun Xiang, Chang-Jun Liu, Mingxi Deng and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Symmetry properties of second harmonics generated by antisymmetric Lamb waves. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018. 123: 104902.
[20]. Maoxun Sun, Yanxun Xiang, Mingxi Deng, Jichao Xu, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Scanning non-collinear wave mixing for nonlinear ultrasonic detection and localization of plasticity. NDT&E International, 2018. 93: 1-6.
[21]. Mingliang Li, Mingxi Deng, Guangjian Gao, Yanxun Xiang. Modeling of second-harmonic generation of circumferential guided wave propagation in a composite circular tube. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018.421: 234-245.
[22]. Mingliang Li, Mingxi Deng, Guangjian Gao, Yanxun Xiang. Mode pair selection of circumferential guided waves for cumulative second-harmonic generation in a circular tube. Ultrasonics, 2018, 82: 171-177.
[23]. 趙珊珊, 鄧明晰, 項延訓, 軒福貞. 超聲Lamb波二次諧波發生效率分析與模式選擇. 聲學學報, 2017, 42(3): 290-296.
[24]. Yanxun Xiang, Congyun Ma, Mingxi Deng, Fu-Zhen Xuan and Jianfeng Zhang.Lamb wave mode and frequency selection for assessment of creep damage in titanium alloy plates. Insight, 2017, 59(4): 196-202.
[25]. Wei-Bin Li, Ming-Xi Deng, Yan-Xun Xiang. Review on second-harmonic generation of ultrasonic guided waves in solid media: (I) theoretical analyses. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(11): 114302.
[26]. Ming-Liang Li, Mingxi Deng, Guang-Jian Gao, Han Chen, Yan-Xun Xiang. Influence of change in inner layer thickness of composite circular tube on second-harmonic generation by primary circumferential ultrasonic guided wave propagation. Chinese Physics Letters, 2017, 34(6): 064302.
[27]. Mingxi Deng, Guang-Jian Gao, Yan-Xun Xiang, Ming-Liang Li. Assessment of accumulated damage in circular tubes using nonlinear circumferential guided wave approach A feasibility study. Ultrasonics, 2017, 75: 209-215. [2] 