

韋廣豐,男,博士同濟大學化學科學與工程學院博士,副教授,碩士生導師 [1] 
職    業


量子化學、理論催化 [1] 


2003.9-2012.6 復旦大學化學系本碩博,2012.7-2015.8復旦大學物理系博士後,2015.9加入同濟大學化學系,任助理教授。2016年入選上海市青年科技英才揚帆計劃。 [1] 


在Nature Materials, NatureChemistry, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Energy & Environmental Science, Chemical Science, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics等國際重要學術期刊上發表SCI論文30餘篇,論文他引1000餘次,H指數為16。
[18]Chen, L., Zhang, L. R., Yao, L. Y., Fang, Y. H., He, L.,Wei, G. F.*, Liu, Z. P.*, “Metal boride better than Pt: HCP Pd2B as a superactive hydrogen evolution reaction catalyst”,Energy & Environ. Sci., 2019,
[17]Liu, C., Wang, J., Wan, J. J.*, Cheng, Y., Huang, R., Zhang, C. Q., Hu, W. L.,Wei, G. F.*, Yu, C.Z*, “Amorphous Metal-Organic Framework-Dominated Nanocomposites with Both Compositional and Structural Heterogeneity for Oxygen Evolution”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019,
[16]Zhang, X., Sun, J.,Wei, G. F.*, Liu, Z. P., Yang, H. M., Wang, K. M.,Fei, H. H.*, “In Situ Generation of an N-Heterocyclic Carbene Functionalized Metal-Organic Framework by Postsynthetic Ligand Exchange: Efficient and Selective Hydrosilylation of CO2”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2019,
[15]Wei, G. F.*, Zhang, L. R., Liu, Z. P.*, “Group-VIII transition metal boride as promising hydrogen evolution reaction catalysts”,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018,
[14]Zhang, G. Y., Wei, G. F., Liu, Z. P., Oliver, S.*, Fei, H. H.*, “A Robust Sulfonate-Based Metal-Organic Framework with Permanent Porosity for Efficient CO2Capture and Conversion”,Chem. Mater., 2016,
[13]Wei, G. F.; Liu, Z. P.*, “Subnano Pt Particles from a First Principles Stochastic Surface Walking Global Search”,J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2016,
[12]Zhao. H. Y.; Wei, G. F.; Gao, J. X.; Liu, Z. P.*; Zhao, G. H.*, “Ultrasonic electrochemical reaction on boron-doped diamond electrode: Reaction pathway and theoretical mechanism”,ChemElectroChem, 2016,
[11]Wei, G. F.; Liu, Z. P.*, “Restructuring and Hydrogen Evolution on Pt Nanoparticle”,Chem. Sci., 2015,
[10] Wei, G. F.; Shang, C.; Liu, Z. P.*, “Confined Platinum Nanoparticle in Carbon Nanotube: Structure and Oxidation”,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015,
[9] Chen, Q.;Wei, G. F.; Tian, W. J.; Bai, H.; Liu, Z. P.; Zhai, H. J.*; Li, S. D.*, “Quasi-planar aromatic B-36 and B-36(-) clusters: all-boron analogues of coronene”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014,
[8] Fang, Y. H.;Wei, G. F.; Liu, Z. P.*, “Constant-Charge Reaction Theory for Potential-Dependent Reaction Kinetics at Solid-Liquid Interface”,J. Phys. Chem. C., 2014,
[7] Zhai, H. J.; Zhao, Y. F.; Li, W. L.; Chen, Q.; Bai, H.; Hu, H. S.; Piazza, Z. A.; Tian, W. J.; Lu, H. G..; Wu, Y. B.; Mu, Y. W.;Wei, G. F.; Liu, Z. P.; Li, J.*; Li, S. D.*; Wang, L. S.*, “Observation of an all-boron fullerene”,Nature Chemistry, 2014,
[6]Wei, G. F.; Liu, Z. P.*, “Optimum nanoparticles for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction: the size, shape and new design”,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013,
[5] Fang, Y. H.;Wei, G. F.; Liu, Z. P.*, “Catalytic Role of Minority Species and Minority Sites for Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution on Metals: Surface Charging, Coverage, and Tafel Kinetics”,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013,
[4] Fang, Y. H.;Wei, G. F.; Liu, Z. P.*, “Theoretical modeling of electrode/electrolyte interface from first-principles periodic continuum solvation method”, Catalysis today, 2013
[3]Wei, G. F.; Fang, Y. H.; Liu, Z. P.*, “First principles Tafel kinetics for resolving key parameters in optimizing oxygen electrocatalytic reduction catalyst”,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012,
[2]Wei, G. F.; Liu, Z. P.*, “Towards active and stable oxygen reduction cathodes: a density functional theory survey on Pt(2)M skin alloys”,Energy & Environ. Sci., 2011,
[1]Wei, G. F.; Yan, X. X.; Yi, J.; Zhao, L. Z.; Zhou, L.; Wang, Y. H.*; Yu, C. Z.*, “Synthesis and in-vitro bioactivity of mesoporous bioactive glasses with tunable macropores”, Microporous Mesoporous Mat., 2011, [1] 