


鞏振輝,男,生於1957年4月,博士,現任西北農林科技大學園藝學院教授,博士研究生導師,西北農林科技大學蔬菜研究所所長,西北農林科技大學蔬菜生物技術與種質資源創新團隊帶頭人。 [1] 
職    業


2004年8月赴歐洲考察植物分子生物學研究。 [1] 


曾獲教育部優秀年輕教師基金資助、陝西省優秀留學回國人員、陝西省“教書育人”優秀教師、優秀共產黨員西北農林科技大學教學名師和優秀教師等榮譽。 [1] 


主要從事蔬菜育種、蔬菜種質資源與生物技術等方面的工作,近年着重於辣椒、番茄、黃瓜分子標記,辣椒疫病、炭疽病與作物的相互關係,辣椒抗逆(抗寒、耐旱、耐熱)生物學與分子生物學,辣椒雄性不育的研究與利用,辣椒抗衰老與果實耐藏性,辣椒小孢子培養,辣椒組織培養與遺傳轉化,辣椒、黃瓜重要農藝性狀的遺傳,辣椒種質資源的創新。 [1] 


承擔本科生植物育種學、蔬菜育種學、科研專題、暑期實習、夏菜調查、秋菜調查等課程教學,為博、碩士研究生講授蔬菜學進展、園藝植物生物技術、高級蔬菜育種學、蔬菜育種與良種繁育學等課程。 [1] 


1982年至今,一直致力於蔬菜生物技術、蔬菜遺傳育種與種質資源創新的研究與實踐。先後承擔並出色完成了國家高技術研究發展計劃、國家自然科學基金資助項目、國家重點科技項目、國家科技支撐計劃、國家農業科技成果轉化資金項目、科技部楊凌農業生物育種中心項目、農業部“八五”科技項目、教育部優秀年輕教師基金項目、教育部“春暉計劃”、國家教育部博士點基金、中科院上海植物生理生態研究所植物分子遺傳國家重點開放實驗室項目、陝西省“13115”科技創新工程重大科技專項、陝西省科技統籌創新工程計劃項目、陝西省自然科學基金項目、陝西省農業分子生物學重點實驗室基金項目、與英國格拉斯哥大學合作項目、與澳大利亞國立大學合作項目等課題,在辣椒、黃瓜和蕓薹屬作物種質資源蒐集、創制、研究和利用以及基因的克隆和遺傳轉化方面開展了大量工作,獲國家科技進步一等獎、二等獎各1項,省農業科技進步一等獎、三等獎各1項,省農業技術推廣一等獎1項,西安市科技進步三等獎1項,省人民政府教學成果二等獎1項,所主持的《植物育種學》獲省級精品課程。獲國家發明專利授權10項。選育優良辣椒品種9個、番茄品種1個。與西安皇冠蔬菜研究所合作,將分子標記技術與常規育種技術相結合,選育出了我國第一份具有自主知識產權的抗根結線蟲的番茄新品種金棚M6、M158和M126。 [1] 


近年來,主編“十一五”、“十二五”規劃教材《園藝植物生物技術》、《植物組織培養》、《植物育種學》和《園藝植物種子學》等教材,先後主編和參編著作、教材30餘本。以第一作者或通訊作者發表學術論文300餘篇,其中SCI 60餘篇。
Main publications in international journals:
[1]Tian Shi-Lin, Li Zheng, Li Li, Shah S. N. M., Gong Zhen-Hui*, Analysis of tandem repeat units of the promoter of capsanthin/capsorubin synthase (Ccs) gene in pepper fruit, Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s12298-017-0437-8
[2]Tian Shi-Lin,Li Li, Tian Yue-Qin, Shah S.N.M. and Gong Zhen-Hui*, Effects of Abscisic Acid on Capsanthin Levels in Pepper Fruit,J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 2016,141: (6):609-616.
[3]Jing Hua, Li Chao, Ma Fang, Ma Ji-Hui, Khan Abid, Wang Xiao, Zhao Li-Yang, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Chen Ru-Gang*. Genome-wide identification, expression diversication of dehydrin gene family and characterization of CaDHN3 in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), Plos One , 2016, 11(8): e0161073.
[4]Guo Meng, Liu Jin-Hong, Ma Xiao, Zhai Yu-Fei, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Lu Ming-Hui*. Genome-wide analysis of the Hsp70 family genes in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and functional identification of CaHsp70-2 involvement in heat stress, Plant Science, 2016, 252:246-256
[5]Zhang H-X, Jin J-H, He Y-M, Lu B-Y, Li D-W, Chai W-G, Khan A and Gong Z-H*, Genome-wide identification and analysis of the SBP-Box family genes under Phytophthora capsici stress in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016,7:504.
[6]Fang Xianping, Fu Hong-Fei, Gong Zhen-Hui, Chai Wei-Guo, Involvement of a universal amino acid synthesis impediment in cytoplasmic male sterility in pepper. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:23357.
[7]Guo M, Liu J-H, Ma X, Luo D-X, Gong Z-H* and Lu M-H*, The Plant Heat Stress Transcription Factors (HSFs): Structure, Regulation, and Function in Response to Abiotic Stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:114.
[8]Jin Jing-Hao, Zhang Huai-Xia, Tan Jun-Yi, Yan Ming-Jia, Li Da-Wei, Abid Khan, Gong Zhen-Hui*, A new ethylene-responsive factor CaPTI1 gene of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) involved in the regulation of defense response to Phytophthora capsici. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6:1217.
[9]Tan Junyi, Tao Qianyi, Niu Huanhuan,·Zhang Zhen, Li Dandan, Gong Zhenhui, Weng Yiqun, Li Zheng. A novel allele of monoecious (m) locus is responsible for elongated fruit shape and perfect flowers in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Theor Appl Genet., 2015, 128:2483-2493
[10]Xiao Huai-Juan, Liu Ke-Ke, Li Da-Wei, Arisha Mohamed Hamed, Chai Wei-Guo and Gong Zhen-Hui*. Cloning and characterization of the pepper CaPAO gene for defense responses to salt-induced leaf senescence, BMC Biotechnology, 2015,15:100
[11]Wang Shu-Bin, Tian Shi-Lin, Shah Syed Noor Muhammad, Pan Bao-Gui, Diao Wei-Ping and Gong Zhen-Hui*. Cloning and Characterization of the CarbcL Gene Related to Chlorophyll in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under Fruit Shade Stress, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6:850.
[12]Guo M, Liu J-H, Lu J-P, Zhai Y-F, Wang H, Gong Z-H*, Wang S-B and Lu M-H. Genome-wide analysis of the CaHsp20 gene family in pepper: comprehensive sequence and expression profile analysis under heat stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015,6:806.
[13]Chen Ru-gang, Jing Hua,Guo Wei-li,Wang Shu-Bin,Ma Fang,Pan Bao-Gui,Gong Zhen-Hui*. Silencing of dehydrin CaDHN1 diminishes tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in Capsicum annuum L. Plant Cell Reports, 2015, 34(12):2189-2200
[14]Guo W-L, Wang S-B, Chen R-G, Chen B-H, Du X-H, Yin Y-X, Gong Z-H* and Zhang Y-Y. Characterization and expression profile of CaNAC2 pepper gene. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015,6:755.
[15]Zhang Z, Li D-W, Jin J-H, Yin Y-X, Zhang H-X, Chai W-G and Gong Z-H*, VIGS approach reveals the modulation of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes by CaMYB in chili pepper leaves. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6:500.
[16]Guo Meng, Lu Jin-Ping, Zhai Yu-Fei, Chai Wei-Guo, Gong Zhen-Hui* and Lu Ming-Hui *. Genome-wide analysis, expression profile of heat shock factor gene family (CaHsfs) and characterisation of CaHsfA2 in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), BMC Plant Biology, 2015, 15:151
[17]Tian S.-L., Li L., Shah S.N.M. and Gong Z.-H.* The relationship between red fruit colour formation and key genes of capsanthin biosynthesis pathway in Capsicum annuum , Biologia Plantarum, 2015, 59 (3): 507-513
[18]Arisha MH, Shah SNM, Gong Z-H*, Jing H, Li C and Zhang H-X, Ethyl methane sulfonate induced mutations in M2 generation and physiological variations in M1 generation of peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015,6:399
[19]Ji J-J, Huang W, Li Z, Chai W-G, Yin Y-X, Li D-W and Gong Z-H*, Tapetum-specific expression of a cytoplasmic orf507 gene causes semi-male sterility in transgenic peppers. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015, 6:272.
[20]Huang W, Ji J.-J, Li C, Li G.-Q, Yin C.-C, Chai W.-G and Gong Z.-H.*, Novel genetic male sterility developed in (Capsicum annuum x C. chinense) x C. pubescens and induced by HNO2 showing Mendelian inheritance and aborted at telophase of microspore mother cell stage, Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14 (2):3318-3329
[21]Yin Yan-Xu, Wang Shu-Bin, Zhang Huai-Xia, Xiao Huai-Juan, Jin Jing-Hao, Ji Jiao-Jiao, Jing Hua, ChenRu-Gang, Arisha Mohamed Hamed, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Cloning and expression analysis of CaPIP1-1 gene in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), Gene, 2015, 563(1):87-93
[22]Shah S.N.M., Gong Z.-H*, Arisha M.H., Khan A. and Tian S.-L., Effect of ethyl methyl sulfonate concentration and different treatment conditions on germination and seedling growth of the cucumber cultivar Chinese long (9930), Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14 (1):2440-2449
[23]Xiao H-J, Jin J-H, Chai W-G and Gong Z-H*,Cloning and expression analysis of pepper chlorophyll catabolite reductase gene CaRCCR, Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14 (1): 368-379
[24]Arisha M H, Liang B-K, Muhammad Shah S N, Gong Z-H* and Li D-W, Kill curve analysis and response of first generation Capsicum annuum L. B12 cultivar to ethyl methane sulfonate, Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014,13 (4): 10049-10061
[25]Tian Shi-Lin, Li Li, Chai Wei-Guo, Shah Syed, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Effects of silencing key genes in the capsanthin biosynthetic pathway on fruit color of detached pepper fruits, BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14:314
[26]Yin Y-X, Wang S-B, Xiao H-J, Zhang H-X, Zhang Z, Jing H, Zhang Y-L, Chen R-G, Gong Z-H*, Overexpression of the CaTIP1-1 Pepper Gene in Tobacco Enhances Resistance to Osmotic Stresses, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014; 15(11):20101-20116
[27]Guo M, Zhai Y-F, Lu J-P, Chai L, Chai W-G, Gong Z-H*, Lu M-H, Characterization of CaHsp70-1, a Pepper Heat-Shock Protein Gene in Response to Heat Stress and Some Regulation Exogenous Substances in Capsicum annuum L, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(11):19741-19759
[28]Guo Wei-Li, Chen Ru-Gang, Du Xiao-Hua, Zhang Zhen, Yin Yan-Xu, Gong Zhen-Hui* and Wang Guang-Yin. Reduced tolerance to abiotic stress in transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing a Capsicum annuum multiprotein bridging factor 1, BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14:138
[29]Xiao Huai-Juan, Yin Yan-Xu, Chai Wei-Guo, Gong Zhen-Hui *, Silencing of the CaCP gene delays salt- and osmotic-induced leaf senescence in Capsicum annuum L, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(5):8316-8334
[30]Yin Yan-Xu, Guo Wei-Li, Zhang Ying-Li, Ji Jiao-Jiao, Xiao Huai-Juan, Yan Fei, Zhao Yan-Yan, Zhu Wen-Chao, Chen Ru-Gang, Chai Wei-Guo, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Cloning and characterisation of a pepper aquaporin, CaAQP, which reduces chilling stress in transgenic tobacco plants, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2014, 118:431-444
[31]Guo M, Yin Y-X, Ji J-., Ma B-P, Lu M-H*, Gong Z-H* , Cloning and expression analysis of heat shock transcription factor gene CaHsfA2 from pepper (Capsicum annuum L), Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014,13(1):1865-1875
[32]Ji Jiaojiao,Huang Wei, Li Da-Wei, Yin Yan-Xu, Chai Wei-Guo and Gong Zhen-Hui*. CMS related gene, Ψatp6-2, results in increasing of ATP hydrolysis activity of mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase and induces male sterility in pepper (Capsicum annuum L), Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2014, 32:888-899
[33]Tian Shi-Lin, Lu Bo-Ya, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Shah Syed Noor Muhammad. Effects of drought stress on capsanthin during fruit development and ripening in pepper (Capsicum annuum L), Agricultural Water Management, 2014, 137:46-51
[34]Chen R, Guo W, Yin Y, Gong Z-H*, A novel F-Box protein CaF-Box is involved in responses to plant hormones and abiotic stress in pepper (Capsicum annuum L), International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(2): 2413-2430
[35]Ji Jiao-Jiao, Huang Wei, Yin Yan-Xu, Li Zheng, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Development of a SCAR marker for early identification of S-cytoplasm based on mitochondrial SRAP analysis in pepper (Capsicum annuum L), Molecular Breeding, 2014, 33:679-690
[36]Du Y, Gong Z-H*, Liu G-Z, Chai G-X and Li C, Biological characteristics and mating type distribution of Phytophthora capsici from China, Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014,13 (1): 396-405
[37]Shah Syed Noor Muhammad, Tian Shi-Lin, Gong Zhen-Hui*, and Arisha Mohamed Hamed, Studies on metabolism of capsanthin and its regulation under different conditions in pepper fruits (Capsicum spp), Annual Research & Review in Biology, 2014, 4(7): 1106-1120
[38]Tian Shi-Lin, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Du Xiao-Hua and Shah Syed Noor Muhammad. Effects of fruit bagging on capsanthin and expression of key genes in the capsanthin biosynthetic pathway during fruit development and ripening of the pepper. Research Journal of BioTechnology, 2013,8 (12):118-123
[39]Zhang Y-L, Li D-W, Gong Z-H*, Wang J-E, Yin Y-X and Ji J-J, Genetic determinants of the defense response of resistant and susceptible pepper (Capsicum annuum) cultivars infected with Phytophthora capsici (Oomycetes; Pythiaceae). Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013, 12 (3): 3605-3621
[40]Du Yu, Gong Zhenhui*, Liu Guangzhao, Zhao Ying. Scanning electron on microscopic study of the infection process of Phytophthora capsici, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2013, 45(5): 1807-1811
[41]Wang J-E, Li D-W, Gong Z-H* and Zhang Y-L, Optimization of virus-induced gene silencing in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013, 12 (3): 2492-2506
[42]Guo Wei-Li, Chen Ru-Gang, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Yin Yan-Xu, Li Da-Wei, Suppression subtractive hybridization analysis of genes regulated by application of exogenous abscisic acid in pepper plant (Capsicum annuum L.) leaves under chilling stress, Plos One, 2013, 8(6):e66667
[43]Zhang Y-L, Jia Q-L, Li D-W, Wan J-E, Yi Y-X, Gong Z-H*, Characteristic of the pepper CaRGA2 gene in defense responses against Phytophthora capsici Leonian. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013, 14(5): 8985-9004
[44]Li Z, Wang S, Gui X-L, Chang X-B, Gong Z-H*.,A further analysis of the relationship between yellow ripe-fruit color and the capsanthin-capsorubin synthase gene in pepper (Capsicum sp.) indicated a new mutant variant in C. annuum and a tandem repeat structure in promoter region, Plos One, 2013, 8(4):e61996
[45]Wang Jun-E, Li Da-Wei, Zhang Ying-Li, Zhao Qian, He Yu-Mei, Gong Zhen-Hui*, Defence responses of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) infected with incompatible and compatible strains of Phytophthora capsici, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2013, 136:625-638
[46]Wang J-E, Liu K-K, Li D-W, Zhang Y-L, Zhao Q, He Y-M, Gong Z-H*, A novel peroxidase CanPOD gene of pepper is involved in defense responses to Phytophtora capsici infection as well as abiotic stress tolerance, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013; 14(2):3158-3177
[47]Ji Jiaojiao, Huang Wei, Yin Chuanchuan, Gong Zhenhui*, Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase and F1Fo-ATPase dysfunction in peppers (Capsicum annuum L) with cytoplasmic male sterility and its association with orf507 and Ψatp6-2 genes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013, 14(1):1050-1068
[48]Ma Y, Huang W, Ji J-J. Gong Z-H*, Yin C-C, Ahmed S S and Zhao Z-L, Maintaining and restoration cytoplasmic male sterility systems in pepper (Capsicum annuum L), Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013,12 (3): 2320-2331
[49]Zhao H-F, Huang W, Ahmed S S, Gong Z-H* and Zhao L-M, The pollen wall and tapetum are altered in the cytoplasmic male sterile line RC7 of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp pekinensis), Genetics and Molecular Research, 2012,11 (4): 4145-4156
[50]Guo W-L, Chen R-G, Gong Z-H*, Yin Y-X, Ahmed S S and He Y-M, Exogenous abscisic acid increases antioxidant enzymes and related gene expression in pepper (Capsicum annuum) leaves subjected to chilling stress. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2012,11 (4): 4063-4080
[51]Li Z, Wang S, Tao Q Y, Pan J S, Si L T, Gong Z H, Cai R. A putative positive feedback regulation mechanism in CsACS2 expression suggests a modified model for sex determination in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L), Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63: 4475-4484
[52]Ahmed S S, Gong Z-H*, Ji J-J, Yin Y-X, Xiao H-J, Khan MA, Rehman A and Ahmad I, Construction of the intermediate vector VBG2307 by incorporating vital elements of expression vectors pBI121 and pBI221, Genetics and Molecular Research, 2012,11 (3): 3091-3104
[53]Jia Qingli, Gong Zhenhui* and Li Dawei, Differential gene expression in incompatible interaction between Phytophthora capsici and Capsicum annuum. Advanced Materials Research, 2012,(496):363-366.
[54]Ahmed S S, Gong Z-H*, Khan M A, Yin Y-X, Guo W-L and Imran J, Activity and expression of polygalacturonase vary at different fruit ripening stages of sweet pepper cultivars. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2011, 10 (4): 3275-3290.
[55]Zhu Wei, Lu Minghui, Gong Zhenhui* and Chen Rugang. Cloning and expression of a small heat shock protein gene CaHSP24 from pepper under abiotic stress, African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(25):4968-4976.
[56]Li Dawei, Cuevas Hugo E, Yang Luming, Li Yuhong, Garcia-Mas Jordi, Zalapa Juan, Staub Jack E, Luan Feishi, Reddy Umesh, He Xiaoming, Gong Zhenhui and Weng Yiqun. Syntenic relationships between cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and melon (C. melo L.) chromosomes as revealed by comparative genetic mapping, BMC Genomics, 2011, 12:396
[57]Du Xiaohua, Wang Deyuan, Gong Zhenhui, Comparison of RSAP, SRAP and SSR markers for genetic analysis in hot pepper, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 2010, 64(4): 505-512.
[58]Lu Ming-hui, Gong Zhen-hui*, Sun Biao, Wen Shi-jun. Salt and drought tolerance of different types of peppers during seed germination, The 2nd conference on key technology of horticulture, CKTH 2010. London: London science publishing limited, 2010, pp74-77
[59]Chen Rugang, Gong Zhenhui*, Yang Ruiping, Li Dawei. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Polygalacturonase (PG) Gene in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L), The 2nd conference on key technology of horticulture, CKTH 2010. London: London science publishing limited, 2010, pp53-56
[60]Gong Zhenhui, Wang Ming, Analysis in the combining ability of the main quality traits in pepper (Capsicum annuum L), Acta Horticulturae, 1995, 402:151-157./
[61]Cecchini E, Gong Zhenhui, Chiara Geri, Simon N. Covey, Joel J. Milner, Transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing gene VI from cauliflower mosaic virus variants exhibit a range of symptom-like phenotypes and accumulate inclusion bodies, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 1997, 10(9):1094-1101
[62]He Yuke, Wang Jingyou, Gong Zhenhui, Root development initiated by exogenous auxin synthesis genes in Brassica sp. crops. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 1994, 32(4):493-500
[63]He Yu-Ke, Wang Jing-You, Gong Zhen-Hui, Wei Zhi-Ming, Xu Zhi-Hong. Effects of whole Ri T-DNA and auxin genes alone on root induction and plant phenotype of Chinese cabbage, Acta Horticulturae, 1995, 402:418-422
[64]Gong Zhenhui, Zhang Guanghui Zhang Guihua. Studies on Vacuum Infiltration Transformation Method in Brassica campestris var. purpurea and B. campestris var. utilis. China Agricultural Scientech Press, Beijing, P. R. China, 2001.12, p233-238.
[65]He Yuke, Wang Jingyou, Wei Zhihong Gong Zhenhui, Effects of whole Ri T-DNA and auxin genes alone on root induction and plant phenotype of Chinese cabbage, Acta Horticulturae, 1995, 402:418-422. [1] 