

青島市中心血站成立於1993年8月(前身青島市獻血管理站1965年9月成立),是青島市衞生健康委員會直屬的全額撥款事業單位。單位建築面積約2萬平方米,其中,業務用房面積12777平方米。在七區三市共建有愛心獻血屋17處,獻血車10輛。2020年年底,職工總數249人,其中:高級衞生技術人員33人,中級衞生技術人員61人。內設職能科室7個,業務科室7個,獻血服務部6個。 [2] 
Qingdao Blood Center
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青島市的無償獻血工作在市委、市政府的關心支持下,在市衞生計生委的領導下,在中心血站全體幹部職工及獻血者無私奉獻和不懈努力下,連續九次榮獲“全國無償獻血先進城市”殊榮。該站被評為國家、省衞生系統先進集體、省無償獻血先進單位、省文明單位、省衞生系統為民服務創先爭優“示範窗口單位”、省“富民興魯勞動獎狀”,被市委、市政府授予“創建文明城市突出貢獻獎”和創建全國文明城市工作優秀單位,被市委評為“先進基層黨組織”,連續四年被授予“青島市文明單位”,連續十年在市衞生計生委目標績效考核中被評為優秀單位。該站的“衞生系統萬人流動血庫”、“無償獻血紅十字志願者總隊”榮獲青島市十大微塵公益之星稱號、“熊貓血”應急獻血志願服務隊榮獲“感動青島”十佳人物羣體獎、“熱血真情”服務品牌被評為青島市服務名牌。因在29屆(殘)奧帆賽血液保障工作中的突出表現,該站被中國紅十字會評為紅十字參與奧運特別貢獻獎。 [1] 


Qingdao Blood Center(QDBC) was established in August 1993, which wasa partly-government-sponsored-Institutional Organization directly under Qingdao Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission.QDBC comprises a staff of 234and 81.20 % of them are specialized technical personnel,includingsenior 28 and intermediate-level 90, 4 doctoral students and26 post - graduate master studentswith building area about 20,000 square meters. The blood center establish 14 departments and 6 Blood collection branches, distributing in Jimo, Jiaozhou, Pingdu, Laixi, Jiaozhou and Huangdao District, respectively. In the whole city there are 2 fixeddonate bloodrooms, 4 mobiledonate bloodrooms and 9 buses for donate blood to meet citizen donate blood need basicaly.
QDBC is charge for propaganda and mobilizationofblood donationand responsible for supplying blood for medical treatment and first aid, serving 98 medical institutions and 8,710,000 inhabitants of the whole city of Qingdao which consist of seven districts and five counties , in 2013 it supply of32.8 millionunits blood components, amount to 307.8 million ton from 1993. Main business of QDBC also include Guiding the scientific and reasonable blood usage of medical institutions, HLA typing for China Marrow Donor Program (CMDP). R&D for innovative blood components and Clinical test and transfusion medicine research, and postgraduate of the transfusion medicine institute of Dalian Medical University and Medical college of Qingdao University, providing the opportunities of practice and research.
QDBC launched voluntary blood donation in the year 1994 and carried out100% non-renumerated blood provision for medical treatment on September1998.We abolished planned blood donation program in 2001 and in the same year of October we took the lead in implementing 100% plateleteapheresis from voluntary donors that was first implementation in the whole country. Inrecent yearsQingdaoBloodCenter(QDBC) keep exploring to establish long term mechanisms for blood donation and acquires remarkable achievements.
QDBCimplements the strategy of developing through science for technology and education, Qingdao has reached internationally advanced levels ofblood component transfusion rate.QDBCcan provide more than 20 kinds of blood components for clinical treatment, e.g. deepfrozenRH negative blood, inactivated and Irradiated components, platelet,lymphocyte and granulocyte apheresis and blood component transfusion rate is 99% ,Offerding platelet crossmatching,HDN test、prenatal serologic test、blood grouping、HLA typing for organ and bone marrow transplantation etc. As one of HLA typing for China Marrow Donor Program lab,QDBCwas among the best in all previous quality management random inspection. By 2012 QDBCmore than 30 thousands HLA typing data of Hematopoietic stem cell donors had been completed. We can provide specific cross matching for the patients ofplatelettransfusions refractoriness by establishing HLA/HPA database.QDBC is developing research and cooperation about transfusion medicine, immunogenetics and molecular biology actively. We obtains the province and the city department level scientific research achievement rewards 11 items, by the province, city science and Technology Progress Award 4 items and researching 5 items.
Considering blood quality as own life QDBC established an effective quality management system for itself according to blood management solution、rules and regulations related to quality、specificationsissued by Public Health Administrative Department. We participate external quality assessment organized by international、Ministry of Health and Shandong Health Department with appearing the index accuracy of100% andInstitute of Transfusion medicion and Nucleic acid lab assessed by UCLA and Australia, which improved quality levels. QDBC has passed qualification by CNAS and improving the standardized, standardization level. From year 2010 our facility has implemented the combination ofELISA and nucleic acid test(NAT for HIV,HBV,HVC)into routine blood donor screening,which reduced the diagnostic window and improved the blood safety. QDBCestablished and improved intelligent system about blood messages management that monitoredthe whole-process of the blood donors’blood vessel to patients blood vessel. The blood quality management go in countrywide front row and transmission of infectious disease by transfusion is not occurred in our city.
The work of blood donation of Qingdao acquire greet achievementsunder the concern and support ofQingdao Committee and Government, the leadership ofthe QingdaoMunicipal Health and Family Planning Commission , all cadre workers, unselfish dedication and unremitting efforts. And Qingdao has obtained consecutively the honor of“National Advanced City of Voluntary Blood Donation”8 times.QDBCwas elected as advanced collectives by national and Shandong health systems、blood donation without repayment advanced units、civilization unitof Shandong province and was awarded outstanding contribution award、excellent unit of establishing National Civilized City and advanced party group by Qingdao Committee and Government, and was awarded as civilization unit of Qingdao city for consecutive 4 years, and as excellent unit in appraisal of the City Health Planning for consecutive 10 years. RH negative blood emergency service won honor of movedQingdao, Blood sincere service brand was namedQingdaoservice brand. In 29 Paralympic Sailing Games QDBC was appointed as special contribution award by the Chinese Red Cross for blood supply.

