


陳宗海,男,1963 年12 月生,安徽省桐城市人,博士,中國科學技術大學教授、博士生導師。
國    籍
籍    貫
1963 年12 月
出版學術著作 2 部
發表學術論文 200 餘篇
性    別
職    稱
學    歷


陳宗海 陳宗海
1998年5月晉升為教授。 [1] 


現擔任國際自動控制聯合會(IFAC)技術委員會委員,中國自動化學會理事,中國仿真學會常務理事,中國自動化學會系統仿真專業委員會主任,中國仿真學會仿真技術應用專業委員會主任,中國計算機用户協會仿真應用委員會副理事長。 [1] 


2、模式識別與機器智能; 共融機器人科學與技術;
3、新能源汽車與微電網的能源系統理論方法 [1] 


先後承擔了國家自然科學基金項目、863計劃項目、部委重點實驗室基金項目、985工程建設項目、省市科技計劃項目、人才基金項目以及若干大中型企業科技攻關項目等。 [1] 
· 國家自然科學基金項目,“灰色定性仿真理論、算法及典型應用研究”。
· 多媒體計算與通信教育部 - 微軟重點實驗室科研基金項目,“基於魯棒估計的計算機視覺算法研究”。
· 橫向合作項目,“安徽電網負荷突變智能預測系統”。
· 市科技計劃項目,“工業過程優化協調控制器”。


發表學術論文400餘篇,出版學術著作3部,申請國家專利超過40項。2000年獲得中國科學院盈科優秀青年學者獎。 [1] 


已獲得省部級科學技術獎15項,獲2017、2018、2019年度中國科學院優秀導師獎,獲2017年中國科學院“朱李月華”優秀教師獎。 [1] 
1、 “丁烯氧化脱氫裝置計算機仿真系統”, 1992 年獲部級(中石化)科技進步三等獎。
2、 “催化裂化能量回收機組計算機仿真系統”, 1994 年獲部級 ( 中石化 ) 科技進步三等獎。
3、 “齊魯石化苯乙烯全流程 DCS 仿真培訓系統” ,1995 年獲部級(中石化)科技進步三等獎。
4、 “丙烯腈裝置全流程仿真系統 ”,1996 年獲部級(中石化)科技進步三等獎。
5、 “腈綸裝置全流程仿真培訓系統”, 1996 年獲部級(中石化)科技進步三等獎( 1996 )。
6、 國務院重點工程 - 燕山乙烯改擴建工程配套項目“乙烯全流程仿真及 DETECE 通用工業過程 DCS 仿真器”, 1996 年獲部級(中石化)科技進步二等獎( 1996 )。
7、 “苯乙烯全流程 DCS 仿真系統” ,1997 年獲安徽省高校科技進步二等獎。
8、 “腈綸裝置全流程仿真系統”, 1997 年獲部級 ( 安徽省 ) 科技進步三等獎。
9、 “催化裂化能量回收機組數字模批計算機培訓系統”, 1997 年獲部級 ( 中石化 ) 科技進步三等獎。
10、“乙烯全流程仿真培訓系統” 1998 年獲部級(中科院)進步三等獎。
11、“寬餾份連續重整裝置全流程仿真培訓系統” ,1999 年通過部級 ( 中石化 ) 鑑定。
12、“過程系統建模與仿真” , 著作 ,1999 年獲教育部科技進步三等獎。


2. 《 過程系統建模與仿真》,中國科學技術大學出版社, 1997 年。
(1) State-of-health estimation for the lithium-ion battery based on support vector regression - Applied Energy - 201810 - 227:273-283 (IF=8.426)
(2) Battery Health Prognosis Using Brownian Motion Modeling and Particle Filtering - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics - 201811 - 65(11):8646-8655 (IF=7.503)
(3) Energy Management Strategy for Grid-tied Microgrids considering the Energy Storage Efficiency - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics - 201812 - 65(12):9539-9549 (IF=7.503)
(4) Remaining Useful Life Prediction and State of Health Diagnosis for Lithium-ion Batteries Using Particle filter and Support Vector Regression - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics - 201807 - 65(7):5634-5643 (IF=7.503)
(5) Framework for estimating distance and dimension attributes of pedestrians in real-time environments using monocular camera - Neurocomputing - 201801 - 2018, 275: 533-545.(IF=4.072)
(6) Appearance based pedestrians' head pose and body orientation estimation using deep learning - Neurocomputing - 201801 - 2018,272:647-659. (IF=4.072)
(7) A novel qualitative motion model based probabilistic indoor global localization method - Information Sciences - 201803 - 2018,429: 284-295.(IF=5.524)
(8) Person re-identification post-rank optimization via hypergraph-based learning - Neurocomputing - 201804 - 2018,287:143-153 (IF=4.072)
(9) A novel method for lithium-ion battery state of energy and state of power estimation based on multi-time-scale filter - Applied Energy - 201804 - 216: 442-451 (IF=8.426)
(10) A novel approach of remaining discharge energy prediction for large format lithium-ion battery pack - Journal of Power Sources (IF=6.333) - 201703 - Vol.343:216-225
(11) System state estimation and optimal energy control framework for multicell lithium-ion battery system - Applied Energy (IF=5.764) - 201702 - V.187:37–49
(12) Modeling and state-of-charge prediction of lithium-ion battery and ultracapacitor hybrids with a co-estimator - Energy (IF=4.292) - 201702 - Vol.121,p.739-750
(13) On-line battery state-of-charge estimation based on an integrated estimator - Applied Energy(IF=5.764) - 201701 - 185:2026-2032
(14) Robust Visual Tracking Based on Hierarchical Appearance Model - Neurocomputing (IF=2.392) - 201701 - V.221:108–122
(15) An adaptive traffic signal coordination optimization method based on vehicle-to-infrastructure communication - CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE - 201609 - 19(3):1503-1514
(16) An online model-based method for state of energy estimation of lithium-ion batteries using dual filters - Journal of Power Sources (IF=6.333) - 201601 - 2016,Vol.301,p.277-286
(17) Online state of charge estimation and open circuit voltage hysteresis modeling of LiFePO4 battery using invariant imbedding method - Applied Energy (IF=5.764) - 201601 - 2016,Vol.162:163-171
(18) A Method for State-of-charge Estimation of LiFePO4 Batteries Based on a Dual-Circuit State Observer - Journal of Power Sources(IF=6.333) - 201511 - v296,p.23-29,SCI一區工程技術類TOP
(19) A method for state of energy estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on neural network model - ENERGY (IF=4.844) - 201510 - v90,p.879-888,SCI一區,
(20) An adaptive remaining energy prediction approach for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles - Journal of Power Sources (IF=6.333) - 201602 - 2016, Vol.305, p.80-88
(21) Multi-camera handoff for person re-identification - Neurocomputing (IF=2.083) - 201605 - 2016,Vol.191,p.238-248
(22) A method for the estimation of the battery pack state of charge based on in-pack cells uniformity analysis - Applied Energy - 201401 - 2014年113卷,SCI一區,工程技術類TOP ESI
(23) A loop closure improvement method of Gmapping for low cost and resolution laser scanner - IFAC-PapersOnLine - 201606 - 49(12):168-173
(24) An online method for lithium-ion battery remaining useful life estimation using importance sampling and neural networks - APPLIED ENERGY(IF=5.764) - 201607 - 2016年173卷,p.134-140
(25) Feature extension and matching for mobile robot global localization - Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics - 201510 - 26(4),p.840-846
(26) A Grey Probability Measure Set Based Mobile Robot Position Estimation Algorithm - International Journal of Control Automation and Sy - 201508 - 13(4),p.978-985,SCI三區
(27) Fast Object Detection Based on Visual Selective Attention, Neurocomputing - NEUROCOMPUTING - - 0925-2312
(28) Global Feature Integration Based Salient Region Detection - Neurocomputing - 201507 - v159,p.1-8,SCI二區IF=2.083
(29) A method for state of energy estimation of lithium-ion batteries at dynamic currents and temperatures - Journal of Power Sources - 201412 - 2014年第270卷,IF=6.217,SCI一區
(30) Predicting salient object via multi-level features - Neurocomputing(IF=2.392) - 201609 - 2016,Vol.205, pp.301-310
(31) A novel state of health estimation method of Li-ion battery using group method of data handling - Journal of Power Sources(IF=6.333) - 201609 - 2016,Vol.327,p.457-464
(32) A novel temperature-compensated model for power Li-ion batteries with dual-particle-filter state of charge estimation - APPLIED ENERGY - - 0306-2619
(33) Global feature integration based salient region detection - NEUROCOMPUTING - - 0925-2312
(34) Kalman filter for onboard state of charge estimation and peak power capability analysis of lithium-ion batteries - Journal of Power Sources(IF=6.333) - 201610 - 2016,Vol.328,p.615-626
(35) Multi-camerahandoffforpersonre-identification - NEUROCOMPUTING - - 0925-2312
(36) An on-line estimation of battery pack parameters and state-of-charge using dual filters based on pack model - Energy(IF=4.292) - 201611 - 2016,Vol.115,p.219-229
(37) Predicting salient object via multi-level features - NEUROCOMPUTING - - 0925-2312
(38) A method for state-of-charge estimation of LiFePO4 batteries at dynamic currents and temperatures using particle filter - Journal of Power Sources - 201504 - V279 IF=6.217 SCI一區工程技術類TOP
(39) A method for state-of-charge estimation of Li-ion batteries based on multi-model switching strategy - Applied Energy - 201501 - V137 IF=5.613 SCI一區工程技術類TOP
(40) A novel active equalization method for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles - Applied Energy - 201505 - v145 IF=5.613 SCI一區工程技術類TOP
(41) Fast Object Detection Based on Selective Visual Attention - Neurocomputing - 201411 - 2014年第144卷,IF=2.002
(42) Quantum Mechanics Helps in Learning for More Intelligent Robots - Chinese Physics Letters - 200607 - 2006年第七期
(43) A Grey Qualitative Based Approach for Environmental Information Analysis - Journal of Grey System - - 0957-3720
(44) Multi-step evolution and measurement control of finite-dimensional quantum systems - Chinese Science Bulletin - 201205 - 2012,57(19)
(45) Probability based remaining capacity estimation using data-driven and neural network model - Journal of Power Sources (IF=6.333) - 201605 - 2016,Vol.315: 199-208
(46) 基於灰色定性理論的無陷阱人工勢場 - 控制與決策 - 201306 - 2013,28(6)
(47) 不確定性知識表達的新方法----灰概率測度集 - 系統工程與電子技術 - 201305 - 2013,35(5)
(48) A new model for State-of-Charge (SOC) estimation for high-power Li-ion batteries - Applied Energy - 201301 - 2013年101卷,IF=5.261,SCI一區 ESI
(49) 基於信息融合的LiFePO4 動力電池組SOC 估計 - 控制與決策 - 201401 - 2014年第一期
(50) 基於支持向量機的目標檢測算法綜述 - 控制與決策 - 201402 - 2014年第二期
(51) A novel temperature-compensated model for power Li-ion batteries with dual-particle-filter state of charge estimation - Applied Energy - 201406 - 2014年第123卷,IF=5.613,SCI一區
(52) 基於充電方式的鋰電池SOC校準和估計方法, - 控制與決策 - 201406 - 2014年第六期
(53) A method for joint estimation of state-of-charge and available energy of LiFePO4 batteries - Applied Energy - 201412 - 2014年第135卷,IF=5.613,工程技術類TOP
(54) 顯著子區域在線選擇的目標魯棒跟蹤 - 控制與決策 - 201410 - 2014,29(10):1788-1792
(55) Grey Qualitative Modeling and Control Method for Subjective Uncertain Systems - International Journal of Automation and Computing - 201502 - 2015,12(1):70-76. 11-Feb-2015
(56) 基於條件隨機場和圖像分割的顯著性檢測 - 自動化學報 - 201508 - 41(4),p.711-724
(57) 基於代價地圖和最小樹的移動機器人多區域覆蓋方法 - 機器人 - 201508 - 37(4),p.435-442
(58) 基於自適應分塊表觀模型的視覺目標跟蹤 - 控制與決策 - 201603 - 2016,31(3):448-452
(59) Progressing of Quantum Tomography for Quantum Information Acquisition - Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applicatio - 201005 - 2010年第五期
(60) Human Identification and Gender Recognition from Boxing - Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 201111 - v 7098
(61) Logos of Human Actions - Proceedings 2011 Third Chinese Conference on Intel - 201111 - 2011年
(62) 基於人類視覺智能和粒子濾波的魯棒目標跟蹤算法 - 控制與決策 - 201211 - 2012,27(11)
(63) 基於改進Bhattacharyya係數的粒子濾波視覺跟蹤算法 - 控制與決策 - 201210 - 2012,27(10)
(64) 一種移動機器人環境模型----灰色定性地圖 - 機器人 - 201208 - 2012,34(4)
(65) 基於灰色預測模型和粒子濾波的視覺目標跟蹤算法 - 控制與決策 - 201201 - 2012,27(1)
(66) Robust estimation algorithm for multiple-strutural data - Journal of System Engineering and Electronics - 201010 - 2010年第五期
(67) Visual Intelligence Simulation based Perception Technology - System Simulation Technology & Application - 201107 - 2011年第十三卷
(68) 基於橢圓區域協方差描述子和卡爾曼粒子濾波的魯棒視覺跟蹤方法 - 控制與決策 - 201105 - 2011年第五期
(69) Visual Tracking Model Based on Feature-Imagination and Its Application - IEEE-MINES’2010 - 201010 - 2010
(70) 基於Vmin-EKF的動力鋰電池組SOC估計 - 控制與決策 - 201003 - 2010年第三期
(71) 基於蛙眼視覺特性的運動目標模糊化區域理解跟蹤方法 - 自動化學報 - 200908 - 2009,35(8)
(72) Adaptive control for nonlinear time-delay process - Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics - 200706 - 2007.Vol.18(3)
(73) 具有Hammerstein模型描述的非線性系統的基於混合神經網絡的預測控制 - 控制理論與應用 - 200810 - 2008,25(5)
(74) Grey Systems for Intelligent Sensors and Information Processing - ournal of Systems Engineering and Electronics - 200808 - 2008,19(4)
(75) Qualitative control for mobile robot navigation based on reinforcement learning and grey system - Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control - 200802 - 2008年第一期
(76) QUANTUM CONTROL BASED ON QUANTUM INFORMATION - International Journal of Modern Physics B - 200705 - 2007.Vol.21(7)
(77) 基於複雜過程簡化模型的DHP學習控制 - 控制與決策 - 200610 - 2006年第十期
(78) Quantum robot: Structure, algorithms and applications - Robotica - 200608 - 2006年第四期
(79) 連續狀態自適應離散化的基於K均值聚類的強化學習方法 - 控制與決策 - 200602 - 2006年第二期
(80) 未知環境探測的多機器人協調機制和策略 - 世界科技研究與發展 - 200512 - 2005年第六期
(81) Pattern Recognition of Quantum Information Based on Pattern-Distance - Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics - 200512 - 2005第四期
(82) Control of non-controllable quantum systems: A quantum control algorithm based on Grover iteration - Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Opt - 200510 - 2005年第十期
(83) Grey Qualitative Simulation - The Journal of Grey System - 200403 - 2004年第一期
(84) A Learning Algorithm of CMAC Based on RLS - Neural Processing Letters - 200403 - 2004年第一期 [1] 