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目前擔任中國科學院植物研究所繫統與進化植物學國家重點實驗室植物系統發育重建創新研究組組長、Journal of Systematics and Evolution(原《植物分類學報》)共同主編。
擔任中國科學院植物研究所繫統與進化植物學國家重點實驗室植物系統發育重建創新研究組組長、《植物分類學報》主編。一直從事的研究領域是植物系統發育重建和生物地理學,即利用多學科的手段,在較高分類階元上,探討植物的系統發育關係和演化,並將形態學、古植物學和分子系統學的研究結果相結合,研究植物類羣的起源、分化和現代地理格局及其成因。 [1] 
1995年在美國佛羅里達大學進行合作研究。1995、1999、2000、2002和2006年曾分別在美國佛羅里達大學、瑞士蘇黎世大學、英國邱園、美國哈佛大學和美國華盛頓史密森研究所進行合作研究。 [1] 


(1)利用基因、基因組、形態學以及生物地理學等證據探討被子植物大類羣的系統發育和進化; [1] 
(2)利用進化發育生物學手段,通過研究關鍵性狀相關基因與植物系統發育之間的關係,探討關鍵創新性狀的進化。 [1] 


曾主持完成過國家自然科學基金委青年基金和美國國家地理學會(NGF)基金項目各1項,國家自然科學基金委面上項目三項,中國科學院指示創新方向性項目一項,還分別與路安民研究員和吳徵鎰院士共同主持過國家基金委重點項目各一項,作為合作者與美國密西根大學仇寅龍博士合作完成一項國家基金委海外青年學者合作基金項目。參加科技部國家重點基礎研究發展計劃項目(973)和國家自然科學基金委基金重點項目各一項。2005年獲雲南省自然科學一等獎一項(本人排名第二)。在AJBLJPSMBEMPENatureNPPNASPPEESTaxon等重要國際刊物(SCI收錄期刊)上單獨或合作發表論文60餘篇。 [1] 


2007.1-2010.12 中國科學院知識創新方向性項目(KSCX2-YW-R-136),動植物若干類羣的系統發育和分子進化。主持人,正在進行。
2007.1-2011.12 科技部國家重點基礎研究發展計劃項目(973 Program no. 2007CB411600),中國-喜馬拉雅地區生物多樣性演變和保護研究。專題負責人(項目主持人為張亞平院士),正在進行。
2006.1-2009.12 國家自然科學基金委基金重點項目(30530090),基部真雙子葉植物中A、B、C和E類MADS-box基因的進化。專題負責人(項目主持人為孔宏智研究員),正在進行。
2004.1-2006.12 國家自然科學基金委基金面上項目 (30370094),榿木屬的系統學和分子生物地理學研究。主持人,完成。 [1] 
2003.1-2005.12 國家自然科學基金委海外青年學者合作研究基金項目(30228004),陸地植物的分子系統發育和進化。國內合作者(主持人為美國密西根大學仇寅龍博士),完成。
2000.1-2003.12 國家自然科學基金委基金重點項目(39930020),東亞植物區系中主要特徵成分和重要類羣的形成和發展。第二主持人(第一主持人為吳徵鎰院士),完成。 [1] 
2001.1-2005.12 中科院知識創新工程信息化建設專項(INF105-SDB-09),中國植物數據庫和圖像庫。主持人,完成。
2000.1-2002.12 國家自然科學基金委基金面上項目(39970057),高等金縷梅類植物的分子系統發育。主持人,完成。 [1] 
1996.1-1998.12 國家自然科學基金委基金面上項目(39670056), 樺木科植物的分子系統學研究。主持人,完成。 [1] 
1995-1996 美國地理學會項目USA National Geographic Society Grant (No. 5523-95),三峽庫區植物調查和生物多樣性研究(Botanical inventory and biodiversity along the Three Gorges, Yangtze River, China)。主持人,完成。 [1] 
1996.1-2000.12 中科院高技術研究與發展重點項目(SDB95-06),中國植物數據庫。主持人,完成。
1993.1-1995.12 國家自然科學基金委基金青年項目(39200009),樺木科植物的起源和分化。主持人,完成。 [1] 


2001-2006 美國科學基金會(NSF)Research Coordination Network (RCN) 項目“Deep Time: A Comprehensive Phylogenetic Tree of Living and Fossil Angiosperms”的國際合作者。該項目由D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis, P. Herendeen和D. L. Dilcher主持。其他主要參加者為:Mark Chase, Ray Christopher, Peter Crane, James Doyle, Peter Endress, Sara Hoot, Walter Judd, Richard Lupia, Susana Magallon Puebla, Steven Manchester, Yin-Long Qiu, Michael Sanderson, Youngbae Suh, Ge Sun, David Taylor。我們研究組參加“殼鬥目(Fagales)形態、化石和DNA序列證據整合研究”。 [1] 
2006-今 美國科學基金會(NSF) COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 項目“Atol: Resolving the Trunk of the Angiosperm Tree and Twelve of its Thorniest Branches”的國際合作者。該項目主持人是D. E. Soltis,其他主要參加者包括Reed Beeman, Nico Cellinese, Chuck Davis, Michael Donoghue, Khidir Hilu, Walt Judd, Steve Manchester, Yin-Long Qiu, Mike Sanderson, Ken Sytsma, Pam Soltis, Ken Wurdack。我們研究組參加“用線粒體基因研究薔薇類的系統發育”。 [1] 
2007.7-9 中國科學院—美國密蘇里植物園合作項目:Flora of China- Vitaceae,revision of Parthenocissus。在法國自然歷史博物館,英國邱園和愛丁堡植物園,荷蘭萊頓標本館和俄羅斯聖彼得堡卡馬洛夫植物研究所訪問研究。 [1] 


Chen Zhiduan, Ren Hui, Wen Jun. 2008. Leeaceae and Vitaceae. In Flora of China, Wu Zhengyi, Peter Raven (eds.). pp. Beijing: Science Press and St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden. [1] 
吳徵鎰, 湯彥承, 路安民, 陳之端, 李德銖. 2003. 中國被子植物科屬綜論. 科學出版社, 北京.
Lu Anming ,Zhang Zhi yun, Chen Zhiduan, Pan Kaiyu,1999. Embryology and adaptive ecology in the genus Przewalskia. In Solanaceae IV.(M.Nee,et al.eds).71-80.The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
陳之端, 馮旻編譯. 路安民, 葛頌, 汪小全, 孔宏智校. 1998. 植物系統學進展. 科學出版社, 北京. [1] 


1. 2020.12-2022.12 中國科學院國際夥伴計劃項目:全球三大典型山地植物物種演化與共存機制比較研究,專題負責人。(Project title: Comparative study on species evolution and coexistence mechanism of three typical mountain plants in the world)
2. 2020.01-2024.12 中國科學院十四五信息化專項:科學大數據工程(二期)-DarwinTree:面向系統發育研究特色數據庫,課題負責人。(Project title: The project of science big data)
3. 2019.01-2019.12 環保部中國環科院項目:重點野生維管植物遺傳多樣性大數據本底調查與評估,專題負責人。(Project title: Investigation and evaluation of genetic diversity of key wild vascular plants)
4. 2018.07-2023.06中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項(B類XDB31000000):亞熱帶森林羣落多樣性形成與維持機制,項目負責人。(Project title: Formation and maintenance mechanism of subtropical forest community diversity)
5. 2018.01-2022.12中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項(A類) 地球大數據科學工程:生物多樣性與生態安全(XDA19050000),專題負責人。(Project title: Biodiversity and ecological security)
6. 2018.07-2019.12 中國科學院十三五信息化專項:科學大數據工程(一期)-DarwinTree:面向系統發育研究特色數據庫,課題負責人。(Project title: The project of science big data)
7. 2017.01-2025.01國家重要野生植物種質資源共享服務平台項目:DNA材料庫的構建,子課題負責人。(Project title: Building DNA material library)
8.2016.01-2020.01 中國科學院國際研究發展項目(SAJC201613):熱帶東非被子植物生命之樹重建與適應性進化機制研究,項目負責人。(Project title: The tree of life and adaptive evolution of angiosperms in Tropical East Africa)
9. 2016.01-2020.12 國家自然科學基金委重大項目(31590822):中國-喜馬拉雅植物區系分化中心的形成和散佈機制,第二課題負責人。(Project title: Formation and dispersal mechanism of diversification centers in China-Himalayan flora)
10. 2015.01-2019.12國家自然科學基金委中美生物多樣性Three Dimension國際合作項目(31461123001):東亞-北美間斷分佈森林羣落生物多樣性形成的地史制約、局域適應和種間互作研究,專題負責人。(Project title: The geographical history, local adaptation and interspecific interaction for biodiversity formation in Eastern Asian-North American disjunct forest communities)
11. 2014.01-2018.12 科技部國家重大科學研究計劃項目(2014CB954100):西南山地典型生態系統植物多樣性對氣候變化的響應,第一課題負責人。(Project title: Response of plant diversity to climate change in typical mountain ecosystems of Southwest China)
12. 2013.09-2016.09 中國科學院國際合作局對外合作重點項目(GJH Z201321):印度尼西亞熱帶植物分類調查與生命之樹重建,子課題負責人。(Project title: Taxonomic investigation and tree of life reconstruction of tropical plants in Indonesia)
13. 2013.09-2014.05 中國科學院發展中國家訪問學者計劃(2013FFSA0004):被子植物薔薇類(rodids)的系統發育學研究,國內合作者 (國外合作者:科哈特科技大學Rehan Naeem博士,Kohat University of Science and Technology)。(Project title: Phylogeny of rodids)
14. 2013.01-2016.12 中國科學院海外科教基地建設計劃:肯尼亞被子植物屬的生命之樹構建,課題負責人。(Project title: Tree of life for the genera of Kenyan Angiosperm)
15. 2012.01-2016.12 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863 計劃)資助項目(2012AA021602):珍稀物種資源樣品採集與鑑定研究,子課題負責人。(Project title: Collection and identification of rare species)
16. 2012.01-2016.12 國家自然科學基金委基金面上項目(31270268):薔薇類COM分支的系統發育研究,主持人。(Project title: Phylogenetic of the COM branch in rosids)
17. 2011 中國科學院外國專家特聘研究員計劃項目(2011T1S24):分子系統學和進化遺傳學,國內合作者 (國外合作者Douglas E. Soltis教授)。(Project title: Molecular systematics and evolutionary genetics)
18. 2010.01-2013.12國家自然科學基金委海峽兩岸合作項目(31061160184):東喜馬拉雅-橫斷山與台灣種子植物區系的聯繫與進化機制研究,參加者。(Project title: The relationship and evolutionary mechanism of seed plant flora between eastern Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains and Taiwan)
19. 2009.01-2011.12 中國科學院大工程裝置依託項目(2009-LSF-GBOWS-01):中國種子DNA條形碼,參加者。(Project title: DNA barcoding of Chinese plant seeds)
20. 2009.01-2012.12 國家自然科學基金委基金重點項目(40830209):生命之樹共生固氮支系重要類羣的起源、分化和環境制約,子課題負責人。(Project title: Origin, differentiation and environmental constraints of important groups of symbiotic nitrogen fixing branches of tree of life)
21. 2007.01-2011.12 科技部國家重點基礎研究發展計劃項目(973計劃 2007CB411600):中國-喜馬拉雅地區生物多樣性演變和保護研究,子課題負責人。(Project title: Evolution and conservation of biodiversity in Sino-Himalayan region)
22. 2007.01-2010.12 中國科學院知識創新方向性項目(KSCX2-YW-R-136):動植物若干類羣的系統發育和分子進化,主持人。(Project title: Phylogenetic reconstruction and molecular evolution of several plant and animal taxa)
23. 2007.07-2007.09中國科學院-美國密蘇里植物園合作項目:中國植物誌—葡萄科,爬山虎屬的修訂,在法國自然歷史博物館,英國邱園和愛丁堡植物園,荷蘭萊頓標本館和俄羅斯聖彼得堡卡馬洛夫植物研究所訪問研究。(Project title: Flora of China-Vitaceae,revision of Parthenocissus)
24. 2006-2010 美國科學基金會(NSF) COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH項目:解析被子植物主要分支以及12個最棘手的分支,國際合作者。(Project title: Resolving the Trunk of the Angiosperm Tree and Twelve of its Thorniest Branches)
25. 2006.01-2009.12 國家自然科學基金委重點項目(30530090):基部真雙子葉植物中A、B、C和E類MADS-box基因的進化,子課題負責人。 (Project title: Evolution of class A, B, C and E MADS box genes in basal Eudicots)
26. 2004.01-2006.12國家自然科學基金委面上項目(30370094):榿木屬的系統學和分子生物地理學研究,主持人。(Project title: Taxonomy and molecular biogeography of Alnus)
27. 2003.01-2005.12 國家自然科學基金委海外青年學者合作研究基金項目(30228004):陸地植物的分子系統發育和進化,國內合作者。(Project title: Molecular phylogenetics of cryptogamic land plants – with special emphasis and major genera of East Asia)
28. 2001-2006 美國科學基金會(NSF) Research Coordination Network (RCN)項目:被子植物現生類羣和化石類羣系統發育樹的構建,國際合作者。(Project title: Deep Time: A Comprehensive Phylogenetic Tree of Living and Fossil Angiosperms)
29. 2001.01-2005.12 中國科學院知識創新工程信息化建設專項(INF105-SDB-09):中國植物數據庫和圖像庫,主持人。(Project title: Chinese plant database and image database)
30. 2000.01-2003.12國家自然科學基金委重點項目(39930020):東亞植物區系中主要特徵成分和重要類羣的形成和發展,第二主持人。(Project title: origins and evolution of characteristic elements and important taxa in East Asian flora)
31. 2000.01-2002.12國家自然科學基金委面上項目(39970057):高等金縷梅類植物的分子系統發育,主持人。(Project title: Molecular phylogenetics of “higher” hamamelids)
32. 1997.01-2000.12 國家自然科學基金委重點項目(39630030):原始被子植物的結構、分化和演化,第二主持人。(Project title: Structure, diversification and evolution of primitive angiosperms)
33. 1996.01-1998.12 國家自然科學基金委面上項目(39670056):樺木科植物的分子系統學研究,主持人。(Project title: Molecular systematics of the Betulaceae)
34. 1996.01-2000.12 中國科學院高技術研究與發展重點項目(SDB95-06):中國植物數據庫,主持人。(Project title: Chinese plant database)
35. 1995-1996 美國地理學會項目USA National Geographic Society Grant (No. 5523-95):三峽庫區植物調查和生物多樣性研究。(Project title: Botanical inventory and biodiversity along the Three Gorges, Yangtze River, China.)
36. 1993.01-1995.12 國家自然科學基金委青年基金項目(39200009):樺木科植物的起源和分化,主持人。(Project title: Character evolution and cladistic biogeography of the Betulaceae) [2] 


220. 陳之端, 路安民, 劉冰, 葉建飛. 2020. 中國維管植物生命之樹. 科學出版社, 北京.
219. Lu Limin, Hu Haihua, Peng Danxiao, Liu Bing, Ye Jianfei, Yang Tuo, Li Honglei, Sun miao, Smith Stephen A., Soltis Pamela S, Soltis Douglas E, Chen Zhiduan*. 2020. Noise does not equal bias in assessing the evolutionary history of the angiosperm flora of China: A response to Qian (2019). Journal of Biogeography, in press.
218. Hu Haihua1, Liu Bing1, Liang Yishuo, Ye Jianfei, Saddam Saqib, Meng Zhen, Lu Limin*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2020. An updated Chinese vascular plant tree of life: Phylogenetic diversity hotspots revisited. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 58: 663-672.
217. Su Junxia1, Dong Congcong1, Niu Yanting, Lu Limin, Xu Chao, Liu Bing, Zhou Shiliang, Lu Anming, Zhu Yuping, Wen Jun*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2020. Molecular phylogeny and species delimitation of Stachyuraceae: advocating a herbarium specimen-based phylogenomic approach in resolving species boundaries. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 58: 710-724.
216. Sun Miao1*, Folk Ryan A1*, Gitzendanner Matthew A, Soltis Pamela S, Chen Zhiduan, Soltis Douglas E, Guralnick Robert P*. 2020. Recent accelerated diversification in rosids occurred outside the tropics. Nature Communications, 11: 3333.
215. Sun Miao1, Folk Ryan A., Gitzendanner Matthew A., Soltis Pamela S, Chen Zhiduan, Soltis Douglas E, Guralnick Robert P. 2020. Estimating rates and patterns of diversification with incomplete sampling: A case study in the rosids. American Journal of Botany, 107(6): 1-15.
214. Zhang Jian1, Fu Xinxing1, Li Ruiqing1, Zhao Xiang1, Liu Yang1, Li Minghe1, Zwaenepoel Arthur1, Ma Hong, Goffinet Bernard, Guan Yanlong, Xue Jianyu, Liao Yiying, Wang Qinfeng, Wang Qinghua, Wang Jieyu, Zhang Guoqiang, Wang Zhiwen, Jia Yu, Wang Meizhi, Dong Shanshan, Yang Jianfen, Jiao Yuannian, Guo Yalong, Kong Hongzhi, Lu Anming, Yang Huanming, Zhang Shouzhou*, Van de Peer Yves*, Liu Zhongjan*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2020. The hornwort genome and early land plant evolution. Nature Plants 6: 107-118.
213. Ye Jianfei1, Liu Yun1, Chen Zhiduan*. 2019. Dramatic impact of metric choice on biogeographical regionalization. Plant Diversity 42: 67-73
212. Sun Miao1*, Folk Ryan A1*, Gitzendanner Matthew A, Soltis Pamela S, Chen Zhiduan, Soltis Douglas S, Guralnick Robert P*. 2020. Estimating rates and patterns of diversification with incomplete sampling: a case study in the rosids. American Journal of Botany 107(6): 895-909.
211. Ye Jianfei, Lu Limin, Liu Bing, Yang Tuo, Zhang Jinlong, Hu Haihua, Li Rong, Lu Anming, Liu Huiyuan, Mao Lingfeng*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2019. Phylogenetic delineation of regional biota: A case study of the Chinese flora. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 135: 222-229.
210. Niu Yanting1, Barrett Russell L*, Zhang Zhuzhi, Lu Limin*, Chen Zhiduan. 2019. Taxonomic revision of Triplostegia (Caprifoliaceae: Dipsacales). Phytotaxa 392 (1): 019-032.
209. Liu Bing, Tan Yunhong, Liu Su, Olmstead Richard G, Zhang Mindao, Chen Zhiduan, Joshee Nirmal, Vaidya Brajesh N, Chung Richard CK, Li Bo*. 2019. Phylogenetic relationships of Cyrtandromoea and Wightia revisited: A new tribe in Phrymaceae and a new family in Lamiales. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 58(1): 1-17.
208. Fu Xinxing, Zhang Jian*, Zhang Guoqiang, Liu Zhongjian, Chen Zhiduan. 2019. Insights into the origin and evolution of plant sigma factors. Journal of Systematics and Evolution doi: 10.1111/jse.12537.
207. Huang Youjun, Xiao Lihong*, Zhang Zhongren, Zhang Rui, Wang Zhengjia, Huang Chunying, Huang Ren, Luan Yumeng, Fan Tongqiang, Wang Jianhua, Shen Chen, Zhang Shenmei, Wang Xinwang, Jennifer Randall, Zheng Bingsong, Wu Jiasheng, Zhang Qixiang, Xia Guohua, Xu Chuanmei, Chen Ming, Zhang Liangsheng, Jiang Wenkai, Gao Lizhi, Chen Zhiduan, Leslie Charles A, Grauke LJ, Huang Jianqin*. 2019. The genomes of pecan and Chinese hickory provide insights into Carya evolution and nut nutrition. GigaScience 8(5): 1-17.
206. Dong Yibo1, Chen Shichao1, Cheng Shifeng, Zhou Wenbin, Ma Qing, Chen Zhiduan, Fu Chengxin, Liu Xin*, Zhao Yunpeng*, Soltis Pamela S*, Wong Gane KS*, Soltis Douglas E*, Jenny Xiang*. 2019. Natural selection and repeated patterns of molecular evolution following allopatric divergence. eLife 8: e45199.
205. 錢前, 漆小泉, 林榮呈, 楊淑華, 董愛武, 左建儒, 陳凡, 蕭浪濤, 顧紅雅, 陳之端, 白永飛, 王小菁, 王雷, 姜裏文, 種康*, 王台*. 2019. 2018年中國植物科學若干領域重要研究進展. 植物學報 54(4): 405-440.
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200. Dong Shanshan, Xue Jiayu, Zhang Shouzhou, Zhang Li, Wu Hong, Chen Zhiduan, Bernard Goffinet , Liu Yang*. 2018. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Anthoceros angustus: conservative evolution of the mitogenomes in hornworts. The Bryologist 121(1): 014-022.
199. Habib Sadaf, Dang Viet C, Ickert-Bond Stefanie M, Wen Jun, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Limin*. 2018. Evolutionary trends in Tetrastigma (Vitaceae): Morphological diversity and Taxonomic implications. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56(4): 360-373.
198. Le Chi Toan1, Liu Bing1, Barrett Russell L, Lu Limin*, Wen J, Chen Zhiduan. 2018. Phylogeny and a new tribal classification of Opiliaceae (Santalales) based on molecular and morphological evidence. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56: 56-66.
197. Lin Qinwen1, Le Chi Toan1, Njenga Dennis M1, Hao Yunqing1, Liu Bing*, Yu Wentao, Chen Zhiduan. 2018. Bothriospermum longistylum sp. nov. (Boraginaceae) from north China. Nordic Journal of Botany 36(4): 1-8.
196. Liu Bing1, Le Chi Toan1, Barrett Russell L, Nickrent Daniel L, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Limin*, Romina Vidal-Russell*. 2018. Historical biogeography of Loranthaceae (Santalales): Diversification agrees with emergence of tropical forests and radiation of songbirds. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 124: 199-212.
195. Lu Limin, Cox Cymon J, Mathews S, Wang Wei, Wen Jun*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2018. Optimal data partitioning, multispecies coalescent, and Bayesian concordance analyses resolve early divergences of the grape family (Vitaceae). Cladistics 34: 57-77.
194. Lu Limin1, Mao Lingfeng1, Yang Tuo1, Ye Jianfei1, Liu Bing1, Li Honglei1, Sun Miao1, Miller Joseph T, Mathews Sarah, Hu Haihua, Niu Yanting, Peng Danxiao, Chen Youhua, Smith Stephen A, Chen Min, Xiang Kunli, Le Chi Toan, Dang Viet Cuong, Lu Anming, Soltis Pamela S*, Soltis Douglas E*, Li Jianhua *, Zhiduan Chen*. 2018. Evolutionary History of the Angiosperm Flora of China. Nature 554: 234-238.
193. Niu Yanting, Jabbour Florian, Barrett Russell L., Ye Jianfei, Zhang Zhizhu, Lu Kaiqing, Lu Limin*, Chen Zhiduan. 2018. Combining complete chloroplast genome sequences with target loci data and morphology to resolve species limits in Triplostegia (Caprifoliaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 129: 15-26.
192. Niu Yanting, Ye Jianfei, Zhang Jinlong, Wan Jizhong, Yang Tuo, Wei Xiaoxin, Lu Limin*, Li Jianhua, Chen Zhiduan. 2018. Long-distance dispersal or post-glacial contraction? Insights into disjunction between Himalaya-Hengduan Mountain and Taiwan in a cold-adapted herbaceous genus, Triplostegia. Ecology and Evolution 8: 1131-1146.
191. Wen Jun*. Lu Limin, Nie Zelong, Liu Xiuqun, Zhang Ning, Ickert-Bond Stefanie, Jean Gerrath, Manchester Steven R, John Boggan, Chen Zhiduan. 2018. A new phylogenetic tribal classification of the grape family (Vitaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56 (4): 262-272.
190. Wen Jun*, Lu Limin*, Hsu Tsai-Wen, Dang Viet-Cuong, Habib Sadaf, Boggan John K, Okada Hiroshi, Chen I-Ju, Chen Zhiduan. 2018. Pseudocayratia, a new genus of Vitaceae from China and Japan with two new species and three new combinations. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56(4): 374-393.
189. Wu Shengdan, Zhang Linjiang*, Lin Li, Yu Shengxiang, Chen Zhiduan, Wang Wei*. 2018. Insights into the historical assembly of global dryland floras: the diversification of Zygophyllaceae. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 166.
188. Yang Teng, Tedersoo Leho, Soltis Pamela S, Soltis Douglas E, Gilbert Jack A, Sun Miao, Shi Yu, Wang Hongfei, Li Yuntao, Zhang Jian, Chen Zhiduan, Lin Hanyang, Zhao Yunpeng, Fu Chengxin, Chu Haiyan*. 2018. Phylogenetic imprint of woody plants on the soil mycobiome in natural mountain forests of eastern China. The ISME Journal 13: 686-697.
187. Yang Tuo, Lu Limin, Wang Wei, Li Jianhua, Manchester Steven R, Wen Jun, Chen Zhiduan*. 2018. Boreotropical range expansion and long-distance dispersal explain two amphi-Pacific tropical disjunctions in Sabiaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 124: 181-191.
186. Zhu Junyi*, Zhang Lifan, Ren Baoqing, Chen Min, Li Ruiqi, Zhou You, Liang Yu, Li Jianhua*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2018. Comparative flower and inflorescence organogenesis among genera of Betulaceae: Implications for phylogenetic relationships. Botanical Review 84: 79-98.
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182. 彭丹曉,魯麗敏*,陳之端. 2017. 區域生命之樹及其在植物區系研究中的應用. 生物多樣性 25(2): 156-162.
181. 王偉,張曉霞,陳之端,路安民*. 2017. 被子植物APG分類系統評論. 生物多樣性 25(4): 1-10.
180. Habib Sadaf1, Dang Viet C1, Ickert-Bond Stefanie M, Zhang Jinlong, Lu Limin *, Wen Jun, Chen Zhiduan. 2017. Robust phylogeny of Tetrastigma (Vitaceae) based on ten plastid DNA regions: Implications for infrageneric classification and seed character evolution. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 590.
179. Wang Wei*, Ortiz Rosa del C, Jacques Frédéric M B, Chung Shihwen, Liu Yang, Xiang Xiaoguo, Chen Zhiduan. 2017. New insights into the phylogeny of Burasaieae (Menispermaceae) with the recognition of a new genus and emphasis on the southern Taiwanese and mainland Chinese disjunction. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 109: 11-20.
178. Dang Viet C, Nguyen Van H, Dao Baohui,Yang Wanliu, Li Faliang, Yang Xinkai, Wen Jun, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Limin*. 2017. A New Species and New Records of Cyphostemma (Vitaceae) from China and Vietnam based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence. Systematic Botany 42: 449-457.
177. Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming, Zhang Shouzhou, Wang Qingfeng, Liu Zhongjian, Li Dezhu*, Ma Hong, Li Jianhua, Soltis Douglas E, Soltis Pamela S, Wen Jun, China Phylogeny Consortium. 2016. The tree of life: China project. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54(4): 273-276.
176. Chen Zhiduan, Yang Tuo, Lin Li, Lu Limin, Li Honglei, Sun Miao, Liu Bing, Chen Min, Niu Yanting, Ye Jianfei, Cao Zhiyong, Liu Hongmei, Wang Xiaoming, Wang Wei, Zhang Jingbo, Meng Zhen, Cao Wei, Li Jianhui, Wu Shengdan, Zhao Huiling, Liu Zhongjian, Du Zhiyuan, Wang Qingfeng, Guo Jing, Tan Xinxin, Su Junxia, Zhang Linjing, Yang Leilei, Liao Yiying, Li Minghe, Zhang Guoqiang, Chung Shihwen, Zhang Jian, Xiang Kunli, Li Ruiqi, Soltis Douglas E, Soltis Pamela S, Zhou Shiliang, Ran Jinhua, Wang Xiaoquan, Jin Xiaohua, Chen Yousheng, Gao Tiangang, Li Jianhua, Zhang Shouzhou*, Lu Anming*, China Phylogeny Consortium. 2016. Tree of life for the genera of Chinese vascular plants. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54(4): 277-306.
175. Li Honglei, Wang Wei, Li Ruiqi, Zhang JingBo, Sun Miao, Naeem Rehan, Su Junxia, Xiang Xiaoguo, Mortimer Peter E, Li Dezhu, Hyde Kevin D, Xu Jianchu, Soltis Douglas E, Soltis Pamela S, Li Jianhua, Zhang Shouzhou, Wu Hong, Chen Zhiduan*, Lu Anming*. 2016. Global versus Chinese perspectives on the phylogeny of the N-fixing clade. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54(4): 392-399.
174. Sun Miao, Naeem Rehan, Su Junxia, Cao Zhiyong, Burleigh J Gordon, Soltis Pamela S, Soltis Douglas E*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2016. Phylogeny of the Rosidae: A dense Taxon sampling analysis. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54(4): 363-391.
173. Ortiz Rosa del C1*, Wang Wei1*, Jacques Frédéric M B1, Chen Zhiduan. 2016. Phylogeny and a revised tribal classification of Menispermaceae based on molecular and morphological data. Taxon 65: 1288-1312.
172. Wang Wei, Dilcher David L*, Sun Ge, Wang Hongshan, Chen Zhiduan. 2016. Accelerated evolution of early angiosperms: Evidence from ranunculalean phylogeny by integrating living and fossil data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54(4): 336-341.
171. Yang Leilei, Li Honglei, Wei Lei, Yang Tuo, Kuang Daiyong, Li Minghong, Liao Yiying, Chen Zhiduan*, Wu Hong*, Zhang Shouzhou*. 2016. A supermatrix approach provides a comprehensive genus-level phylogeny for Gentianales. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54(4): 400-415.
170. Lin Ruozhu, Li Ruiqi, Lu Anming, Zhu Junyi, Chen Zhiduan*. 2016. Comparative flower development of Juglans regia, Cyclocarya paliurus and Engelhardia spicata: homology of floral envelopes in Juglandaceae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181: 279-293.
169. Lu Limin, Wen Jun*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2016. Cayratia cheniana (Vitaceae): An Endangered New Species Endemic to the Limestone Mountains of Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam. Systematic Botany 41(1): 49-55.
168. Wang Wei*, Lin Li, Xiang Xiaoguo, Ortiz RC, Liu Yang, Xiang Kunli, Wu Shengdan, Xing Yaowu, Chen Zhiduan*. 2016. The rise of angiosperm-dominated herbaceous floras: Insights from Ranunculaceae. Science Reports 6: 27259.
167. Dang Viet Cuong, Lu Limin*, Nguyen Van Hieu, Habib Sadaf, Barrett Russell L, Chen Zhiduan. 2016. A new record of the genus Yua (Vitaceae) from Vietnam. Phytotaxa 255(3): 274-280.
166. Xiang Kunli, Wu Shengdan,Yu Shengxiang, Liu Yang, Florian Jabbour, Andrey S. Erst, Zhao Liang, Wang Wei*, Chen Zhiduan. 2016. The first comprehensive phylogeny of Coptis (Ranunculaceae) and its implications for character evolution and classification. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153127.
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164. Sun Miao, Soltis Douglas E *, Soltis Pamela S, Zhu Xinyu, J. Gordon Burleigh, Chen Zhiduan*. 2015. Deep phylogenetic incongruence in the angiosperm clade Rosidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 83: 156-166.
163. Zhang Jian1, Chen Min1, Dong Xiaoyu, Lin Ruozhu, Fan Jianhua, Chen Zhiduan*. 2015. Evaluation of four commonly used dna barcoding loci for Chinese medicinal plants of the family Schisandraceae. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0125574.
162. Li Honglei1, Wang Wei1, Peter E. Mortimer, Li Ruiqi, Li Dezhu, Kevin D, Hyde, Xu Jianchu, Soltis Douglas E, Chen Zhiduan*. 2015. Large-scale phylogenetic analyses reveal multiple gains of actinorhizal nitrogen-fixing symbioses in angiosperms associated with climate change. Science Reports 5: 14023.
161. Lin Li, Tang Liang, Bai Yunjun, Tang Zhiyao, Wang Wei*, Chen Zhiduan. 2015. Range expansion and habitat shift triggered elevated diversification of the rice genus (Oryza, Poaceae) during the Pleistocene. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 182.
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157. Meng Zhen, Dong Hui, Li Jianhui, Chen Zhiduan, Zhou Yuanchun, Wang Xuezhi, Zhang Shouzhou. 2015. Darwintree: A Molecular Data Analysis and Application Environment for Phylogenetic Study. Data Science Journal, 14: 10, pp. 1-10.
156. 魯麗敏,孫苗,張景博,李洪雷,林立,楊拓,陳閩,陳之端*. 2014. 生命之樹及其應用. 生物多樣性 22(2): 3-20.
155. Xiang Xiaoguo, Wang Wei, Li Ruiqi, Liu Yang, Zhou Zhequn, Li Zhenyu, Chen Zhiduan*. 2014. Large-scale phylogenetic analyses reveal fagalean diversification promoted by the interplay of diaspores and environments in the Paleogene. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 16: 101-110.
154. Wang Wei*, Li Honglei, Chen Zhiduan. 2014. Analysis of plastid and nuclear DNA data in plant phylogenetics-evaluation and improvement. Science China, Life Sciences 57(3): 280-286.
153. Wang Wei*, Li Honglei, Xiang Xiaoguo, Chen Zhiduan. 2014. Revisiting the phylogeny of Ranunculeae: Implications for divergence time estimation and historical biogeography, Journal of Systematics and Evolution 52(5): 551-565.
152. Su Kunmei, Li Zhenhuan, Chen Zhiduan* 2014. CsPl from the perianthless early-diverging Chloranthus spicatus shows function on petal development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Botanical Studies 55: 21.
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148. Li Jianhua*, Jiang Jinhuo, Holly Vander Stel, Austin Homkes, Jeffrey Corajod, Kenneth Brown, Chen Zhiduan. 2014. Phylogenetics and biogeography of Apios (Fabaceae) inferred from sequences of nuclear and plastid genes. International Journal of Plant Sciences 175(7): 764-780.
147. Zeng Jie*, Ren Baoqing, Zhu Junyi, Chen Zhiduan. 2014. Betula hainanensis (Betulaster, Betulaceae), a new species from Hainan Island, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 51: 399-402.
146. Lu Limin, Wang Wei, Chen Zhiduan*, Wen Jun*, 2013. Phylogeny of the non-monophyletic Cayratia Juss. (Vitaceae) and implications for character evolution and biogeography. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68: 502-515.
145. Zhang Jingbo, Li Ruiqi, Xiang Xiaoguo, Manchester Steven R, Lin Li, Wang Wei, Wen Jun*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2013. Integrated fossil and molecular data reveal the biogeographic diversification of the Eastern Asian-Eastern North American disjunct hickory genus (Carya Nutt.). PLoS ONE 8(7): e70449.
144. Li Honglei, Wang Wei*, Lin Li, Zhu Xiangyun, Li Jianhua, Zhu Xinyu, Chen Zhiduan. 2013. Diversification of the phaseoloid legumes: Effects of climate change, range expansion and habit shift. Frontiers in Plant Science 4: 386.
143. Wang Wei*, Liu Yang, Yu Shengxiang, Gao Tiangang, Chen Zhiduan. 2013. Gymnaconitum, a new genus of Ranunculaceae endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Taxon 62: 713-722.
142. Chen Zhiduan, Li Dezhu*. 2013. On Barcode of Life and Tree of Life. Plant Diversity and Resources 35(6): 675-681. [陳之端, 李德銖*. 2013. 生命條形碼與生命之樹. 植物分類與資源學報 35(6): 675-681.]
141. Wang Wei1, Ortiz Rosa Del C. 1, Jacques Frédéric M.B.1, Xiang Xiaoguo, Li Honglei, Lin Li, Li Ruiqi, Liu Yang, Soltis Pamela S, Soltis Douglas E., Chen Zhiduan*. 2012. Menispermaceae and the diversification of tropical rainforests near the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. New Phytologist 195: 470-478.
140. Hu Jin1, Zhang Jian1, Shan Hongyan, Chen Zhiduan*. 2012. Expression of floral MADS-box genes in Sinofranchetia chinensis (Lardizabalaceae): implications for the Nature of the nectar leaves. Annals of Botany 110: 57-69.
139. Su Junxia1, Wang Wei1, Zhang Libing, Chen Zhiduan*. 2012. Phylogenetic placements of two enigmatic genera, Borthwickia and Stixis, based on molecular and pollen data and the description of a new family of Brassicales, Borthwickiaceae. Taxon 61(3): 601-611.
138. Dong Xiaoyu, Liu Zhong, Richard M. K. Sauders, Chen Zhiduan*. 2012. Floral ontogeny of Schisandra chinensis (Schisandraceae): implications for androecial evolution within Schisandra and Kadsura. Plant Systematics and Evolution 298(4): 713-722
137. Lu Limin, Wen Jun*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2012. A combined morphological and molecular phylogenetic analysis of Parthenocissus (Vitaceae) and Taxonomic implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168: 43-63.
136. Song Jingyuan1, Shi Linchun1, Li Dezhu, Song Yongzhen, Niu Yunyun, Chen Zhiduan. 2012. Luo Hongmei, Pang Xiaohui, Sun Zhiying, Liu Chang, Lü Aiping, Deng Youping, Zachary Larson-Rabin, Mike Wilkinson, Chen Shilin*. 2012. Extensive pyrosequencing reveals frequent intra-genomic variations of Internal Transcribed Spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43971.
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133. China Plant BOL Group, Li Dezhu*, Gao Lianming, Li Hongtao, Wang Hong, Ge Xuejun, Liu Jianquan, Chen Zhiduan, Zhou Shiliang, Chen Shilin, Yang Junbo, Fu Chengxin, Zeng Chunxia, Yan Haifei, Zhu Yingjie, Sun Yongshuai, Chen Siyun, Zhao Lei, Wang Kun, Yang Tuo, Duan Guangwen. 2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108 (49): 19641-19646.
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130. Ren Hui1, Lu Limin1, Soejima Akiko, Luke Quentin, Zhang Dianxiang, Chen Zhiduan, Wen Jun*. 2011. Phylogenetic analysis of the grape family (Vitaceae) based on the noncoding plastid trnC-petN, trnH-psbA, and trnL-F sequences. Taxon 60(3): 629-637.
129. Sun Ge*, Dilcher David L*, Wang Hongshan, Chen Zhiduan. 2011. A eudicot from the early Cretaceous of China. Nature 471: 624-627.
128. Zhu Xinyu, Ma Hong, Chen Zhiduan*. 2011. Phylogenetics and evolution of Su(var)3-9 SET genes in land plants: rapid diversification in structure and function. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 637.
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126. Zhen Meng, Xiaoguang Lin, Xing He, Yanping Gao, Hongmei Liu, Yong Liu, Yuanchun Zhou, Jianhui Li, Chen Zhiduan, Shouzhou Zhang, Yong Li. 2011. Construction of the Platform for Phylogenetic Analysis. Data Driven e-Science 01.
125. Lin Ruozhu, Zeng Jie, Chen Zhiduan*. 2010. Organogenesis of reproductive structures in Betula alnoides (Betulaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 171(6): 586-594 with cover.
124. Liu Cuijing1, Zhang Jian1, Zhang Ning1, Shan Hongyan, Su Kunmei, Zhang Jisi, Meng Zheng, Kong Hongzhi*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2010. Interactions among proteins of floral MADS-box genes in basal Eudicots: Impications for evolution of the regulatory network for flower development. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27(7): 1598-1611.
123. Nie Zelong, Sun Hang, Chen Zhiduan, Meng Ying, Manchester Steven R, Wen Jun*. 2010. Molecular phylogeny and Biogeographic diversification of Parthenocissus (Vitaceae) disjunct between Asia and North America. American Journal of Botany 97: 1342-1353.
122. Qiu Yinlong*, Li Libo, Wang Bin, Xue Jiayu, Hendry Tory A., Li Ruiqi, Brown Joseph W, Liu Yang, Hudson Geordan T, Chen Zhiduan. 2010. Angiosperm phylogeny inferred from sequences of four mitochondrial genes. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 48(6): 391-425
121. Ren Baoqing, Xiang Xiaoguo, Chen Zhiduan*. 2010. Species identification of Alnus (Betulaceae) using nrDNA and cpDNA genetic markers. Molecular Ecology and Resources 10(4):594-605.
120. Wang Wei, Hu Hao, Xiang Xiaoguo, Yu Shengxiang, Chen Zhiduan*. 2010. Phylogenetic placements of Calathodes and Megaleranthis (Ranunculaceae): Evidence from molecular and morphological data. Taxon 59(6):1712-1720.
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116. Wang Wei, Lu Anming, Ren Yi, Mary E. Endress, Chen Zhiduan*. 2009. Phylogeny and classification of Ranunculales: evidence from four molecular loci and morphological data. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 11(2): 81-110.
115. Manchester Steven R*, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming, Uemura Kazuhiko. 2009. Eastern Asian endemic seed plant genera and their paleogeographic history throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47: 1-42.
114. Thien Leonard B*, Bernhardt Peter, Devall Margaret S, Chen Zhiduan, Luo Yibo, Fan Jianhua, Yuan Liangchen, Williams Joseph H. 2009. Pollination biology of basal angiosperms (ANITA grade). American Journal of Botany 96: 145-166.
113. Yuan Liangchen, Luo Yibo, Thien LB, Fan Jianhua, Xu Huanli, Yukawa J, Chen Zhiduan*. 2008. Pollination of Kadsura longipedunculata (Schisandraceae), a monoecious basal angiosperm, by female, pollen-eating Megommata sp. (Cecidomyiidae: Diptera) in China. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 523-536.
112. Su Kunmei, Zhao Suzhen, Shan Hongyan, Kong Hongzhi, Lu Wenliang, Günter Theissen, Chen Zhiduan*, Meng Zheng*. 2008.The MIK region rather than the C-terminal domain of AP3-like class B floral homeotic proteins determines functional specificity in the development and evolution of petals. New Phytologist 178: 544-558.
111. Liu Yang, Jia Yu*, Wang Wei, Chen Zhiduan, Davis E Christine, Qiu Yinlong. 2008. Phylogenetic relationship of two endemic genera from East Asia: Trichocoleopsis and Neotrichocolea (Hepatica). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 95: 463-474.
110. Zeng Jie, Li Jianhua, Chen Zhiduan*. 2008. A new species of Betula sect. Betulaster (Betulaceae) from China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 156: 523-528.
109. Chen Zhiduan, Ren Hui, Wen Jun. 2008. Leeaceae and Vitaceae. In Flora of China, Wu Zhengyi, Peter Raven (eds.). Beijing: Science Press and St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden.
108. Hong Deyuan, Qiu Yinlong, Chen Zhiduan, Michael J Donoghue. 2008. Tracing Patterns of Evolution through the Tree of Life: Introduction. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46(3): 237-238.
107. Qiu Yinlong, Chen Zhiduan*. 2008. Serving our science and community better. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46(1): 1-2.
106. 王瑪麗,劉紅梅,陸樹剛,劉佔林,陳之端*. 2008. 巖蕨科、球蓋蕨科的系統位置:葉綠體DNA trnL-F區序列證據. 植物研究 28(2): 175-178.
105. 洪德元, 陳之端, 仇寅龍. 2008. 歷史催人奮進, 未來令人憧憬——紀念中國植物學會成立75週年. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46(4): 439-440.
104. Zhu Xinyu, Chase WC, Qiu Yinlong, Kong Hongzhi, Li Jianhua, Dilcher DL, Chen Zhiduan*. 2007. Mitochondrial matR sequences help to resolve deep phylogenetic relationships in rosids. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 217.
103. Wang Wei, Chen Zhiduan*. 2007. Generic level phylogeny of Thalictroideae (Ranunculaceae) — implications for the Taxonomic status of Paropyrum and petal evolution. Taxon 56 (3): 811-821.
102. Wang Wei, Wang Hengchang, Chen Zhiduan*. 2007. Phylogeny and morphological evolution of tribe Menispermeae (Menispermaceae) inferred from chloroplast and nuclear sequences. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 8: 141-154.
101. Shan Hongyan, Zhang Ning, Liu Cuijing, Xu Guixia, Zhang Jian, Chen Zhiduan*, Kong Hongzhi*. 2007. Patterns of gene duplication and functional diversification during the evolution of the AP1/SQUA subfamily of plant MADS-box genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44: 26-41.
100. Liu Hongmei, Zhang Xianchun*, Wang Wei, Qiu Yinlong, Chen Zhiduan*. 2007. Molecular phylogeny of the fern family Dryopteridaceae inferred from chloroplast rbcL and atpB genes. International Journal of Plant Sciences 168(9): 1311-1323.
99. Liu Hongmei, Zhang Xianchun*, Chen Zhiduan*, Dong Shiyong, Qiu Yinlong. 2007. Polyphyly of the fern family Tectariaceae sensu Ching: Insights from cpDNA sequence data. Science in China 50(6): 789-798.
98. Liu Hongmei, Zhang Xianchun*, Chen Zhiduan, Qiu Yinlong. 2007. Inclusion of the Asiatic endemic genus Sorolepidium in Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae): evidence from the chloroplast rbcL and morphological evidence. Chinese Science Bulletin 52:631-638.
97. Yuan Liangchen, Luo Yibo*, Thien Leonard B, Fan Jianhua, Xu Huanli, Chen Zhiduan. 2007. Pollination of Schisandra henryi (Schisandraceae) by female, pollen-eating Megommata species (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) in South-central China. Annals of Botany 99: 451-460.
96. Li Jianhua*, Shoup Suzanne, Chen Zhiduan. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships of diploid species of Betula (Betulaceae) inferred from DNA sequences of nuclear nitrate reductase. Systematic Botany 32(2): 357-365.
95. Zhang GM, Zhang XC, Chen Zhiduan, Liu HM, Yang WL. 2007. First insights in the phylogeny of Asian cheilanthoid ferns based on sequences of two chloroplast markers. Taxon 56(2): 369-378.
94. Qiu Yinlong*, Li Libo, Wang Bin, Chen Zhiduan, Knoop Volker, Groth-Malonek M, Dombrovska Olena, Lee Jungho, Kent Livija, Rest Joshua, Estabrook George F, Hendry Tory A, Taylor David W, Testa Christopher M, Ambros Mathew, Crandall-Stotler B, Duff R Joel, Stech Michael, Frey Wolfgang, Quandt Dietmar, Davis Charles C. 2007. The deepest divergences in land plants inferred from phylogenomic evidence. International Journal of Plant Sciences 168(5): 691-708.
93. Jeon, Jeong III, Chang Chinsung*, Chen Zhiduan, Park Tae-Yoon. 2007. Systematic aspects of foliar flavonoids in subsect. Carpinus (Carpinus, Betulaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 35: 606-613.
92. Wang Wei, Chen Zhiduan, Liu Yang, Li Ruiqi, Li Jianhua*. 2007. Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Diversification of Berberidaceae in the Northern Hemisphere. Systematic Botany 32 (4): 731-742.
91. Chen Zhiduan, Ren Hui, Wen Jun. 2007. Vitaceae. Pp. 173-177 in: Wu, Z.Y. & Raven, P.H. (eds.), Flora of China, vol. 12. Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
90. Liu Zhong, Hao Gang, Luo Yibo, Thien Leonard B, Rosso Samuel W, Lu Anming, Chen Zhiduan*. 2006. Phylogeny and androecial evolution in Schisandraceae, inferred from sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS and chloroplast DNA trnL-F regions. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167: 539-550.
89. Manchester Steven R, Chen Zhiduan, Zhou Zhequn 2006. Wood anatomy of Craigia (Malvales) from southeastern Yunnan, China. IAWA Journal 27: 129-136.
88. Qiu Yinlong, Li Libo, Wang Bin, Chen Zhiduan, Knoop Volker, Groth-Malonek M, Dombrovska O, Lee Jungho, Kent Livija, Rest Joshua, Estabrook George F, Hendry Tory A, Taylor David W, Testa Christoopher M, Ambros Mathew, Crandall-Stotler B, Duff R Joel, Stech, Michael, Frey Wichael, Quandt Dietmar, Davis Charles C. 2006. The deepest divergences in land plants inferred from phylogenomic evidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103: 15511-15516.
87. Shan Hongyan, Su Kunmei, Lu Wenliang, Kong Hongzhi, Chen Zhiduan*, Meng Zeng*. 2006. Conservation and divergence of candidate class B genes in Akebia trifoliata (Lardizabalaceae). Development Genes and Evolution 216: 785-795.
86. Wang Hengchang, Meng Aiping, Li Jianqiang, Feng Min, Chen Zhiduan*, Wang Wei. 2006. Floral organogenesis of Cocculus Orbiculatus and Stephania Dielsiana (Menispermaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 167: 951-960.
85. Wen Jun, Chen Zhiduan*. 2006. Cayratia lanceolata, a new nomenclatural combination in Vitaceae from China. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 28: 471-472.
84. Yuan Yaowu, Zhang Zhiyun, Chen Zhiduan, Olmstead, R.G. 2006. Tracking ancient polyploids: a retroposon insertion reveals an extinct diploid ancestor in the polyploid origin of Belladonna. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23: 2263-2267.
83. Zhu Yuping, Wen Jun, Zhang Zhiyun*, Chen Zhiduan*. 2006. Evolutionary relationships and diversification of Stachyuraceae based on sequences of four chloroplast markers and the nuclear ribosomal ITS region. Taxon 55: 931-940.
82. Zhang Daoyuan*, Zhang Yuan, Gaskin JF, Chen Zhiduan. 2006. Systematic position of Myrtama Ovcz. & Kinz. based on morphological and nrDNA ITS sequence evidence. Science in China 51: 117-123.
81. 種康, 瞿禮嘉, 楊維才, 王台, 王小菁, 袁明, 許亦農, 陳之端, 蔣高明. 2006. 2005年中國植物科學若干領域的重要研究進展. 植物學通報 3.
80. Li Ruiqi, Chen Zhiduan*, Lu Anming. 2005. Organogenesis of the inflorescence and flowers in Platycarya strobilacea (Juglandaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 166(3) : 449-457.
79. Yang Y, Geng Baoyin, Dilcher DL*, Chen Zhiduan*, Lott T., 2005. Morphology and affinities of an early Cretaceous Ephedra from China. American Journal of Botany 92(2): 231-242
78. Li Guiseng, Meng Zheng*, Kong Hongzhi, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming*, 2005. Characterization of candidate class A, B and E floral homeotic genes from the perianthless basal angiosperm Chloranthus spicatus (Chloranthaceae). Development Genes and Evolution 215 (9): 437-449
77. Wang Wei, Li Ruiqi, Chen Zhiduan*. 2005. Systematic position of Asteropyrum (Ranunculaceae) inferred from chloroplast and nuclear sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution 255: 41-54.
76. Liu Yang, Jia Yu, Wang Wei, Chen Zhiduan, Qiu Yinlong*, 2005. A Taxonomic reassessment of Microdendron inferred from molecular and morphological evidence. The Bryologist 108 (4): 591-599.
75. Zhang Gangmin, Zhang Xianchun, Chen Zhiduan*. 2005. Phylogeny of cryptogrammoid ferns and related taxa based on rbcL sequences. Nordic Journal of Botany 23(4): 485-493.
74. Li Jianhua, Shoup S, Chen Zhiduan*. 2005. Phylogenetics of Betula (Betulaceae) inferred from sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Rhodora 107(929), 69-86.
73. Manchester Steven R*, Chen Zhiduan, Geng Baoyin, Tao Junrong. 2005. Middle Eocene flora of Huadian, Jilin Province, northeastern China. Acta Palaeobotanica 45(1), year 2005: 3-26.
72. 種康, 楊維才, 王台, 瞿禮嘉, 蔣高明, 王小菁, 許亦農, 陳之端, 於昕. 2005. 2004年中國植物科學若干領域研究進展. 植物學通報 4.
71. Chen Zhiduan, Li Jianhua, 2004. Phylogenetics and biogeography of Alnus (Betulaceae) inferred from sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS region. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165(2): 325-335.
70. Li Ruiqi, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming, Soltis Douglas E, Soltis Pamela S, Manos, Paul S, 2004. Phylogenetic relationships in Fagales based on DNA sequences from three genomes. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165(2): 311-324.
69. Chen Iju*, Manchester Steven R, Chen Zhiduan, 2004. Anatomically preserved seeds of Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) from the Early Eocene of Wutu, Shandong Province, China. American Journal of Botany 91(8): 1265-1272.
68. Xiang Qiuyun, Zhang Wenheng, Ricklefs Robert E, Qian Hong, Chen Zhiduan, Wen Jun, Li Jianhua, 2004. Regional differences in rates of plant speciation and molecular evolution: A comparison between eastern Asia and eastern North America. Evolution 2175-2184.
67. 湯彥承*, 路安民, 陳之端. 2004. 生花植物概念簡介及其名稱的商榷. 雲南植物研究 26(5): 475-481.
66. 洪亞平, 代子聞, 陳之端, 李富才. 2004. 木犀科梣屬 (Fraxinus) 三心皮子房的確證及其系統學意義. 河南林業科技 1.
65. Zhang Wenheng, Chen Zhiduan*, Li Jianhua, Chen Hubiao, Tang Yancheng, 2003. Phylogeny of the Dipsacales s.l. based on chloroplast trnL-F and ndhF sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 26:176-189.
64. Kang Yun, Zhang Mingli*, Chen Zhiduan. 2003. A preliminary phylogenetic study of the subgenus Pogonophace (Astragalus) in China based on ITS sequence data. Acta Botanica Sinica 45(2): 140-145.
63. Meng Shaowu, Andrew W. Douglas, Li Dezhu*, Chen Zhiduan, Liang Hanxing, Yang Junbo. 2003. Phylogeny of Saururaceae based on morphology and five regions from three plant genomes. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 90(4):592-602.
62. Peng Yalin, Chen Zhiduan, Gong Xun, Zhong Yang, Shi Suhua*. 2003. Phylogenetic position of Dipentodon sinicus: evidence from DNA sequences of chloroplast rbcL, nuclear ribosomal 18S, and mitochondrial matR genes. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 44: 217-222.
61. Li Guisheng*, Meng Zheng,Kong Hongzhi,Chen Zhiduan,Lu Anming. 2003. ABC model and floral evolution. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(23): 2415-2421 (in Chinese); 48 (24): 2651-2657 (in English).
60. Ren Hui,Pan Kaiyu,Chen Zhiduan*,Wang Renqing, 2003. Structural characters of leaf epidermis and their systematic significance in Vitaceae. Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 41(6): 531-544。
59. Wang Mali, Chen Zhiduan, Zhang Xianchun, Lu Shugang, Zhao Guifang*, 2003, Phylogeny of the Athyriaceae: evidence from chloroplast trnL-F region sequences. Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 41(5): 416-426.
58. 吳徵鎰, 湯彥承, 路安民, 陳之端, 李德銖. 2003. 中國被子植物科屬綜論. 科學出版社, 北京. [Wu Zhengyi, Tang Yancheng, Lu Anming, Chen Zhiduan, Li Dezhu, 2003. The familiesand genera of angiosperms in China.Science Press, Beijing (pages 1400).]
57. 張原*, 陳之端. 2003. 分子進化生物學中序列分析方法的新進展. 植物學通報, 20(4): 462-468.
56. Kong Hongzhi*, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming. 2002. Phylogeny of Chloranthus (Chloranthaceae) based on nulear ribosomal ITS and plastid trnL-F sequence data. American Journal of Botany 89: 940-946.
54. Liu Jianquan*, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming. 2002. Molecular evidence for the sister relationship of the eastern Asia-North American intercontinental species pair in the Podophyllum group (Berberidaceae). Botanical Bulletin of Academic Sinica 43(2): 147-154.
53. Liu Jianquan*, Gao Tiangang, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming. 2002. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic Nannoglottis (Asteraceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 23(3): 307-325.
52. Li Ruiqi, Chen Zhiduan*, Hong Yaping, Lu Anming. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships of the“higher” hamamelids based on chloroplast trnL-F sequences. Acta Botanica Sinica 44(12): 1462-1468.
51. Meng Shaowu, Chen Zhiduan, Li Dezhu*, Liang Hanxing. 2002. Phylogeny of Saururaceae based on mitochondrial matR gene sequence data. Journal of Plant Research 115(2): 71-76.
50. Tang Yancheng*, Lu Anming, Chen Zhiduan, Zhang Yuan, Zhang Fumin. 2002. On extant primitive angiosperms and their phytogeography. Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 40(3): 242-259.
49. Wu Zhengyi, Tang Yancheng, Lu Anming, Chen Zhiduan, Li Dezhu. 2002. Synopsis of a new “polyphyletic-polychronic-polytopic” system of the angiosperms. Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 40(4): 289-322.
48. 洪亞平, 陳之端*. 2002. 易捲曲葉表皮製片技術(NaOCl法)的改進. 植物學通報, 06期
47. Chen Zhiduan, Xing Shuping, Liang Hanxing, Lu Anming, 2001. Morphogenesis of female reproductive organs of Carpinus turczaninowii and Ostryopsis davidiana (Betulaceae). Acta Botanic Sinica 43(11): 1110-1114.
46. Meng Shaowu, Chen Zhiduan, Li Dezhu, Liang Hanxing, 2001. Phylogeny of Saururaceae inferred from matR sequence data. Acta Botanica Sinica 43(6): 653-656.
45. Liu Jianquan, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming, 2001. A preliminary study of the phylogeny of the Swertiinae based on ITS data (Gentianaceae). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 49(4): 302-308.
44. Liu Jianquan*, Chen Zhiduan, Liao Zhixin, Lu Anming, 2001. A comparison of ITS sequences of Tibetan medicine”Zang YIN Chen”-Swertia mussotti and its adulterant species. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 36(1): 67-70.
43. 陳之端, 路安民 2001. 樺木科植物的系統發育和演化. 中國科學院院刊 16(3): 188-191.
42. 洪亞平, 陳之端*, 路安民. 2001. 根據ITS序列證據重建防己科蝙蝠葛族的系統發育. 植物分類學報 39(2): 97-104.
41. 洪亞平, 潘開玉, 陳之端*, 路安民. 2001. 防己科植物的葉表皮特徵及其系統學意義. 植物學報 43(6): 615-623.
40. 孔昭宸, 陳之端, 陳靈芝. 2001. 生物多樣性起源和變化. 在陳靈芝, 馬克平 (主編) 生物多樣性科學: 原理與實踐. 上海: 上海科學技術出版社, 66-92.
39. 劉建全*, 陳之端, 路安民. 2001. 藏藥雪蓮原植物水母雪蓮及其混淆種類的ITS序列比較和分子鑑定. 中草藥, 05期
38. 張文蘅, 陳之端, 陳虎彪, 湯彥承. 2001. 從葉綠體DNA trnL-F序列論雙參屬的歸屬問題. 植物分類學報, 39(04): 337-344.
37. 陳之端*. 2001. 分類學中的新生長點——植物分子系統學. 植物雜誌, 05期.
36. Liu Jianquan, Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming. 2000. The Phylogentic relationships of an endemic genus Sinadoxa in Qinghai Xizang Plateau: evidence from ITS sequences analysis. Acta Botanica Sinica 42(6): 656-658
35. Kong Hongzhi, Chen Zhiduan. 2000. Phylogeny in Chloranthus Swartz. (Chloranthaceae) inferred from sequence analysis of nrDNA ITS region. Acta Botanica Sinica 43(7):762-764
34. Qiu Yinlong, Lee Jungho, Bernasconi-Quadroni F, Soltis Douglas E, Soltis Pamela S, Zanis Michael, Zimmer Elizabeth A, Chen Zhiduan, Savolainen Vincent, Chase Mark W. 2000. Phylogeny of basal angiosperms: analysis of five genes from three genomes. International Journal of Plant Sciences 161 (6 Suppl.): S3-S27.
33. Song Baohua, Chen Zhiduan, Wang Xiaoquan, Li Fazeng. 2000. Sequence analysis of the ITS region in Amaranthus. Acta Botanica Sinica 42(11): 1184-1189
32. Liu Zhong, Wang Xiaoquan, Chen Zhiduan, Lin Qi, Lu Anming. 2000. Phylogeny of Schisandraceae inferred from sequence analysis of nrDNA ITS region. Acta Botanica Sinica 42(7):758-761
31. 張道遠, 陳之端, 孫海英, 尹林克, 潘伯榮2000. 用核糖體DNA的ITS序列探討中國檉柳科植物系統分類中的幾個問題. 西北植物學報, 03期
30. Chen Zhiduan, Manchester Steven R, Sun Haiying, 1999. Phylogeny and evolution of the Betulaceae as inferred from DNA sequences, morphology, and paleobotany. American Journal of Botany 86(8): 1168-1181.
29. Feng Yuxing, Chen Zhiduan, Wang Xiaoquan, Pan Kaiyu, Hong Deyuan. 1999. A Taxonomical Revision of the Loropetalum-Tetrathyrium complex and its systematic position in Hamamelidoideae inferred from ITS sequences. Taxon 48:689-700.
28. Lu Anming, Zhang Zhiyun, Chen Zhiduan, Pan Kaiyu. 1999. Embryology and adaptive ecology in the genus Przewalskia. In Solanaceae IV. (M.Nee, et al. eds). 71-80. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
27. Qiu Yinlong, Lee Jungho, Bernasconi-Quadron F, Soltis Douglas E, Soltis Pamela S, Zanis Michael, Zimmer Elizabeth A, Chen Zhiduan, Savolainen Vincent, Chase Mark W, 1999. The earliest angiosperms: evidence from mitochodrial, plastid and nuclear genomes. Nature 402: 404-407.
26. Hu Yufan, Chen Zhiduan, Chen CJ, Geng Baoyin. 1999. Discoveries of some fossils of cycad reproductive organs from China and their significance to the origin of cycads. Chen CJ (ed.) Biology and Conservation of Cycads. Beijing: International Academic Publishers.
25. Hilton, J, Wang, SJ, Chen Zhiduan, Tian, BL. 1999. Endemic fossil seed plants from China and a reassessment of coniferophyte phylogeny. Progress in Natural Science 9(10): 767-774.
24. 湯彥承, 路安民, 陳之端. 1999. 一個被子植物“目”的新分類系統簡介. 植物分類學報, 06期
23. 陳之端. 1999. 樺木科植物的起源和散佈. 在路安民 (主編). 種子植物科屬地理. 科學出版社, 北京. 236-258.
22. Chen Zhiduan, Wang Xiaoquan, Sun Haiying, Han Ying, Lu Anming. 1998. The systematic position of the Rhoipteleaceae: evidence from nuleotide sequences of rbcL gene. Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 36(1): 1-7.
21. Manchester Steven R, Chen Zhiduan. 1998. A new genus of Coryloideae (Betulaceae) from the Paleocene of North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences 159(3): 522-532.
20. 吳徵鎰, 湯彥承, 路安民, 陳之端. 1998. 試論木蘭植物門的一級分類——一個被子植物八綱系統的新方案. 植物分類學報, 05期.
19. 邢樹平, 陳之端, 路安民. 1998. Ostrya virginiana(Betulaceae)的胚珠和胚囊發育及其系統學意義植物分類學報, 05期.
18. 孫坤, 陳家寬, 陳之端.1998. 被子植物系統學中花發育研究的進展及對今後研究的思考. 植物分類學報, 06期
17. 洪亞平, 鍾揚, 陳之端. 1998. 交互分類信息系統和電子植物誌的設計與實現──Ⅱ.分類排列和"系統學處理"軟件系統. 武漢植物學研究, 04期.
16. 陳之端, 馮旻編譯. 路安民, 葛頌, 汪小全, 孔宏智校. 1998. 植物系統學進展. 科學出版社, 北京.
15. Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming. 1997. Origin and early evolution of angiosperms: retrospect and prospects. Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 35(4): 375-384.
14. Tang Yancheng, Lu Anming, Chen Zhiduan. 1997. The living fossil plants-rescue, conservation and studies in urgent demand. Chinese Biodiversity 5(4): 307-308.
13. Manchester Steven R, Chen Zhiduan. 1996. Palaeocarpinus sp. nov. (Betulaceae) form the Paleocene of Wyoming, U.S.A. International Journal of Plant Sciences 157(5): 644-655.
12. Liang Hanxing, Pan Kaiyu, Chen Zhiduan. 1996. Floral organogenesis in Saururus chinensis (Saururaceae). Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 34(6): 565-568.
11. Chen Zhiduan, Zhang Zhiyun, Lu Anming. 1995. Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae, in Wang Wentsai (ed.). Vascular Plants of Wulingshan Mountains. 413-416, 449-452, Beijing: Science Press.
10. 陳之端, 路安民*. 1995. 樺木科植物的起源和早期分化. 中國科學院研究生院學報 12 (2): 199-204.
9. 路安民、陳之端. 1994. 被子植物系統學的原理和方法. 在: 陳家寬, 楊繼, 主編 植物進化生物學. 武漢: 武漢大學出版社. pp. 280-308.
8. Chen Zhiduan, 1994. Phylogeny and phytogeography of the Betulaceae(I). Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 32(1): 1-32. [陳之端 1994. 樺木科植物的系統發育和地理分佈. 植物分類學報 32(1), 1-31.]
7. Chen Zhiduan. 1994. Phylogeny and phytogeography of the Betulaceae(II). Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 32(2): 101-153. [陳之端 1994. 樺木科植物的系統發育和地理分佈(續). 植物分類學報 32(2), 101-153.]
6. Zhang Zhiyun, Chen Zhiduan. 1994. Embryology of the genus Carpinus L. and its systematic significance. Cathaya 5: 59-68.
5. Chen Zhiduan. 1991. Pollen morphology of the Betulaceae. Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 29(6): 494-503.
4. Chen Zhiduan, Zhang Zhiyun. 1991. A study on foliar epidermis in the Betulaceae. Acta PhytoTaxonomica Sinica 29(2): 156-163.
3. Chen Zhiduan, Lu Anming, Pan Kaiyu. 1991. The embryology of the genus Ostryopsis (Betulaceae). Cathaya 2: 53-62.
2. Chen Zhiduan, Luo Yibo. 1990. An investigation on forest vegetation in Tiane County of Guangxi. Plants 17(2): 18-19. (cover photo).
1. 徐孝慶, 陳之端. 1987. 毛白楊人工林生物量的初步研究. 南京林業大學學報 1: 130-136. [2] 


陳之端. 2013. 人類離不開植物. 科學世界 12期,卷首語.
陳之端,路安民. 2012. 植物系統學(原著第二版:Plant Systematics by Michael G. Simpson)導讀. 北京:科學出版社.
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  • 1.    陳之端  .中國科學院植物研究所[引用日期2015-03-26]
  • 2.    陳之端  .中國科學院植物研究所[引用日期2022-04-17]