


職    務
職    稱


2001-2008 西南大學 獲博士學位
1997-2001 西南大學 獲學士學位
2008-至今 重慶大學 歷任講師、副教授、教授
2015-2016 英國阿伯丁大學訪問學者 [1] 


1、分子微生物學 2、昆蟲病理學
本人的研究興趣主要有兩個方面。一、以病原真菌與寄主昆蟲為模式,研究病原菌與寄主之間的相互作用,特別是細胞壁組成和結構變化影響真菌侵染致病的作用機制。真菌細胞壁是真菌細胞外的重要結構,為真菌抵禦機械壓力和不良環境等提供保護,主要由多糖和蛋白組成。在侵染過程中,真菌細胞壁的結構和組成發生複雜的動態變化,以利於真菌附着寄主體壁、躲避寄主體內免疫識別等。因此,研究侵染致病過程中細胞壁的結構組成變化與真菌侵染致病的關係,對於闡明昆蟲病原真菌的侵染致病機理具有重要意義和實際應用價值。二、產孢是真菌無性繁殖的主要方式,與殺蟲真菌的生產效率直接相關。絲狀真菌通常具有兩種產孢模式:正常產孢和微循環產孢。綠僵菌微循環產孢的孢子產量和質量均優於正常產孢,具有良好的應用潛力。營養可調控絲狀真菌產孢模式轉換,但機制尚不清楚。因此,明確營養調控昆蟲病原真菌產孢模式轉換的分子機制,有望為提高孢子的生產效率提供理論依據和技術途徑。 [1] 


中國菌物學會終身會員(會員證號:S402202697S)。 [1] 



[1] Du YR, Jin K*, and Xia YX*. Involvement of MaSom1, a downstream transcriptional factor of cAMP/PKA pathway, in conidial yield, stress tolerances, and virulence in Metarhizium acridum. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2018,102:5611-5623.
[2] Wei QL, DuYR, Jin K*, and Xia YX*. The Ste12-like transcription factor MaSte12 is involved in pathogenicity by regulating the appressorium formation in the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium acridum. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017, 101:8571-8584.
[3] Wang ZL#, Jin K#, Xia YX. Transcriptional analysis of the conidiation pattern shift of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum in response to different nutrients. BMC Genomics. 2016, 17: 586. (# equal contribution)
[4] Jin K, Peng GX, Liu YC, Xia YX. The acid trehalase, ATM1, contributes to the in vivo growth and virulence of the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium acridum. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 2015, 77: 61-67.
[5] Ma QS#, Jin K#, Peng GX, Xia YX. An ENA ATPase, MaENA1, of Metarhizium acridum influences the Na+-, thermo- and UV-tolerances of conidia and is involved in multiple mechanisms of stress tolerance. Fungal Genetics and Biology.2015, 83: 68-77. (# equal contribution)
[6] Peng GX#, Jin K#, Liu YC, Xia YX. Enhancing the utilization of host trehalose by fungal trehalase improves the virulence of fungal insecticide. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015, 99(20):8611-8618.
[7] Ming Y, Wei QL, Jin K*, and Xia YX*. MaSnf1, a sucrose non-fermenting protein kinase gene, is involved in carbon source utilization, stress tolerance and virulence in Metarhizium acridum. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014, 98: 10153-10164.
[8] Jin K, Han LR, and Xia YX*. MaMk1, a FUS3/KSS1-type mitogen-activated protein kinase gene, is required for appressorium formation, and insect cuticle penetration of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 2014, 115(1): 68-75.
[9] Jin K, Ming Y, and Xia YX*. MaHog1, a Hog1-type mitogen-activated protein kinase gene, contributes to stress tolerance and virulence of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum. Microbiology-SGM. 2012, 158(12): 2987-2996.
[10] Jin K, Zheng XL, and Xia YX*. Gene expression profiling via multigene concatemers. PLoS One. 2011, 6(1): e15711.
[11] Gao Q#, Jin K#, Ying SH#, Zhang YJ#, Xiao GH#, Shang YF, Duan ZB, Hu X, Xie XQ, Zhou G, Peng G, Luo Z, Huang W, Wang B, Fang W, Wang S, Zhong Y, Ma LJ, St Leger RJ, Zhao GP, Pei Y, Feng MG*, Xia Y*, Wang C*. Genome sequencing and comparative transcriptomics of the model entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and M. acridum. PLoS Genetics. 2011, 7(1): e1001264. (# equal contribution)
[12] Jin K, Luo ZB, Jiang XD, Zhang YJ, Zhou YH, and Pei Y*. Carbon catabolite repressor gene BbCre1 influences carbon source uptake but does not have a big impact on virulence in Beauveria bassiana. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 2011, 106(3): 400-406.
[13] Jin K, Zhang YJ, Fang WG, Luo ZB, Zhou YH, and Pei Y*. Carboxylate transporter gene JEN1 from the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is involved in conidiation and virulence. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2010, 76(1): 254-263.
[14] Jin K, Zhang YJ, Luo ZB, Xiao YH, Fan YH, Wu D, and Pei Y*. An improved method for Beauveria bassiana transformation using phosphinothricin resistance and green fluorescence protein fusion gene bar::egfp as a selectable and visible marker. Biotechnology Letters. 2008, 30(8): 1379-1383. [1] 


[1]夏玉先、金凱、彭國雄,一種真菌表達載體及其構建和篩選方法,專利號:ZL201110072083.1;2013.5.29獲權(C12N 15/80)
[2]夏玉先、金凱、鄭小莉,一種多重基因表達的分析方法,專利號:ZL201010232000.6。2012.11.14獲權(C12Q 1/68)
[3]金凱、夏玉先、杜彥茹,一種真菌表達載體及其構建方法,申請號:201710725033.6。2017.8.22申請 [1] 


先後主持國家自然科學基金項目3項,教育部博士點新教師基金1項,重慶市自然基金2項。主研國家“863”重點項目1項。以第一、共同第一和通訊作者先後在PLoS Genetics、BMC Genomics、Applied and Environmental Microbiology、Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology等雜誌發表文章12篇,獲權發明專利2項。 [1] 