


趙亮南方醫科大學南方醫院關節與骨病外科行政副主任主任醫師三級教授博士生導師 [1]  [26]  20餘年臨牀工作積累,擅長關節炎(老年骨刺,膝、髖關節骨性關節炎),股骨頭壞死,髖關節發育不良等疾病的診治。在骨再生、骨代謝領域深耕10餘年,獲4項國家自然科學基金,發表SCI論文50篇,被引2052次,發表中文核心期刊論文39篇,被引2420次。發明專利授權2項,實用創新專利授權1項 [26] 
趙亮 [1] 
Liang Zhao
國    籍
中國 [1] 
南方醫科大學 [1] 
學    歷
職    務
行政副主任 [26] 


20餘年臨牀工作積累。年均完成手術量500台左右(複雜初次置換,關節置換翻修和運動醫學手術等)。擅長複雜人工膝、髖關節置換及翻修手術,機器人輔助關節置換術,關節鏡下韌帶重建、半月板損傷修復等手術。累計完成關節置換手術3000餘例,關節鏡手術1000餘例。率先在國內、華南和廣東省開展多項新技術,率先開展3D打印、人工智能及虛擬現實、計算機導航及機器人輔助手術。 [26] 


骨與軟骨再生修復,幹細胞與再生醫學 / 外科學(骨外) [1] 


專家門診 [26] 
專家門診 [26] 
專家門診 [26] 
特需門診 [26] 


長期從事骨與軟骨再生醫學、骨關節炎方向研究工作,主要研究領域包括 [1] 
(1)以生物活化技術開發構建臨牀可應用的新型骨與軟骨生物複合修復材料 [1] 
(2)利用新型複合生物材料及多種幹細胞和生物因子促進骨骼組織再生 (實驗室,動物模型及前期臨牀應用) [1] 
(3)骨與軟骨再生的分子機制 [1] 
(4)幹細胞在骨及軟骨再生中的應用 [1] 


獲4項國家自然科學基金,發表SCI論文50篇,被引2052次,通訊作者文章被選為BiomedicalMaterials Highlights。受邀在Bone Research 撰寫綜述2次。發表中文核心期刊論文39篇,被引2420次。發明專利授權2項,實用創新專利授權1項。 [26] 


  1. Nano-Apatitic Composite Scaffolds for Stem Cell Delivery and Bone Tissue Engineering. Book chapter in Nanotechnology forDental Applications (2012)。
  2. 人工髓核置換術. 見:楊述華 主編,實用脊柱外科學,北京:人民軍醫出版社,2004.844。
  3. 下腰痛的臨牀療效評分, 人工髓核假體置換術. 見:金大地,瞿東濱,Charles D.Ray 主編。
  4. 脊柱椎間關節成形術,北京:科學技術文獻出版社,2004。
  5. 人工髓核置換術. 見:候樹勳 主編,脊椎外科學,北京:人民軍醫出版社,2005, 482。


  1. SICOT中國青年委員會副主任委員 [26] 
  2. 中國骨科菁英會委員 [26] 
  3. 中華醫學會骨科學分會骨再生醫學組委員 [26] 
  4. 中國醫師協會骨科醫師分會基礎學組青年委員 [26] 
  5. 中國醫學救援協會關節運動傷害組常務委員 [26] 
  6. 廣東省醫師協會骨關節外科委員 [26] 


[1] Gengtao Qiu, Ping Wang, Jinyu Sun, Yang Song, Guangjun Li, Hockin H. K. Xu*, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author). Bone regeneration in minipigs via calcium phosphate cement scaffold delivering autologous BMSCs and platelet-rich plasma. J Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2017.18. doi: 10.1002/term.2416. [Epub ahead of print] [2] 
[2] Wenchuan Chen, Xian Liu, Qianmin Chen, Chongyun Bao, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Zhimin Zhu, Hockin H.K. Xu*. Angiogenic and osteogenic regeneration in rats via calcium phosphate scaffold and endothelial cell coculture with hBMSCs, hUCMSCs, hiPSC-MSCs and hESC-MSCs. J Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2017 Jan 18. doi: 10.1002/term.2395. [Epub ahead of print] [3] 
[3] Xian Liu, Wenchuan Chen, Chi Zhang, Wahwah Thein-Han, Kevin Hu, Mark A. Reynolds, Chunyun Bao, Ping Wang, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Hockin H. K. Xu*. Co-seeding human endothelial cells with hiPSC-derived mesenchymal stem cells on calcium phosphate scaffold enhances osteogenesis and vascularization in rats. Tissue Engineering Part A. February 2017, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/ten.TEA.2016.0485. [4] 
[4] Yang Song, Chi Zhang, Ping Wang, Lin Wang, Chunyun Bao,Michael D. Weir, Mark A. Reynolds, Ren Ke, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Hockin H. K. Xu*. Engineering bone regeneration with novel cell-laden hydrogel microfiber-injectable calcium phosphate scaffold. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications. (Accepted Feb. 2017) [5] 
[5] Lin Wang, Xianju Xie, Michael D. Weir, Ashraf F. Fouad, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Hockin H. K. Xu*. Effect of bioactive dental adhesive on periodontal and endodontic pathogens. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2016.27(11):168. [6] 
[7] Gengtao Qiu, Ping Wang, Guangjun Li,Zhanjun Shi, Michael D. Weir,Jinyu Sun, Yang Song, Jixing Wang, Huakun H. Xu*, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author).Minipig-BMSCs combined with a self-setting calcium phosphate paste for bone tissue engineering. Mol Cell Biochem. 2016.58(11):748-756. [7] 
[8] Wang Lin, Wang Ping, Weir Michael, Reynolds Mark, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Huakun H. Xu*. Hydrogel fibers encapsulating hiPSC-MSCs, hESC-MSCs and hUCMSCs in injectable calcium phosphate scaffold for bone tissue engineering. Biomedical Materials. 2016.11(6):065008.(journal's Highlights) [8] 
[9]Lin Wang, Chi Zhang, Chunyan Li, Michael D. Weir, Ping Wang, Mark A. Reynolds, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Hockin H.K. Xu. Injectable calcium phosphate with hydrogel fibers encapsulating induced pluripotent, dental pulp and bone marrow stem cells for bone repair. Materials Science and Engineering:C. 69:1125-1136(2016). [9] 
[10] Ping Wang, Yang Song, Michael D. Weir, Jinyu Sun, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Carl G. Simon, Hockin Xu. A self-setting iPSMSC-alginate-calcium phosphate paste for bone tissue engineering. Dental Materials. 32(2):252-63(2016). [10] 
[11] Wang Ping, Liu Xian, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Michael Weir, Sun Jirun, Chen Wenchuan, Man Yi, Xu Huakun*. Bone tissue engineering via human induced pluripotent, umbilical cord and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in rat cranium. Acta Biomaterialia. 18:236-48(2015). [11] 
[12] Shi Zhe, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Qiu Gengtao, He Ruixuan, Michael S. Detamore*. The effect of extended passaging on the phenotype and osteogenic potential of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells. Mol Cell Biochem. 401:155–164,(2015). [12] 
[13] P Wang, Zhao, L, W Chen, X. Liu, MD Weir, HHK Xu. Stem Cells and Calcium Phosphate Cement Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration. J Dent Res, 2014.(Epub ahead) [13] 
[14] Wang Ping, Zhao Liang*(co-corresponding author), Liu Jason, Michael D Weir, Xuedong Zhou*, Xu Huakun*. Bone tissue engineering via nanostructured calcium phosphate biomaterials and stem cells. Bone Research.2:1-13(2014). [14] 
[15] Dormer N, Singh M, Zhao L, Detamore MS. Osteochondral interface regeneration of the rabbit knee with macroscopic gradients of bioactive signals. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A.100(1):162-70,2012. [15] 
[16] Wang, L, Liang Zhao, Michael S. Detamore. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells in a sandwich approach for osteochondral. tissue engineering. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 5(9): 712-721(2011). [16] 
[17] Zhao, L, M Tang, MD Weir, MS Detamore, HHK Xu. Osteogenic media and rhBMP-2-induced differentiation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells encapsulated in alginate microbeads and integrated in an injectable calcium phosphate-chitosan fibrous scaffold. Tissue Eng Part A. 17(7-8): 969-979(2011). [17] 
[18] Zhao, L. and M. S. Detamore. Chondrogenic differentiation of stem cells in human umbilical cord stroma with PGA and PLLA scaffolds. J Biomed Sci Eng. 3(11): 1041-1049(2010). [18] 
[19] Xu, H.H, M.S, Liang Zhao. Umbilical cord stem cell seeding on fast-resorbable calcium phosphate bone cement. Tissue Eng Part A. 16(9): 2743-2753 (2010). [19] 
[20 ]Xu, H. H, L. Zhao, M.D. Weir. Stem cell-calcium phosphate constructs for bone engineering. J Dent Res. 89(12): 1482-1488(2010). [20] 
[21] Zhao, L, Burguera EF, Xu Huakun, Amin N, Ryou H, Arola DD. Fatigue and human umbilical cord stem cell seeding characteristics of calcium phosphate-chitosan-biodegradable fiber scaffolds. Biomaterials. 31(5): 840-847(2010). [21] 
[22] Zhao, L, Weir MD(co-first author), Xu Huakun. An injectable calcium phosphate-alginate hydrogel-umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell paste for bone tissue engineering. Biomaterials. 31(25): 6502-6510(2010). [22] 
[23] Zhao, L, Weir MD, Xu Huakun. Human umbilical cord stem cell encapsulation in calcium phosphate scaffolds for bone engineering. Biomaterials. 31(14): 3848-3857(2010). [23] 


[1] 趙亮.一種基於聚乳酸-羥基乙酸共聚物的生長因子梯度釋放微球支架及其製備方法和應用:中國,ZL201110215643.4[P].2013.09.18 [24] 
[2] 趙亮.一種可注射強化型磷石灰/水凝膠微囊組織工程骨及其製備方法和應用:中國,ZL201010270416.7[P].2013.09.18 [25] 
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