


賈寧,天津大學管理與經濟學部教授,研究方向為數據驅動的社會經濟現象分析,城市交通管理。 [1] 
職    稱


近年來,主要研究興趣為使用大數據和機器學習技術對社會和經濟活動中的主體行為進行分析,基於個體行為對社會經濟系統進行建模並提出管理策略,研究領域涵蓋交通系統、能源與環境、金融與經濟系統等。 [1] 


在國際期刊Transportation Research Part A,B,C,D,中文期刊《控制與決策》,《系統工程理論與實踐》等期刊以第一/通信作者發表學術論文30餘篇,承擔國家自然科學基金項目兩項,科技部重點研發項目子課題一項,並獲得天津市社會科學成果一等獎。 [1] 


天津市第三批拔尖創新人才,2018 [1] 


[1].國家自然科學基金面上項目,71571132,基於實驗方法的路徑選擇行為及路網交通流演化建模,2016.1-2019.12, 主持。
[3].國家重點研發計劃項目“大氣污染區域聯防聯控制度和管理技術體系研究” 子課題3.3:“大氣污染區域聯防聯控優化模型”,2018.6-2021.6,主持。
[4].國家自然科學基金重點項目,71101005,低碳導向下城市交通系統協同機制與優化方法:基於行為的視角,2015.1-2019.12,第三參與人。 [1] 


[1].Zhang G, Wei F, Jia N*, et al. Information adoption in commuters’ route choice in the context of social interactions[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 130: 300-316.
[2].Zhang K, Jia N, Zheng L, et al. A novel generative adversarial network for estimation of trip travel time distribution with trajectory data[J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2019, 108: 223-244.
[3].He Z, Zhang W, Jia N*. Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Freeway Traffic: A Spatiotemporal Cell-Based Model[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019.
[4].Li B, Jia N*, Li P, et al. Incrementally constrained dynamic optimization: A computational framework for lane change motion planning of connected and automated vehicles[J]. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019: 1-12.
[5].Qi H, Ma S, Jia N*, et al. Individual response modes to pre-trip information in congestible networks: laboratory experiment[J]. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2019, 15(2): 376-395.
[6].Han X, Cui R, Lan Y, Jia N*. A Gaussian mixture model based combined resampling algorithm for classification of imbalanced credit data sets[J]. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2019: 1-13.
[7].Ling S, Jia N, Ma S, Lan Y, et al. An incentive mechanism design for bus subsidy based on the route service level[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 119: 271-283.
[8].Jia N, Li L, Ling S, et. al. Influence of attitudinal and low-carbon factors on behavioral intention of commuting mode choice–A cross-city study in China, Transportation Research Part A, 2018, 111:108–118.
[9].Xin X , Jia N* , Ma S , et al. Empirical and simulation study of traffic delay at un-signalized crosswalks due to conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles[J]. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2018:1-20.
[10].Jia N, Zhang Y, He Z, et al. Commuters’ acceptance of and behavior reactions to license plate restriction policy: A case study of Tianjin, China[J]. Transportation Research Part D, 2017, 52:428-440.
[11].Wei F, Jia N*, Ma S. Day-to-day traffic dynamics considering social interaction: From individual route choice behavior to a network flow model[J]. Transportation Research Part B, 2016, 94:335-354.
[12].Wang G., Jia N.*, Ma S., Qi H., A Rank-Dependent Bi-Criterion Equilibrium Model for Stochastic Transportation Environment, European journal of operation research, 2014, 235: 511-529.
[13].Wang G., Ma S., Jia N.*. A combined framework for modeling the evolution of traveler route choice under risk. Transportation Research Part C. 2013,35:156-179.
[14].Xin X, Jia N, Ma S, et al. Power laws in the cluster sizes of group-crossing pedestrians: empirical evidence and modelling of causes[J]. Journal of Statistical Mechanics Theory & Experiment, 2015, 2015(11):P11029.
[15].Qi H., Jia N.*. Experiments on Individual Strategy Updating in Repeated Snowdrift Game with Random Rematching. Journal of theoretical biology. Journal of theoretical biology, 2015,368:1-12.
[16].Zhong S., Jia N.*, Ma S.. Iterated snowdrift game among mobile agents with myopic expected-reward based decision rule: Numerical and analytical research[J]. Physica A, 2014, 414: 6-18.
[17].Xin X., Jia N.*, Zheng L., et al. Power-law in pedestrian crossing flow under the interference of vehicles at an un-signalized midblock crosswalk[J]. Physica A, 2014, 406: 287-297.
[18].Jia N.* , Ma S.,Evolution of cooperation in the snowdrift game among mobile players with random-pairing and reinforcement learning, Physica A, 2013, 392(22):5700-5710.
[19].Jia N., Ma S., Traffic Light Boundary in the Deterministic Nagel- Schreckenberg Model, Physical Review E, 2011, 83(6): 061150.
[20].Jia N., Ma S., Analytical Investigation of the Open Boundary Conditions in the Nagel-Schreckenberg Model, Physical Review E, 2009, 79:031115.
[21].Jia N., Ma S., Analytical Results of the Nagel-Schreckenberg Model with Stochastic Open Boundary Conditions, Physical Review E, 2009, 80:041105.
[22].賈寧,馬壽峯. 基於啓發式搜索和反饋修正的單路口控制方法[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2013, 33(2):444-449.
[23].賈寧, 馬壽峯,基於遺傳算法優化和KD樹的交通流非參數迴歸預測方法,控制與決策, 2012, 27(7): 991-996.
[24].賈寧,馬壽峯, 考慮摩擦乾擾的機非混合交通流元胞自動機仿真, 系統仿真學報, 2011, 23(2):390-393.
[25].賈寧,馬壽峯, 最優速度模型與NS模型的比較研究, 物理學報, 2010, 59(2): 832-841.
[26].賈寧,馬壽峯, 自行車干擾下機動車交通流的元胞自動機模型, 系統工程理論與實踐,2010,30(7):1333-1339. [1] 