

虞益挺,1980年1月出生,浙江寧波人 [2]  ,博士,西北工業大學機電學院教授。 [1] 
國    籍


2010年於西北工業大學獲得微機電系統及納米技術專業工學博士學位。 [2] 
2013年7月,任碩士生導師。2014年9月,任博士生導師。 [1] 



  • 研究領域
長期從事微納光學成像與傳感方面的應用基礎研究,主要針對航空航天、臨牀診療、智慧城市等領域的國家重大發展戰略需求,同時瞄準國際學科發展前沿,旨在為對地觀測、深空探測、目標識別、生命醫學、光學超精密傳感等重大工程問題提供高性能、低成本、超緊湊的核心微納光功能芯片,進而推動相關儀器或裝備的微型化、集成化、智能化與低成本化。 [1] 
  • 發表論文
發表研究論文74篇,其中第一作者/通訊作者論文54篇中被SCI檢索34篇(包括JMEMS, JMM, SAA, OE, OL, JLT, Nanoscale, AOM等MEMS、光學和材料領域國際重要學術期刊,其中IF>3.0的25篇)。
33. Jiancun Zhao, Meng Qiu, Xiaochang Yu, Xiaoming Yang, Wei Jin, Dangyuan Lei,* and Yiting Yu*. Defining deep-subwavelength-resolution, wide-color-gamut, and large-viewing-angle flexible subtractive colors with an ultrathin asymmetric Fabry-Perot lossy cavity. Adv. Opt. Mater., 2019, 1900646, DOI: 10.1002/adom.201900646. (IF: 7.125)
32. Wenrong Si, Chenzhao Fu, Haoyong Li, Jiaming Lv, Chaoyu Xiong, Peng Yuan, and Yiting Yu*. Locating Ultrasonic Signals Employing MEMS-on-fiber Sensors. Sensors, 2019, 19: 3696. (IF: 3.031)
31. Jiancun Zhao, Xiaochang Yu, Kui Zhou, Xiaoming Yang, and Yiting Yu*. Wide-gamut and polarization-independent structural color at optical sub-diffraction-limit spatial resolution based on uncoupled LSPPs. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2019, 14: 214. (IF: 3.159)
30. Xue Dong, Xingchen Xiao, Yining Pan, Guangyao Wang, and Yiting Yu*. DMD-based hyperspectral imaging system with tunable spatial and spectral resolution. Optics Express, 2019, 27(12): 16995-17006. (IF: 3.561)
29. Jiancun Zhao, Xiaochang Yu, Xiaoming Yang, Clarence Augustine TH Tee, Weizheng Yuan, Yiting Yu*. Polarization-independent and high-efficiency broadband optical absorber in visible light based on nanostructured germanium arrays. Optics Letters, 2019, 44(4): 963-966. (IF: 3.866)
28. Haoyong Li, Delin Li, Chaoyu Xiong, Wenrong Si, Chenzhao Fu,Peng Yuan, and Yiting Yu*. Low-cost, high-performance fiber optic Fabry-Perot sensor for ultrasonic wave detection. Sensors, 2019, 19: 406. (IF: 3.031)
27. Wenli Li, Yiting Yu* and Weizheng Yuan*. Flexible focusing patterns realization of centimeter-scale planar super-oscillatory lenses in parallel fabrication. Nanoscale, 2019, 11: 311-320. (IF: 6.970)
26. Wenrong Si, Chenzhao Fu, Delin Li, Haoyong Li, Peng Yuan and Yiting Yu*. Directional Sensitivity of a MEMS-Based Fiber-Optic Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Ultrasonic Sensor for Partial Discharge Detection. Sensors, 2018, 18: 1975. (IF: 3.031)
25. Yiting Yu*, Wenli Li, Haoyong Li, Muyuan Li, Weizheng Yuan. Investigation of influencing factors on practical sub-diffraction-limit focusing of planar super-oscillation lenses. Nanomaterials, 2018, 8(4): 185. doi:10.3390/nano8040185. (IF: 3.553)
24. Yechuan ZHU, Weizheng YUAN, Wenli LI, Hao SUN, Kunlun QI, Yiting YU*. TE-polarized design for metallic slit lenses: a way to deep-subwavelength focusing over a broad wavelength range. Opt. Lett., 2018, 43(2): 206. (IF: 3.866)
23. Jiancun Zhao, Xiaochang Yu, Xiaoming Yang, Quan Xiang, Huigao Duan, and Yiting Yu*. Polarization independent subtractive color printing based on ultrathin hexagonal nanodisk-nanohole hybrid structure arrays. Opt. Express, 2017, 25(19): 23137-23145. (IF: 3.561)
22. Jiancun Zhao, Bo Gao, Haoyong Li, Xiaochang Yu, Xiaoming Yang, and Yiting Yu*. Biomimetic plasmonic color generated by the single-layer coaxial honeycomb nanostructure arrays. J. Nanophoton., 2017, 11(3): 036020, doi: 10.1117/1.JNP.11.036020. (IF: 1.325)
21. Kunlun Qi, Yechuan Zhu, Hao Sun, and Yiting Yu*. Metallic planar lens constructed by double-turn waveguides for sub-diffraction-limit focusing. Opt. Express, 2017, 25(18): 21191-21200. (IF: 3.561)
20. Yechuan Zhu, Weizheng Yuan, Hao Sun and Yiting Yu*. Broadband ultra-deep sub-diffraction-limit optical focusing by metallic graded-index (MGRIN) lenses. Nanomaterials, 2017, 7: 221. Doi: 10.3390/nano7080221. (IF: 3.553)
19. Ping Wang; Xiaochang Yu; Yechuan Zhu; Yiting Yu*; Weizheng Yuan. Batch fabrication of broadband metallic planar microlenses and their arrays combining nanosphere self-assembly with conventional photolithography. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2017, 12: 388. (IF: 3.159)
18. Hao Sun; Yechuan Zhu; Bo Gao; Ping Wang; Yiting Yu*. Polarization-dependent quasi-far-field superfocusing strategy of nanoring-based plasmonic lenses. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2017, 12: 386, DOI: 10.1186/s11671-017-2154-1. (IF: 3.159)
17. Muyuan Li, Wenli Li, Haoyong Li, Yechuan Zhu, and Yiting Yu*. Controllable design of super-oscillatory lenses with multiple sub-diffraction-limit foci. Sci. Rep., 2017, 7: 1335, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01492-y. (IF: 4.259)
16. Chenzhao Fu, Wenrong Si, Haoyong Li, Delin Li, Peng Yuan, and Yiting Yu*. A novel high-performance beam-supported membrane structure with enhanced design flexibility for partial discharge detection. Sensors, 2017, 17(3): 593, doi: 10.3390/s17030593. (IF: 3.031)
15. Wenli Li, Haoyong Li, Bo Gao, and Yiting Yu*. Investigation on the plasmon Talbot effect of finite-sized periodic arrays of metallic nanoapertures. Sci. Rep., 2017, 7: 45573, DOI: 10.1038/srep45573. (IF: 4.259)
14. Yechuan Zhu, Weizheng Yuan, Yiting Yu*, and Ping Wang. Exploring the superfocusing performance of plasmonic lenses formed by coupled nanoslits. Micro & Nano Lett., 2016, DOI: 10.1049/mnl.2016.0288. (IF: 0.723)
13. Yechuan Zhu, Weizheng Yuan, Yiting Yu*, and Ping Wang. Robustly efficient superfocusing of immersion plasmonic lenses based on coupled nanoslits.Plasmonics, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s11468-016-0208-3. (IF: 2.139)
12. Y.T. Yu*, P. Wang, Y.C. Zhu, and J.S. Diao. Broadband metallic planar microlenses in an array: the focusing coupling effect. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2016, 11: 109. (IF: 3.159)
11. J.S. Diao, W.Z. Yuan, Y.T. Yu*, Y.C. Zhu, and Y. Wu. Controllable design of super-oscillatory planar lenses for sub-diffraction-limit optical needles. Opt. Express, 2016, 24(3): 1924-1933. (IF: 3.561)
10. X.Y. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Y.T. Yu*, Y.C. Zhu, and J.S. Diao. Influences of nanostructure arrays on light absorption in amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells. Plasmonics, 2016, 11: 1073-1079. (IF: 2.139)
9. Y.T. Yu*, W.Z. Yuan, and D.Y. Qiao. MEMS-based tunable gratings and their applications. ICEM2014, 15-17 Nov., 2014, Singapore, Proc. SPIE, 9302: 93021G. (Invited Paper)
8. Y.T. Yu* and H. Zappe. Theory and implementation of focal shift of plasmonic lenses. Opt. Lett., 2012, 37(9): 1592. (IF: 3.866)
7. Y. T. Yu* and H. Zappe. Effect of lens size on the focusing performance of plasmonic lenses and suggestions for the design. Opt. Express, 2011, 19(10): 9434-9444. (IF: 3.561)
6. Y.T. Yu*, W. Z. Yuan, R.K. Sun, D.Y. Qiao, and B. Yan. A strategy to efficiently extend the change rate of period for comb-drive micromechanical pitch-tunable gratings. J. Microelectromech. Syst., 2010, 19(5): 1180. (IF: 2.124)
5. Y.-T. Yu, W.-Z. Yuan*, D.-Y. Qiao, and B. Yan. A simple numerical method to study the far-field diffraction of optical MEMS devices with a large array and complex element geometry. Sensor. Actuat. A, 2010, 158(1): 30. (IF: 2.499)
4. Y.-T. Yu, W.-Z. Yuan*, T.-P. Li, and B. Yan. Development of a micromechanical pitch-tunable grating with reflective/transmissive dual working modes. J. Micromech. Microeng., 2010, 20: 065002 (6pp). (IF: 1.794)
3. Y.T. Yu*, W.Z. Yuan, B. Yan, and T.P. Li. Development of a micromechanical grating optical modulator for optical network.J. Lightwave Technol., 2009, 27(24): 5681. (IF: 3.671)
2. Y.-T. Yu*, W.-Z. Yuan, D.-Y. Qiao, and Q. Liang. Evaluation of residual stresses in thin films by critical buckling observation of circular microstructures and finite element method. Thin solid films, 2008, 516(12): 4070. (IF:1.879)
1. C. Qin, J. L. Zhao, J. L. Di, L. Wang, Y. T. Yu, and W. Z. Yuan*. Visually testing the dynamic character of a blazed-angle adjustable grating by digital holographic microscopy. Appl. Opt., 2009, 48: 919-923. (IF: 1.650) [1] 
  • 發明專利
獲授權中國發明專利15項、實用新型專利3項。 [1] 
  • 科研成果獎勵
2009年,獲陝西省科學技術一等獎1項(排名10) [1] 


2010年,獲德國“洪堡學者”博士後研究獎學金 [1] 


[1] 擔任中國微米納米技術學會微納執行器與微系統分會理事,擔任西安市機械工程學會微納製造分會常務理事。
[2] 擔任教育部學位與研究生髮展中心評審專家,擔任國家重點研發計劃、自然科學基金、航空科學基金等同行評議或會評專家。
[3] 擔任國際學術期刊《Photonics Today》副編輯。
[4] 擔任SCI期刊Scientific Reports、Optical and Quantum Electronics,EI核心《光學精密工程》、《中國光學》、《航空工程進展》編委。
[5] 擔任Light: Sci. & Appl.、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Opt. Express、IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., IEEE Photon. J., Plasmonics, Sensor. Actuat. A, Appl. Optics以及《機械工程學報》、《中國光學》、《傳感技術學報》、《西北工業大學學報》等20餘種國內外重要學術期刊審稿專家。
[6] IEEE、OSA、SPIE會員。 [1] 
  • 1.    虞益挺  .西北工業大學[引用日期2023-09-12]
  • 2.    虞益挺  .西北工業大學人事處.2016-11-29[引用日期2023-09-14]