

董超芳,女,漢族,1976年1月出生,遼寧錦西人,研究生,工學博士,教授,博士生導師,1995年12月加入中國共產黨,2003年9月參加工作。 [5] 
現任北京科技大學新材料技術研究院副院長。 [4] 
國    籍
民    族
籍    貫


2013年9月至2014年10月美國加州大學伯克利分校訪問學者。 [4] 


1. 腐蝕集成計算與應用
2. 材料數據採集和數據庫融合技術
3. 超高強度不鏽鋼組織結構與耐蝕性能調控
4. 3D打印金屬的腐蝕與防護。 [4] 


承擔了包括1項國家重點研發計劃項目和6項國家自然科學基金在內的30多項科技任務,發表SCI論文200餘篇,合作編寫出版專著4部,獲授權專利20餘項,獲國家科技進步二等獎1項,省部級科技進步獎8項。 [4] 


1、2007年 北京科技大學十佳青年崗位能手稱號;
2、2008年 北京科技大學研究生教學獎;
3、2008年 中國腐蝕與防護學會一等獎;
4、2009年 國家科技進步二等獎;
6、2011年度入選教育部新世紀人才計劃; [1] 
8、2012年獲得自然基金委優秀青年基金資助; [2] 
11、2020年入選山東省泰山產業領軍人才計劃; [4] 
12、2021年獲“首都最美巾幗奮鬥者”稱號。 [3] 


國家重點研發計劃項目首席科學家,國家材料環境腐蝕平台副主任,教育部腐蝕與防護重點實驗室副主任。 [4] 


1. Man Cheng, Dong Chaofang*, Wang Li, Kong Decheng, Li Xiaogang. Long-term corrosion kinetics and mechanism of magnesium alloy AZ31 exposed to a dry tropical desert environment , Corrosion Science, 2020, 163: 108274.
2. Kong Decheng, Dong Chaofang*, Ni Xiaoqing, Zhang Liang, Luo Hong, Li Ruixue, Wang Li, Man Cheng, Li Xiaogang. Superior resistance to hydrogen damage for selective laser melted 316L stainless steel in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell environment , Corrosion Science, 2020, 166: 108425.
3. Wang Li, Dong Chaofang*, Man Cheng, Kong Decheng, Xiao Kui, Li Xiaogang. Enhancing the corrosion resistance of selective laser melted 15-5PH martensite stainless steel via heat treatment , Corrosion Science, 2020, 166: 108427.
4. Decheng Kong, Xiaoqing Ni, Chaofang Dong*, Liang Zhang, Cheng Man, Xuequn Cheng, Xiaogang Li. Anisotropy in the microstructure and mechanical property for the bulk and porous 316L stainless steel fabricated via selective laser melting , Materials Letters, 2019, 235: 1-5 (高被引論文)
5. Aoni Xu, Chaofang Dong*, Anjiang Wu, Ruixue Li, Li Wang, Digby D. Macdonald, Xiaogang Li. Plasma-modified C-doped Co3O4 nanosheets for the oxygen evolution reaction designed by Butler-Volmer and first-principle calculations , Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 2019(7): 4581-4595.
6. Cheng Man, Chaofang Dong*, Decheng Kong, Li Wang, Xiaogang Li, Beneficial effect of reversed austenite on the intergranular corrosion resistance of martensitic stainless steel , Corrosion Science, 2019, 151: 108-121.
7. Wang Li, Dong Chaofang*, Yao Jizheng, Dai Zongbiao, Man Cheng, Yin Yupeng, Xiao Kui, Li Xiaogang. The effect of eta-Ni3Ti precipitates and reversed austenite on the passive film stability of nickel-rich Custom 465 steel , Corrosion Science, 2019, 154: 178-190.
8. Wei Xin, Dong Chaofang*, Yi Pan, Xu Aoni, Chen Zhanghua, Li Xiaogang. Electrochemical measurements and atomistic simulations of Cl- -induced passivity breakdown on a Cu2O film , Corrosion Science, 2018, 136: 119-128.
9. 王力, 董超芳*, 張達威, 孫曉光, Thee Chowwanonthapunya, 滿成, 肖葵, 李曉剛*. 合金元素對鋁合金在泰國曼谷地區初期腐蝕行為的影響 金屬學報 2020 56(01): 119-128.
10. Decheng Kong, Xiaoqing Ni, Chaofang Dong*, Liang Zhang, Cheng Man, Jizheng Yao, Kui Xiao, Xiaogang Li, Heat treatment effect on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel fabricated by selective laser melting for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 276: 293-303.
11. Xin Wei, Chaofang Dong*, Aoni Xu, Xiaogang Li, Digby D. Macdonald, Oxygen-induced degradation of the electronic properties of thin-layer InSe. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20: 2238-2250.
12. Cheng Man, Chaofang Dong∗, Zhongyu Cui, Kui Xiao, Qiang Yu, Xiaogang Li, A comparative study of primary and secondary passive films formed on AM355 stainless steel in 0.1M NaOH. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 427: 763-773.
13. Decheng Kong, Chaofang Dong*, Zhaoran Zheng, Feixiong Mao, Aoni Xu, Xiaoqing Ni, Cheng Man, Jizheng Yao, Kui Xiao, Xiaogang Li, Surface monitoring for pitting evolution into uniform corrosion on Cu-Ni-Zn ternary alloy in alkaline chloride solution: ex-situ LCM and in-situ SECM. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 440: 245-257.
14. Decheng Kong, Aoni Xu, Chaofang Dong*, Feixiong Mao, Kui Xiao, Xiaogang Li, Digby D. Macdonald, Electrochemical investigation and ab initio computation of passive film properties on copper in anaerobic sulphide solutions. Corrosion Science, 2017, 116: 34-43.
15. Yanxian Zhang, Chaofang Dong*, Sefei Yang, Junsheng Wu, Kui Xiao, Yunhua Huang, Xiaogang Li, Alkalescent nanotube films on a titanium-based implant: A novel approach to enhance biocompatibility. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2017, 72: 464-471.
16. Chaofang Dong, Feixiong Mao, Shujun Gao, Samin Sharifi-Asl, Pin Lu, Digby D. Macdonald, Passivity Breakdown on Copper: Influence of Temperature. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163 (13): 707-717. [4] 